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Everything posted by Steve2

  1. Hi We are in the early stages of contracting to have a house built and need to find a good honest and reasonably priced independent building inspector. Can someone help? Cheers Steve
  2. We've just arrived in Perth and are looking for an honest and reliable 4x4 or large estate
  3. We've just arrived in Perth and are looking for an honest and reliable 4x4 or large estate
  4. Hi Thanks for your reply and the information, very useful. As we have been on the waiting list for 20 months now we intend to put our place on the market in June, hoping that we get our visa's and sell reasonably quickly. We're coming over to Perth on 19 May for a break and a reccie, and to see our son of course - can't wait! Regards Steve
  5. Hi Hope you're settling in by now and congratulations on your move. May I ask your timeline and when you lodged, we lodged on 1 July 2014 and have no idea when we should get the go ahead for medicals etc; I see that grant is running at about 22 months now. Any help and advice would be much appreciated. All the best Steve
  6. Brilliant - confirms why we want to be there
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