Hi guys,
My first post here so please bare with me. I'm a single 22 year old guy from Newcastle. I've been offered a job in Perth in the last couple of days. I'm nearly all set to arrive, but I was just wanting a little interaction with people who have made the move and have first hand experience of life in Perth before I make the jump!
Theres a few things I want to ask, firstly about money. The job I've been offered is $75k basic however I will be travelling for around 60% of the year and this should see my salary doubled. How comfortable would I be with this salary? I was reluctant to mention my wage but it's the only way I'll gauge how good it is. My offer contains housing allowance of $400 per week for property rental, obviously I can contribute on top of this too. I'd like a car to get around but it isn't essential I suppose, how expensive are they exactly?
Secondly, as a young single guy where would the best place for me to get a property? Obviously I like to go out, socialise and have the odd beverage of the alcoholic variety. I play Saturday league football here at a reasonable level and I would like to continue to do this. Ideally I'd like to live in an area which has a lot going on the majority of the time as when I'm back in Perth I won't be working so I will have a lot of spare time on my hands.
Finally, how easy would it be for me to meet new friends? I think this is probably the most important thing for me. I'd imagine if I joined a football team that would go some way to helping me. Just for reference, I have a hardcore love for Newcastle United too!
if you could answer any or all of these questions it would be most appreciated.
Thanks a lot!