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Everything posted by CarrieandJoe

  1. Yes I agree with Lauren the info you guys supply is invaluable and is a massive help so thank you so a friend in butler has suggested to move closer to the CBD as its more than an hour everyday to get to princess Margaret children's hospital from Quinns, it was mentioned in an earlier thread about the area of Kingsley and after a bit of research it appeals to us quite a lot! Does anyone have any more information on what's around there, what it's like to live, is it industrial like, amenities and closeness to beach etc (it's hard to judge from an aerial view on Google maps) swear to god it's our favourite hit on the iPad! Look forward to hearing from you guys Carrie
  2. Thanks for the replies :-) we have been looking at rentals around the Innaloo area and it seems within our budget. I love the look of Quinns Rock but I think it would possibly be too much of a commute to work everyday?? Also how far is Hilary's ShirleyT? So much to think about!! X
  3. Hi Guys Does anyone know anything about the suburb Innaloo? Its North of the River. I am Children's Nurse looking to migrate at the end of the year and hoping to work at the New Children's Hospital (which is NOR) so looking for any recommendations on suburbs. Will prbably drive to work due to early starts/late finihes, nights etc...and happy to drive about 30 mins each way. Any tips much appreciated. :-) Carrie
  4. You will be more than fine. If you look for sponsorship I don't think you have to take the ielts?! It just depends on the route you choose to go. Xx
  5. Hi Louloubelle, the he first thing you need to do is take the academic ielts test and score above 7's in all sections. You will need this to apply for ANMAC (the skills accessor for nursing) and Aphra (Australian register) once you have passed your ANMAC assessment you can then put in your EOI and then once invited you can apply for visa...which will also include police checks and Medicals. Can an I ask how much experience you have? (As it affects what ielts score you need for visa application) and also are you degree or diploma registered? Carrie
  6. Oh thanks for the tip...I'll wait it out another week or so and then i'll try the alternative :-) also does anyone know if you need to fly into Oz to activate your Aphra registration? It says if you can only provide passport as ID you need to deliver it in person to register once everything has been processed?! Any help appreciated Carrie
  7. Yeah we are in a similar position...my OH is a plasterer and if he can't secure work asap I'll just do some agency. Sorry to hear that loopylauren....absolutely agree that it sucks!! I would of happily done the diploma training but as I only started my training 4 years ago they were only offering degree courses in Children's Nursing so my mind was made up for me...the degree was much less funding!! The bursary in comparison was shocking! You must be devastated! To favour a newly qualified nurse over a diploma trained nurse with years of experience seems utter madness so I do feel for you! Is there any chance of a bridging course when you arrive? When are you making the move? Carrie
  8. Thanks for the tips peeps...have just printed off the paperwork so will get it sorted and sent off! Just need to get my documents certified. Such a stressful process as so much to do. My line manager is also being really slack on the reference for ANMAC so that is holding us up as can't send my application until she has done it! fingers crossed she's not much longer as hoping to be in Oz by November time :-) Carrie
  9. Thanks for the tip kutsu, once ANMAC is sent and paid for we will then start the APHRA process. Is your wife having trouble with registration then? Anmac is currently a 12 week wait once all documenets have been recieved so think that will be a lengthly process! Just want to be able to get in EOI....patience is a virtue i guess!! :-)
  10. Hi kutsu, thanks for the reply I will be registering with a nursing agency definitely, better to be safe than sorry! are you doing the same? Can I ask how long your visa took with ANMAC etc involved? I've just completed my IELTS and going to start ANMAC this month. Thanks Carrie
  11. Thanks for the reply Happy Little Vegemite...it sounds very promising :-)
  12. Hi all :-) I am a Degree Qualified Children's Nurse currently working at Bristol Children's Hospital on the Medical High Dependency Unit. I currently have 6 months post registration experience and me and the OH ( who is a plasterer ) have just started our visa application (PR) I have passed my IELTS and am due to submit my ANMAC assessment this week we we are hoping to emigrate by the end of 2015 by which point I will have 18 months experience. Does anyone know what the current job situation is for Children's Nurses in Perth at present? Any advice appreciated Carrie x
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