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Everything posted by cassy

  1. Hi all, can anyone enlighten me on Public high schools in the Secret Harbour/Port Kennedy area please. Thinking of moving to that area, and have no idea about the schools. Thanks
  2. Hi Tony, my oh is up for it. have sent you a pm.
  3. Hi Tony, my oh loves golf, plays at halls head, he is'nt on this site.. So let me know when and where the meet is.
  4. How can we forget little old you ..... you wont let us .. ha ha
  5. cassy

    Living in mandurah

    Hi Lisa, my daughter who is 11, goes to Halls head recreation centre on a thurs eve 6pm to play badminton. Its only for an hour and cost $5. The boys may meet new friends there. Its hard is'nt it. After a couple of months of us getting here, I was ready to jump on the plane home because she seemed so lonely.. Then all of a sudden she had made a lovely circle of friends.. It will come.
  6. Dont you lot arrange a get together without me lol. Good luck with everything Jak, remember that feeling well... do not wish to repeat it..
  7. Hi ladies, just giving this thread a bump, and to let you know Diane and myself have met a couple of times, and are getting along nicely... Still yet to get drunk together, but sure that will come eh Di:wink: So anyone near or is due over, let us know and we can all get together for a big girly chat.
  8. Jak let us know when you are here, if you are near we will have a big girlie get together.. Dont worry about your daughter, mine was the same (11) she kicked and screamed for months before we came.... not saying she would'nt go back, think she would, cause she misses her brothers and sisters, but has adapted realyy well.. She has got a better social life than me !!!!!
  9. No Diane not on holiday.... cant afford it.. Just had a mad week, hubby had to find another job... had to help him he aint too good on computors !!! He has got 1 anyway. I am working the next 2 night shifts, so I will call you fri evening and arrange a time for next week x
  10. Bloody hell just read that back there is a lot of gets in there lol
  11. Hi Diane, I am halls head area.. Reckon we should get the get togethers going before the others get here .... then the 'older moms group' will be getting established ( we will only call it that on here though ) ha ha Could meet for a coffee if you like..
  12. Hey Jak, yes I am detemined to keep it going... If you decide to settle anywhere near Mandurah, we will get together with liverpoolloo and put the world to rights xx
  13. Bumping this thread to the top because I think it usefull x
  14. We kept it a secret from most people, only told my 3 grown up kids we were applying for a visa... Neither of us have parents left, but both have 5 siblings. We have an 11 yr old daughter who we did'nt tell untill we got the visa ! Did'nt want to worry her in case we did'nt get it, and it did take nearly 3 yrs. When we did tell her she was distraught, was very negative, even after we arrived, hated us, hated school. But now she is a happy bunny.. She is more settled than we are (Which is a worry because we have said after 2yrs if we are still not settled, gonna plan a trip home and see how we feel) and would hate to uproot her again if she does'nt want to come back if that is what we decided..... So I reckon for our sins we would stay Ha ha. And as for our siblings, they were upset, but understood our reasons, and my sister is going to be our 1st visitor. And dont forget skype is a wonderful thing. Good luck
  15. Hi Aussie bird , that would be great, seems really hard here to make new friends... And you are right, cannot miss out on the opportunity, lifes too short. And Jak where about are you moving too? could join us if you are near.
  16. Hi. what a dilema !!! My oh, 11yr old daughter and myself have been here 9mths. I have 3 grown up kids from a previous marriage back in the UK... and have to say I am struggling.. Did'nt think I would miss them so much. We skype or talk on the phone most weekends, but I still struggle.. Was saying to my hubby the other day, it would be perfect if they came out here.. My 2 sons are with partners who already have kids , so cant see any more there, and my daughter stated she did'nt want any.. But she has changed her mind and now wants a baby (hopefully not yet!!!) When she told me I was devestated and cannot even think about the time when she does have 1. Hope I can deal with it, if not need to win the lottery so I can jet set ha ha. Only you can decide what to do and whatever decision you make Im sure it will be the right 1 xx Ps wondered if you are moving to Mandurah (because of your user name. Thats where we are
  17. cassy


    Thanks Jillie, I thought exactly the same.. Gonna advise her to rethink the time she is coming.... be much cheaper
  18. Bump bump.. Lets keep this thread on top
  19. Hi wonder if anyone can offer advice. A friend of mine is coming over to Perth from the Uk xmas time, I have no room to put them up as my daughter is coming the same time... She has asked me if it will be cheaper to book accommadation with her flights.. or would it be better for me to do it this end?
  20. Hi give me a break, my oh and me were looking at lakelands the other weekend, but have decided to rent for another 6mths and see how we feel.. We should organise a get together for us 'older mums'
  21. Also Pathfinder, my friend lives around the corner from us and we hardly see each other. (she has lived here 5 years, when we visited her 4yrs ago we fell in love with the place) I think my expectations were too high as to what we would do together socially. She has'nt got any young kids, and to be honest dont think she wants mine around her lol. She does ask us out with them when they are going to other peoples places, and we have gone a couple of times... but I dont want my daughter in an all Adult situation whenever we do go out.. none of them have got young children, and I feel uncomfortable taking mine along.. got no one to look after her so she goes with us.. A disadvantage of being an older mum I suppose..
  22. Hi , yes we are on skype most weekends. Thank goodness for the time difference, or else I would'nt have a life here..My daughter and her partner are visiting xmas, but then I keep thinking 'what about when she has to go home' but hopefully by then I would have settled a bit more. I am hoping its just pre wedding jitters, so to speak. We are in Mandurah, about 20mins away from secret harbour I think..
  23. Hi there, I am 51 with an 11yr old daughter...( 3 grown up kids back in the UK..miss them terribly) have been here 7mths and have to say I am struggling with it.. Havent met anyone to have a chin wag and a drink yet... my daughter seems fine and has made friends.. but they always seem to be at our house. Love my hubby to bits.. but there is a time when we need a break from each other ha ha
  24. Thanks Nana, will try and make it one of the weeks, use 2 matchsticks.
  25. Hi Nana, been off line for 3weeks!! Problem with the phone co. I have got a job working 2 nights a week in a care home, and guess which 2 nights... Wed and Thurs!!! I have been dying to come to the coffee morning, and with all the will in the world I am so tired after the shift, I cant keep awake till 10!!! was wondering if there are any other days that you meet?
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