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About blackpool3

  • Birthday 18/06/1966

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. We joined the sailing club for the social side of things in Mandurah but many friends have boats and we have had many a good day out on them crabbing, fishing and drinking. Friends who moved from Rockingham said it was very hard to meet anyone at that club (sorry anyone from the sailing club at Rockingham) but when they moved and joined this one they have made lots of friends. I know the club sails a lot at weekends and they are always looking for extra crew. They have a club for the kids and they teach them to sail on the weekends.
  2. We have been in Mandurah for 11 months now and love the place. I get the train to the CBD every day and its no hassle (1hr from leaving the house to getting into work). I work with plenty of people who live up around Perth and their commute times are not far off mine. We live for the weekends, The Oyster Bar, Murphy's, Asian Delights, we even joined the sailing club and met lots of new friends there. The only problem we will have is where to buy a house as we rent on the Marina at the moment.
  3. We moved to mandurah 8 months ago and I wouldn't move anywhere else now. Rental prices are good to compared to nearer Perth.
  4. We moved to Mandurah in June 2012 and settled in well - we have a 16 year old son who has just started college but is struggling to find people his own age. Anyone else in Mandurah with similar aged children.
  5. I was quoted 900 pounds by Crown to bring mine (but I was having a 20' container off them as well
  6. These are a few of the companies and recruiters I contacted www.Transfield-worley.com.au www.Worley.com.au www.orionjobs.com www.oreion.com.au www.Seek.com.au www.careerone.com.au www.progressiverecruitment.com http://www.michaelpage.com.au http://www.hays.com.au http://www.beilby.com.au www.choiceone.com.au Individual contacts for recruiters:- garyp@hseqcorp.com.au recruitment@bisindustries.com dean@zenergyrecruitment.com.au recruitment@transfield-worley.com.au Maria.Scully@kellyexecutive.com.au dean.hewitt@dhappointmentsaustralia.com.au
  7. I only got my 457 in September but you can apply within 2 years for PR or an empoyer can do it for you usually after a probationary period with the company. Fircroft is a good site and I have a list of companies I can pass on if you like - will list them when back at work Friday.
  8. Hi - We moved out to mandurah in June on a 475 regional sponsored visa and once you are here it so much easier to get a job. I now work in Perth CBD and commute on the train everyday (sponsored by a company and now on a 457 visa)- it is only 50 mins and very easy. There are always jobs posted on Fircroft, Seek, Career one for a start. We love Mandurah as there is a lot to do on a weekend and the rental is cheaper than Perth and surrounding suberbs., People will say you are mad for commuting but when you ask them they are all travelling about 40 mins a day. It is a big decision to come out with no job but we are glad we did it now and wouldn't go back. We too were mortgage free and no worries in the UK but just sick of working away. Now I am home every night and off every weekend. My advice - just do it - nothing ventured, nothing gained. Regards Steve
  9. You could try bringing it over in parts but just depends on customs as they will check if they see motorbike wheels and things (you may have to register the bike as scrapped in the UK) - they are switched on to all the scams. They check my golf clubs, strimmer etc. when I got here but if they are all clean there is no problem. I priced bikes when I got here and they are more expensive than the UK but seem to be coming down in prica a bit now.If you do bring your own bike they will more than likely want to steam clean it for $250 and you also pay GST (tax) depending on the value and also a registration fee. Then you will have to get the plates changed. I gave up and sold mine
  10. I came out 3 weeks ago on a 475 regional sponsored visa and have found a company willing to sponsor me to 457 within a week. It is so much easier once you are here and register with recruitment agencies.....Steve
  11. As we are coming from the UK is it a straight licence swap - my wife is panicing in case she has to sit a theory or main test again
  12. Moving to Mandurah in June 2012 and looking for a career in Health & safety / Logistics. I have a 475 Regional sponsored visa and hoping to find a long term position around Mandurah/Bunbury.
  13. We just booked ours for 9 weeks in Mandurah from June 2012 - hopefully enough time to settle in and find something longer term & find a job
  14. Hi - It is very misleading - when this initially came out our agent told us we were ok to live anywhere on a 475 visa - but as the link you provided states if you are state sponsored then you have to live for 2 years & work for 1 year in a regional area of Perth. We are moving out 28th June to Mandurah as this is outside of the Perth Metro area. Once you have satisfied the conditions of the regional sponsored visa then you can apply for PR and then live anywhere. Hope this helps. Anything else I can help you with please feel free to ask. Regards Steve
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