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Everything posted by TartanGary

  1. Not been on here in a wee while but thought id give you all a wee update on where we are.On the way home from work last night i got quite simply the best text message on so called "Blue Monday" from our agent to say our visa had been granted:ssign19:.A perfect start to 2016 for us:jiggy:
  2. I feel your pain,i know how i felt when i failed first time by the smallest of margins.Only advice i can give is just keep at it,i carried on studying & did so up until last night before i got my results.It is so stressful going through it but you will get there eventually
  3. Just logged in & checked my IELTS result & im delighted to say i passed!!! I was honestly expecting another fail as i got mixed up on the last part of the listening but i got the marks so im delighted to get that monkey off my back & it just goes to show practise makes perfect,i studied really hard for around 12 weeks,i never thought i could possibly get through it when i found out i needed the extra points for the 189.Eeeeeeekkkkkk...... So happy right now:jiggy:
  4. The test is tricky if you don't prepare properly,i failed my first sitting by .5 on the reading,past the other 3 fairly easily but obviously need 7s across the board for the pass mark.Really frustrating for me given it was 1 or 2 questions that beat me but i have re-booked for the 9th May.Kept revising even after i sat it on the 18th April incase i failed just to keep it all fresh.I bought the official IELTS textbook off Amazon to help & have used youtube & the official IELTS material.Best of luck when you sit the test
  5. Hi louloubelle, Your experience sounds very much like mine,i sat mines on the 18th April in Glasgow so results this Friday.I was the same as you,checked in & waited an hour at my desk before the exam started which wasn't ideal.Then after the morning session i had to wait 3 hrs before i got taken for the Speaking part.That aside i think the test went ok,struggled a bit on the final part of the Reading section but answered everything so hope i guessed right with the ones i wasn't sure of.Fingers crossed you get the results you need.
  6. Hi Jimmy, I feel as though I am on the exact same boat as yourself,I'm a Painter & Decorator to trade,work 6- 7 days a week & work nights doing homers just to give my family a good life.We are in the early stages of the process,I'm studying for the Ielts exam then it's full steam ahead with regards applying for the 189 once I pass.Way I see it is if you we don't try it we will always regret it in 10-20years down the line so we as a family will certainly be going there with no intention of ever coming back but if we can't settle we know we can always come back with no regrets about not giving it a go.Best of luck in your journey mate.
  7. Hi, All sounds very similar to me,the revision is tough going especially since iv been out of school for nearly 20years!I'll stick with it & try youtube as well,i thought about an English tutor to help me,without sounding nosey,how much does the tutor cost?I will not let this silly exam derail our dreams for Oz
  8. Hi guys, Just starting on our journey to get the 189 visa,came up 10 points short so need to sit ielts which I'm pretty worried about!English was never my strongest subject at school.Looking for any advice on passing,bought myself a book so getting stuck into that just now.really gutted I have to sit this damn exam!
  9. Hey folks, Was wondering if there was any demand for the above mentioned trade in Perth & surrounding areas?Its not on the Skills Shortage list for WA but is for Gold Coast,Perth is my number 1 choice when we start the visa process so just looking for any info if anyone has any it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Gary
  10. Hopefully i will be ok then,iv not been near the hospital or consultant since i got the op 8 years ago.My wife keeps telling me not to worry about it for that reason but i wouldnt want to be the one who ruins the dream for my family.Thanks for getting in touch & hope you reach Oz in the near future.
  11. Iv had a quick assesment done over the phone by an agent & they dont see it as being a major issue.I would hope they wouldn't even think about taking the case on if they didnt think i had a very good chance of getting through it
  12. Thanks for the reply Ali.i expected to have to give as much info as possible,im just looking for peace of mind as its playing on my mind all the time.You have certainly given me some.Did you manage to get you Visa approved?
  13. Thanks for the reply.I always thought i would need the consultants letter having read through loads of posts on various sites.most posts i have read have had a positive ending so hopefully my case will be the same.
  14. Hello everyone, Just joined up so im new to all this folks.Anyways,myself & my wife & 2 kids (4&7) are hoping to make the move to Perth in the next couple of years,havnt started the process yet,saving like crazy before we start the application which we hope will be towards the end of the year.I have a slight concern regarding the medical though,8 years ago i had a kidney removed partly due to the fact it wasnt functioning properly so naturally this is worrying me incase it effects our chances of making the move.Iv had no issues at all since i had the op 8 years ago,that aside im a fit & healthy 35 year old.so im basically looking for some feedback regarding the issue & if it might effect my application? Gary
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