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New Life Down Under

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Everything posted by New Life Down Under

  1. Hi Rossmoyne Thank you very much for your kind words. Yes it is disappointing to get criticism on a public forum and be unaware why!
  2. Thanks verystormy for the kind words and yes you are correct Migration Law is extremely complex and regularly changes! As you are more than aware, for every person like Pegg who applies for their own visa successfully, there are many more applicants who lodge their own visas, resulting in a refusal which then makes it harder for a Migration Agent to try and resolve. Some interesting watching on SBS, a series called Who Gets to Stay in Australia https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/program/who-gets-to-stay-in-australia#:~:text=2.,Gets%20To%20Stay%20In%20Australia%3F&text=This%20episode%20follows%20the%20campaign,if%20the%20mother%20is%20deported. This clearly highlights how many people are refused each year. I am always amazed at how some people put little value on getting their application right the first time which is often a lifechanging move. The fees that a migration agent charges will pale into insignificance when you sell a house in Australia, yet the real estate agent is highly regarded!!!
  3. Hi Pegg, I am very disappointed to hear your comments. I can honestly say I have never previously had any complaints about my customer service, something that I pride myself on and I am very upset to hear your remarks. Usually my clients feel quite the opposite https://www.facebook.com/pg/NewLifeDownUnder/reviews/?ref=page_internal. Can you please advise me when you contacted me as I would like to see what the problem was. Would appreciate knowing what went wrong as you appear to be defaming my business. Can you please email me any correspondence we had as I am afraid I dont know who you are as you just list as Pegg. Did you come to my office for a consultation, as I would love to look up your case. If however you did not have a full consultation, resulting in a fee being charged, I am unsure as to why you think I am expensive. Many people ring me or email me for free advice, unaware that in order to give legal advice, legislation must firstly be checked, this takes time. My fees are probably exactly midrange for what Migration Agents charge in WA. My consultation fee is fairly low at $165, most agents are charging more than that and have a 30-45 minute time frame, where often clients are with me for well over 90 minutes. My email is camilla@newlifedownunder.com.au Sorry if I failed to please on this occasion, I would like to address your feedback. Thanks!
  4. Yep, I think we are going to stop via Shark Bay and then maybe Kalbarri on way back! Even 8 hours is enough!
  5. Hi Jack, Yes I can organise a Skype consult with you at some stage! I charge $165 for initial immigration advice. You are welcome to email me camilla@newlifedownunder.com.au to organise a time.
  6. Hi Ali, yep my Gili Islands trip had to be cancelled. It is now costing me at least double to go to Exmouth and I have to put up with my daughters for 17 hour drive!!!!! And no daily bed making!!!! Now we are officially in a recession it is good to support state businesses and economy though!
  7. Hi Guys Hope you are all well and keeping safe throughout COVID 19. I have not dropped off the perch, just been caught up and havent been on this site for a while! Have had to deal with lots of clients with visa problems recently, ie job losses, family bereavements but all is well now and Perth is getting back to normal - just been out for lunch, first one in months, hooray!!! Keep safe everyone Camilla x
  8. Just to clarify it was the Nomination that was granted NOT the visa, that may still take 13 months!!!! Had an excellent employer to work with who provided me with first rate documents as requested so makes for a happier agent! MARA registered agents in Perth are generally all pretty good, especially if they have been doing it for a good few years. And as I say you have been quoted a very average fee! All the best
  9. BTW, you said you thought 186 processing times are longer, there is something crazy going on at the moment in that Dept. I lodged a 186 DE Nom on Tuesday, granted yesterday, so 2 days taking into account ANZAC DAY. No RFI's just a quick grant, I think they are trying to cut down the average processing times!!
