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Posts posted by sullivan_artex

  1. Hi, I moved her in October 2012 with my husband and 2 children and they all love it here but I can't settle and don't even know why. I can see that this is a beautiful place to live but wake every morning in an absolute panic and sick feeling. We have made loads of really lovely friends. Has this happened to anyone else or is it just me or has anybody had the opposite where you came here and settled well and after a while of living here became unsettled? It's really confusing how I feel.


    When me and my family first moved out there my step-mum was exactly the same for ages right up until the point she left my dad and went back to the uk for a bit, but that helped her alot because she realised that the people and things that she was missing was only a flight away and also realising the kind of life she could have in perth compared to what it was like in the UK.


    the time you have been there aint really enough to know what you are really feeling about the place.


    Try local groups or clubs, perhaps something that you used to at home ie: bowling teams, tennis, card nights, shopping trips with friends.


    Give your self the chance to experience the different things that the place has to offer.



  2. I think he still is hasn't been here since 2008 , I think he'd need advice here if he came back , it's changed a hell of a lot lol


    i am back in the uk again. and as for not being back there since 2008 i went back in 09 untill end of 2011 and nothing has changed where i lived. i still have as much to do with perth as possible im still part of groups i still keep in contact with family and friends and i still have work contacts in alot of different industries.


    so before you post anything about me make sure you know what you are talking about before you do.


  3. Great post hope you can help lots of people, and maybe me at some point. How come you have left Oz? We are moving over in dec


    Glad to see you are making the move, As for me leaving Oz it was because of family things back here in the UK "mum being ill and meeting someone here" but if I wasn't settled down now I would be back out there tomorrow.

    Anything you may need help with just let me know mate, I did have my email address up here but they edited it out.

  4. Hi my name is James,

    I li

    ved in Perth for 7 years and as so i have af family and friends out there witch i have managed to set people up with work and contacts and even friends.


    I have helped alot of people with nearly all aspects of emergrating from who to contact to get it started to where to go and what to once you are in Perth.


    First thing i would say is, alot of people ask if the life you can have in Perth is a good one, i answer with "without a doubt" you can make the life out there what ever you want with out being held back by some of the things that do back in the UK.


    You have the advantage of not having any previous history with people so there is not grudges not arguments you get to set your self up as the person you know you can be.


    If there is anything that anyone would like to know eg. schools, shops, work, pubs, going out andything you can think of pm me and i will do everything i can to help you out.





  5. Alright Mate my names james


    I lived in clarkson north metro area and i can tell you it would be a great move for you and your family, with your kids being the age they are they will fit straight in and make friends so easy at school it was hard for me because i had just turned 18 and dint go to school or anything but it can be done and you will have a great life out there.


    im back in uk at the mo came back for family reasons but if you would like to know anything about the area then feel free to ask and ill help you the best i can, i lived out there for nearly 5 years so got a good idea on schools, shopping, realestate and a few other things.


    you can email me if you want on sullivan_artex@yahoo.co.uk


    same goes for anyone any questions feel free to email.


    James Sullivan

  6. Hiya everyone


    My name is James Sullivan


    I used to live in perth up in Clarkson north metro area. Im back in the uk for family reasons at the mo but i have been helping as many people as i can with there moves to perth.


    If there anything i could do for anyone here just let me know anything that you would like to know i.e local schools, shops, parks or anything like that then feel free to ask. my email is sullivan_artex@yahoo.co.uk


    or msn addy is jamesssullivan28051986@hotmail.com


    hope everything goes well for everyone.



  7. just to let you know thats wrong,i moved to perth 5 years ago and then you had to sit a 30 questions theory test and in that time i have met people who have done the same over the last 5 years. unless it has changed since i was in the licencing office 8 weeks ago.



    i will have to say that i am wrong they have changed he rules just looked it up on the net. But it is only licences from the reconised countries that you do not have to take a test, from any un recognsed country you have to take a practical aswell as a theory.



  8. no as long as you have a uk driving license they will just take your pic charge you for 1 or 5 yrs license and then give you a temp card. then you receive your license through the post

    dont forget to tell them when you change adress and they send you a sticker to put on it.


    i like to tell the aussies it is cause were better drivers than them




    just to let you know thats wrong,i moved to perth 5 years ago and then you had to sit a 30 questions theory test and in that time i have met people who have done the same over the last 5 years. unless it has changed since i was in the licencing office 8 weeks ago.

  9. hiya jason i lived in perth for nearly 5 years and i would be happy to help with any questions that you may have.


    well with your experience i would be applying for a job in the mines.


    but i wouldnt do that straight away coz you will spend alot of time away from home, coz its usally 2 weeks on 1 week off.


    but its a good industry to be in good money aswell.


    hope it helps abit anything you want to know mate just ask.

  10. http://www.mindarie.wa.edu.au/










    These are web addresses for the local schools in the north metro area eg. butler, clarkson, mindarie, quinns that sort of area.


    the first 3 links are high schools and the next one is a primary school and the last one i could on find a email address for someone at the school but that is also a primary.

  11. the nicest place in north Perth i would have to say would be Butler one of the last suburbs north in the metro area. Its abit far up in comparison to the city but if you are driving then exploring the place will not be a problem.

    not far from there is Ocean keys shopping center thats the main shops for the clarkson area, but there are shops located in Butler including a English Shop (Taste of Britain).


    then the next major place south would be joondalup they are considered to be the city in a city. Its just had a major referb on the place and the shops are quite impressive. It is aslo the place for the cinema and pubs and nightclubs well in that area any way.


    if you would like to know anything else please feel free to contact me. Im currently back in England but hope to be back out there soon.

  12. there is work around for your trade but i think you are made to start from the begging to show what you can do in my experience once i showed them what i knew and what i could do i was excepted quite easily.


    if you are looking for work in the motor mechanics trade then i would try Osborn Park industrial estate thats where alot of the main car garages and dealerships a located.


    A friend of mine moved there he was a apprentice mechanic and he is now a tyre fitter for Bridgestone and his dad was a qualified mechanic and he went into realastate.


    The choice is yours mate.

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