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Everything posted by mike87

  1. I bet you are Matt - It's right on your flippin doorstep!
  2. Cool, I'm not free for the kick around on Sunday, coz i'm doing an Outside broadcast from Northbridge for work. want to make it 8pm for The subi hotel on Friday Gareth? Just give's everyone time to get home from work, have tea and head back out. Also, I've lost track of who's numbers I've got, So i'll PM everyone who's out on Friday and Saturday my number.
  3. Right folks, who's up for Subiaco this weekend? (Either Friday or Saturday, whichever's best for the majority) The Subi hotel, Llama bar etc. My vote is for Friday, as it's Liverpool V Man U in the FA cup on saturday evening, and i'll probably head to the casino to watch it (anyone welcome to join!)
  4. Anyone fancy going to Subiaco? or somewhere else? Something a bit different from the 'bridge!
  5. Sounds good - I was pretty dam hammered last night towards the end - should have eaten more than just breakfast me thinks!
  6. I Meant this Friday, but Saturday seems like the popular choice. Moon and Sixpence at 7pm? Unless any one has other ideas..... I am also a bit jetlagged still!
  7. How about we all meet up for a couple of drinks at the Moon and Sixpence next Friday around 7pm?
  8. Hi Gareth - Just arrived back in Perth after 3 weeks in the UK over xmas. I'm a big football fan as well, and Motorsports (F1, Motogp etc) so if you fancy a beer sometime drop me a message! Mike
  9. I would say head to Burswood, or The Moon and Sixpence in the CBD. That's where I tend to go to watch Liverpool
  10. I'm originally from Warrington, which is pretty close to Manc and now live in Cannington, so give me a shout if you fancy a beer. I turn 24 in a couple of weeks!
  11. I'm in East Cannington. I know it's probably been discussed before... but is there a pub (other than the Casino) that Liverpool fans tend to go to watch Premier League games? I don't usually mind watching it at the casino, but the train station can be a bit dodgy at night.
  12. A bit out of my price range unfortunately!
  13. is anyone planning to watch the Man United game anywhere this weekend? I was thinking off going to the Burswood Casino to watch it, as I don't want to rely on a dodgy online stream for a game of this importance!
  14. Hi there. Any Brits in this part of Perth? I'm 23 y/o male who moved over here for work last month. I had several British friends who have since departed to the UK or continued on their backpacking adventures. Are there any places in the Cannington area to socialise or have a drink? or is it all mainly in the city (I can hop on the train). I have lots of work friends, but finding it a bit tricky to make ones outside of work, as i'm 20 mins out of the CBD. Mike
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