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  1. Hi Immilbees, I went through the same with my mum, when i visited her I could feel the tension in the house, she said a few hurtful things to me and totally blocked out anything to do with moving to Oz, but she did eventually come round when we had our medicals and Police checks, I think she knew there's was no turning back, we've been here for 4 weeks and I have spoken on the phone and kept her updated with progress house, car & school with pics on FB. It will get easier you do have your own life to live as well. i wish you well Jen
  2. Jen6210


    What? My container arrives tomorrow happy days?
  3. Jen6210


    Thanks Plimthing thank god it's not too nice today lol? Received an email yesterday to say it's just cleared customs it's in quarantine now so hopefully its not too nice this week. many thanks Jen
  4. Hi Lou fab thanks will do. jen xx
  5. Jen6210


    Just wanted to ask has anyone recently got any experience of a container arrival. Ours arrived in Freemantle on the 12th Sept and we have given the removal company our Visa grant letter but still awaiting to hear from them, should we be ringing them or just wait till they get in contact with us. many thanks Jen
  6. Thank you Vegemite, I feel like I've lived here for ages, my son is 14 a little older than yours same school though I think? a typical teenager lol Jen xx
  7. Hi Jason we arrived on the 7th September, and within the 11days of being here we have bought a car, sorted school for our arson and got a rental we are in the Mandurah area Wannanup to be exact you will love! We came out in March for just a week to check out areas and registered our son for a few schools so I would definitely recommend it. There a few car hirer places you can pick the car from the airport. Good luck with it and I think all your family will love it. Jen
  8. It certainly is James thank you.
  9. Hi Lou that sounds like a good plan meeting for a coffee, we are just in the process of getting the keys for our house on Monday and waiting for our container, I so need more clothes lol, I've just got my son into Frederick Irwin but he won't be starting till after half , it would be nice to meet for a coffee sometime. Jen
  10. That's great we came over in March which we were glad we did, that's probably why we sorted so soon, good luck with the house sale, and hopefully may see you soon. Jen x
  11. Hi Shirley, we have friends in Hillarys and have visited Sorrento it's very nice there, enjoy. jen x
  12. It will be well worth it love it here good luck with everything jen x
  13. Thanks Gridstar, good luck with your move. Jen
  14. Well it's been a long hall, but we are finally here, we've been here 8 days, got a school sorted for our son, bought a great car and sorted a house out, get the keys next Monday, all we are waiting for now is our furniture grrrrr, anyway absolute love it here in Mandurah is there anyone else touched down or are looking to coming to Mandurah let me know. Jen
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