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New Life Down Under

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  1. https://thewest.com.au/news/wa/shorten-to-take-axe-to-skilled-migrant-intake-ng-b88358091z If Labour win the State Election they vow to remove Perth from Regional Status for Subclass 187 purposes. Effectively as of March 11th there may be no more chance to apply for this visa. My advice is apply this week!!!!
  2. Well said Alan, Ali and verystormy. Seems an interesting thread!
  3. Many employers are very sceptical about employing new migrants due to the high number who return home and sometimes they want Australian experience but I dont think your visa will make any difference as you have work rights. If you ask them to look you up on VEVO it will show that you have full work rights! Many employers understand the 2 stage partner processing and wont have a problem with it
  4. Hi Movingtoaus. I have used ACTS in the past. They are very helpful and I have got them to turn around a full skills assessment in a couple of weeks a lot quicker than TRA. Once you pass the Documentary Evidence section you will then have a technical interview. The last guy I did one for was an experienced fitter and found the technical interview a piece of cake!!
  5. Always declare anything when applying for visas as they are now VERY HOT on enforcing Public Interest Criteria 4020 which relates to providing misleading information to gain a visa. If you are caught you will be refused. Honesty is always the best policy and as verystormy says unless the main concern is a 12 month custodial sentence
  6. Can you please explain the 3 months grace???? It is something I have never heard of??
  7. the visa application fee of $6865 is for stage one and stage 2 but paid at time of application. average wait is 12-15 months
  8. Hello verystormy Just wanted to clarify what you said about the BVA, as there is a lot of confusion with them. What you said about a BVA being issued when they apply for the visa is correct, BUT, it doesnt come into effect until the current substantive visa expires. Therefore if they arrive on a tourist visa for 6 months, they will be on that tourist visa for 6 months (with NO work rights) until the Bridging Visa takes effect once that visa has expired.
  9. Hi Many employers do not want to share a lot of the financial information required for the nomination with their staff! Also bear in mind that it is not just 2 years, you need to take into account any periods of leave without pay and some extended leave. Dont lodge too early and make that mistake!
  10. Danielle, here are Georges details from MARA page George Lombard Consultancy Pty Ltd Phone: 61 2 97990085 Fax: 61 2 97972170 Website: www.austimmigration.com.au Business address: 3/13 Lackey St SUMMER HILL NSW 2130 Australia Map Show other agents in this area Relation to business: Director
  11. verystormy I recently spoke with George to tell him the sad news about Gill Palmer. He is a real gentleman and very knowledgeable with these issues. I know Gill sung his praises as an expert with medical waivers etc.
  12. Yes Ali, According to DIBP:- The purpose of this proposed change is to strengthen the integrity of the subclass 457 visa programme andensure it meets its intent of acting as a supplement to rather than a substitute for Australian workers.Reducing the employment cessation period will contribute to subclass 457 visa holders being less vulnerableto informal employment and reduce the period in which they can compete within the Australian labourmarket for further employment.
  13. BRV, you are welcome. I often get clients who have lodged invalid applications due to a simple misunderstanding! The 489 visa has some peculiarities with it depending upon the stream applied for! Yes Perth is Regional for RSMS and nurses are now Schedule 2 on the WASMOL (WA Skilled Migration Occupation List,) so it is not so easy to get the 5 points without a Sponsor there either!
  14. Please be aware that recent legislative changes have been made for 457 visas granted after 19th November 2016. The primary visa holder will only be allowed to remain in Australia 60 days after the employment ceases not the current 90 days C
  15. Hi welljock, BRV's information is indeed a little misleading. Perth is currently regional for the Subclass 187 RSMS visa, not all categories of visa. The 90 days period to find a new sponsor has now been reduced to 60.
  16. You need to reduce your dpi and then it will upload easily as one document.
  17. It is with much regret that I post this on the forum and if inappropriate I apologise to Moderators. It is with much sadness that I must inform you that Gill (known better by her pseodonym Gollywobbler) passed away in January this year. The formidable Gollywobbler was a wonderful source of knowledge, who helped many people with their migration dreams and had exceptional knowledge of migration legislation. When I first joined this forum, I was terrified of her, she was extremely forthright, but we became very good friends, communicating via email. I am only sad that our plans to one day meet in person in Perth did not materialise. For those of you she helped, I am sure you will remember her fondly. I know of a couple of people who would not be here in Australia or have their parents here with them without her assistance. RIP Gill Palmer
  18. Hi verystormy, yesterday was the first decent day for a long long time! I know you are a fan of the chilly weather so now we are both happy! Keep well rugged up!!!!
  19. Hello PPs. Has anyone seen or heard of Gill in recent months aka Gollywobbler?? She had some health issues a few years ago and I am hoping she is OK. My email to her personal address bounced back so I want to know that she is OK? I believe she was also contributing to other forums so please let me know if she is around?? Thanks Oh no I have just googled her and it appears she may have passed away.... Can someone please remove this post for me as I do not know how to and feel very upset....
  20. Jannette that is the annual quota for the whole of the country! Expect very long wait times!
  21. If your visa has expired you may be unlawful??? Could cause you problems in applying for further visas?
  22. Two new postcodes in WA have been added to the regional locations for 2 year WHV, 6076 and 6111
  23. Not much change but 1550 places have been allocated for Parent (Migrant) and Aged parent (Residence) this year and 520 for other Family (migrant and Residence) stream. So expect a very long wait as NZ Citizens, who are not eligible for other pathways are also included in both of these figures! My Dad has a mere 3600 in front of him in the queue!
  24. Yes Rossmoyne a letter or card means so much more than a text or facebook message!!! But hey call me old fashioned!
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