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About rarneil

  • Birthday December 4

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. No problem, but when you do get / look for the medical insurance do a good search as prices and cover are also different. It looks like they offer 2 policy's for 457 visa a basic cover and an enhanced one both can have add ons. But we have looked at the enhanced one as the best cover to save money in the future. Hope you can get sorted with them accepting travel policy to cover till you get full cover. Hope you enjoy getting to Oz Rodney
  2. Yes it was accepted! But he is going to get medical insurance sorted as soon as he can but the travel policy for 4 months sufficed till he's sorted. It looks like they are trying to stop claims through the medicare system. It has arrangements with the UK so I cant really see the reason apart from getting proper medical when there. The medical insurance companies have specific insurance plans for 456 visa people. Hope that helps you. Rodney
  3. Thank you, Will pass onto my son who will sort out when he arrives on 8th Feb. As he's covered fully by a travel policy for 4 months. This to allow him time to settle and look at medical insurance. Your help is appreciated. Rodney
  4. That's great! Hope you enjoy OZ!!!
  5. As he's an Agricultural Engineer it's not needed only to have medical insurance. I think it depends on job age etc. especially if going for anything medical. Rodney
  6. Hope your arrival went without a hitch? How has your experience been so far? Is it everything you expected or not? How are feeling re prices of food and other's? Are you enjoying the weather? Rodney
  7. My son an Agricultural Engineer got his 457 Approved on 24th December 2011 he had to have insurance. He took out a 3 months travel policy cost £28.00 that was acceptable. He intends to get medical cover over and above medicare when he gets there in Feb 2012. So it appears some require insurance some don't . Better getting sorted out through agent or immigration so your covered either way. Rodney
  8. My son (24) is hoping to fly out to Perth on 7th Feb. His 457 visa came through on Dec 24th. He is so excited as its a new country, new job, relatives he has not met live in Perth. His job is in Carnamah. Even being so far away he is near relatives if he gets homesick etc. Rodney
  9. My son (24) sent 457 application form to migration agent on 18th Dec received by agent 19th. Son received visa approved email 24th December. No police or medical needed. But did needed medical insurance to cover till he arranges medicare and private when he gets there. So he's hoping to fly out around 7th Feb 2012 to (Carnamah via Perth). He's a qualified Agricultural Engineer. Total time taken from Interview in UK August 2011 to approval 24th Dec 2011 very quick. So he's got lots to organise before he flies out. He used the Companies migration agent as they regularly employ from UK.
  10. Hi my son (24) sent the final forms 457 Visa to migration agent on 18th December, he would have them on 19th Dec. Son received email visa approved 24th December. He has job etc and hoping to fly out around 8th Feb 12. Cant believe how quick final authorisation took. No medical , no police check, but needed medical insurance. So they can and do move quickly if forms etc are correct.
  11. Congratulations!!! My son returned the forms to migration agent on 18th December approval of 457 came through on 24th December. He's moving out to Perth (Carnamah) Feb 7th Scary on how quick the final approval was.
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