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  1. Hey Shelli, I can't do Sat, but I'll send you my contact details for next time
  2. We've been out here for 18 months and got engaged in June, so are in the middle of wedding plans and looking at buying a house...it's all go!!! We live in Freo but I work in the city, let me know if you fancy a coffee sometime!
  3. Hey everyone, we (myself 33 and fiancé 30) have been in Perth for 18months now and have just moved to Freo. Anyone over this way who fancies meeting up? Hope you are all having a good Sunday
  4. We are and are looking forward to it, even though people have warned us about the view. Should be a good atmosphere. If anyone's going and fancies a pre or post match drink let us know
  5. Ha Ha, I've just had a good giggle, I've not heard Foos yer doos for ages...Not sure they will understand that in Perth though
  6. Hey, Welcome to Perth! I've been here just over a year and love it I really missed girly gossips when I first got here, but you do make friends quite quickly once you get settled, although I found you do have to put yourself out of your comfort zone (its a bit like dating in that respect!!). Anyway I live in Highgate (between Northbridge and Mount Lawley NOR and v close to the CBD) so if you ever fancy meeting up for a coffee or something stronger let me know.
  7. Hey, My other halfs mum is Norwegian (although she's in the UK so not much help!!) anyway I just thought I'd say, have a look on the meetup.com website as there may be a group for expat Scandinavians in Perth Good Luck with the move.
  8. Hey, We have just started going through the ENS 186 Visa process with my partners employer (we are currently here on a 457) and I just wondered if there was anything we should know up front, other than that it will take ages to be processed Has anyone gone through the process and then wished they had known some vital bit of info at the start of the process? Any advice or comments would be fab! Thanks
  9. My work are currently looking for an experienced sales rep to join the team at our Manufacturing Bakery based in Bassendean. Sponsorship is not offered but we don't mind if you are defacto on a 457 etc etc. You would be servicing our clients around the Perth Metro Area and selling our cakes, pies, sausage rolls etc etc. Min 1.5 years business to business sales experience required along with a can do attitude. The package includes basic, commision and fully expensed company car. If you would like any more info please send me a message on here. Thanks, Ruth
  10. Hi there, I live in Highgate so really close and can always be tempted into a coffee or cocktail...drop me a PM if you fancy a drink on Beaufort St or something x
  11. Cool, I'll have a look and see if we are able to come along to any...I heard something about karting, but I don't think that's for me....I'd be totally rubbish lol
  12. Hi Chloe...and welcome to Perth. How are you settling in? This weather is lovely....fingers crossed it stays for a bit. Osborne Park is really handy for the city and the public transport is alot better than it was in Manchester I know there have been meet ups arranged for the last couple of weeks but i really should get organised and get one sorted for the city ....it's always nice to meet new people esp over a cocktail or 2. Take Care, Ruth x
  13. Hi, My oh works in the environmental sector, specialising in contaminated land and he found it ok getting a job ( we got our 457 through his employer). I'd def set up a linked in profile as he is often getting contated throught that and I would try to speak to as many companies directly as possible in the field you want to work in and keep an eye out on Seek for suitable positions. Also Hays ( the recruitment agent) are quite clued up on environmental jobs once you get to the right department so might be worth contacting them. Hope this is some help....feel free to PM me if you want any more info or if you want me to pick my oh's brain for you as he might have some ideas that might help.
  14. I know it's a bit after the event (sorry had busy week with the new job!!) but just wanted to say how nice it was to meet up with some of you last Friday and hope to meet the people who couldn't make it soon.
  15. jellytots

    Dominos Pizza

    Ha Ha love this question ...yes they are cheap and they always have offers on
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