  10. Hi rollingstone I can not comment on how or what your agent does but I would say from a personal perspective, filling out a form is yes indeed very easy! knowing the complex legislation and regulations, eg Reg 5.19 for 186, addressing various caveats, writing submissions etc is a different matter and your agent probably like myself holds a Post Grad Cert in Migration Law. I specialise in Drs and medical professionals and they certainly see value in a migration agent. I can also watch youtube and learn how to rewire my house, or service my car, but I chose to get an expert to do these things for me. When I recently sold my property in Perth I paid my real estate agent $17K to sit in my lounge, drink coffee and get me a buyer! Migration agents charge a fraction of that cost and are responsible for life changing situations. However, only you know whether you find using an agent of value and as I said previously you need to know how experienced your agent is with the type of visa you are applying for, how many refusals they've had etc to know whether or not they are of use to you. The refusal rate is high I believe due to integrity issues and incomplete applications. How happy would your boss be if he loses $5540 nom fee and SAF levy because someone has lodged an invalid or incorrect application? Your agent will know if you are able to apply with grandfathering provisions aswell. Good luck, it is a personal preference whether or not you use your agent, however I think you need to speak to them and ask them to explain what they do for their fee and how experienced they are with the Subclass you chose to apply for.... If you are unhappy/resentful from the outset I think you may be best to DIY!
  11. I believe there is around 40% refusal at the moment verystormy on 186 and 187 are higher! Employers are also very wary nowadays with the huge SAF levy they have to pay. rollingstone1980, I think you have an agent already so speak to them. My fee for a 186 is $4400 , the going rate in WA is between $4000-$5000, but if you find a new agent they may be cheaper. You can tell how long they have been registered for by the first 2 digits of the MARN. Mine is 1173200 which means I have been doing this for 8 years since 2011!
  12. Sad to hear your agent is not useful! For ENS you need to have a fulltime position to be sponsored. BV's are issued in most cases upon the valid application of a substantive visa onshore and only come into effect when the current visa ceases. BVA is the usual with no travel rights. I heard no invitations under 80 in the last round, but that could just be rumours! Havent had anyone invited under 75 points this year
  13. If you are claiming points for any work experience you need to provide evidence of such ie as Ali says letter from HR confirming dates, position, duties etc. Also may need payslips, tax returns etc. DOHA do verification checks on references and there are often integrity issues so make sure it is on letterhead if possible!
  14. Just wanted to update everyone re Skill Select https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2018L00920 The minimum points to lodge an EOI will increase on 1st July to 65, so sadly anyone sitting on 60 points who have lodged an EOI will no longer be able to be invited.
  15. The SAF was passed by Parliament last week and is just waiting Royal Assent to be written into Migration Act and Regulations. There is a short window to lodge Subclass 482/187/186 without the additional SAF contribution. Hurry UP!
  16. If you are very good PC user you may find PTE test easier, a lot of my clients have affirmed that
  17. You can look at onshore 804 visa possibly
  18. https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2018L00425/Download The Dept of Social Security last week announced changes to the Assurance of Support for Parent visas. There are now income requirements for assurers and now they must meet the financial capacity to offer assurances. These commenced 1 April 2018
  19. https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2018L00425/Download The assurer must meet the inceome requirements in PART 5
  20. Please be aware all potential parent visa applicants that the Assurance of Support will be increasing and also the assurers salary requirements has now gone up. Manyassurers will now not meet the requirements, so a lot of potential parent applications will fail.... Also the contribution is rumoured to be going up consistently from $43600 to a lot more. Must confirm this is the rumour and is supposedly being debated in Parliament in May
  21. Just an update the Skilling Australian Fund (SAF) has not been passed by senate yet so will not be applicable until passed. Therefore anyone looking at TRT for 186 apply NOW! It will cost your employer an additional $3000-$5000 so I cant see many wishing to sponsor when this is introduced
  22. Hello Perth Poms, remember the 457 will be being replaced in a couple of weeks time by the new TSS visa. As much as the 457 has many pitfalls, it will be looked back on fondly by many who will no longer be eligible! Likewise the current nomination fee of $540 for ENS is a bargain when the new SAF gets introduced. Heads up........ LODGE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. If they are not aged they will not get a BVA to remain in Australia
  24. Yep, but watch this space, reckon there will be some more changes in March when TSS is released
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