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Everything posted by JoeB

  1. Hey Lauren, ive now been here a week and I'm loving it...so far, so good! I woke up on the day I was leaving and felt excited again...maybe it was just because I left all my goodbyes until the last moment. Good luck! And thanks to the rest of the guys for the posts it did make me feel more relaxed.
  2. I'm flying to Perth tomorrow to start my new life. All the time leading up to today I've felt a few emotions but mostly its been excitement. Today however I am a total wreck and simply do not want to board that plane tomorrow. I can't eat, sleep and break down every 2 minutes. Suppose I'm just hoping to find someone who's felt in a similar way before they made the big move. It's took me by surprise how I feel today.
  3. Scotty, I work in oil and gas and I'm heading out in a few weeks. I work in pipeline inspection and never got offered a relocation package as such but I am getting a house and car until I can find my own.
  4. It was approved on Monday. It had been lodged about 11 days before I got it but I was missing a couple of documents. Once they had been provided I submitted on the Thursday night and had confirmation of approval on Monday morning. It's a big weight off your shoulders, good luck!
  5. I had mine completed in 4 days which is really quick!
  6. Hey Sweeney I'm coming on a 457 and will be living near the CBD...eg northbridge. I work in oil and Gas And will work about half the year away from perth. I'll most certainly be up for a few cold ones upon my arrival in Perth. Keep in touch and we can sort it out
  7. Will do mate, I'm away with work for the next couple weeks but if you fancy a pint in the town some time before I head over just give me a shout!
  8. Exactly, ripped the soul out of the club. The atmosphere at the ground now is shocking as well. It's depressing. Aye mate I'll join you for sure, I can't suffer watching them lot alone
  9. Completely mate, glad I now have an excuse to get rid of the season ticket. I'm in Killingworth mate
  10. Hello lads, I'm moving out in the middle of August...would love to go for a beer and make some new pals. Mackem Slayer...looks like we're from the same neck of the woods...I'm a die hard black and white...dreading Sunday.
  11. Thanks for the advice newjez. The main reason I've been hired as there is a shortage of people in Australia in my profession, however that's not discrediting what you're saying about replacing someone who was earning more...valid point. I'm looking at the whole situation, with the 457 visa in mind, that I'm young, single and happy with the deal that's been offered so I thought I may as well go for it when I have the chance. Cheers
  12. Well, that's my 457 visa sent away for. I accepted the job offer a few weeks ago and a start date of august has been agreed. Can't wait to meet some of you and experience the lifestyle. Thanks for all the comments, they've proved to be quite helpful.
  13. Thanks for that info. By my sector I didn't mean oil and gas I meant more in line with what I do. Legislation and laws state that what I do, pipeline inspection, has to be completed after certain timescales. However, yes, what you're saying about the oil and gas industry is very true and it's very grim for a lot of people at the moment. Thanks a lot for all your help, greatly appreciated. Sorry if I've sounded blunt, up my own a*** or anything like that...not intentional at all!
  14. Its a temporary skilled visa so I'm sponsored for up to 4 years I believe. My job is quite niche and it's only really Europe that is affected by the oil prices at the moment for my sector. The fact there's 2 positions opened is quite encouraging too. If the worst happens after a short time in Australia im sure enough that I could find something elsewhere. In my opinion this is a bit of a no brainer. Once again though, thanks for your concerns though much appreciated. Could you point me in the right direction in regards to any of the questions I originally asked if you can?
  15. Thanks for the replys so far most appreciated. It's not in sales and no I haven't been asked to hand over any details as of yet. I work in oil and gas and it's for one of the leading companies in my field, so no worries on this one. the travel involves covering most of Aus, NZ and occasionally Malaysia, Singapore etc. Once again, thanks for your concern but this is legitimate!
  16. Hi guys, My first post here so please bare with me. I'm a single 22 year old guy from Newcastle. I've been offered a job in Perth in the last couple of days. I'm nearly all set to arrive, but I was just wanting a little interaction with people who have made the move and have first hand experience of life in Perth before I make the jump! Theres a few things I want to ask, firstly about money. The job I've been offered is $75k basic however I will be travelling for around 60% of the year and this should see my salary doubled. How comfortable would I be with this salary? I was reluctant to mention my wage but it's the only way I'll gauge how good it is. My offer contains housing allowance of $400 per week for property rental, obviously I can contribute on top of this too. I'd like a car to get around but it isn't essential I suppose, how expensive are they exactly? Secondly, as a young single guy where would the best place for me to get a property? Obviously I like to go out, socialise and have the odd beverage of the alcoholic variety. I play Saturday league football here at a reasonable level and I would like to continue to do this. Ideally I'd like to live in an area which has a lot going on the majority of the time as when I'm back in Perth I won't be working so I will have a lot of spare time on my hands. Finally, how easy would it be for me to meet new friends? I think this is probably the most important thing for me. I'd imagine if I joined a football team that would go some way to helping me. Just for reference, I have a hardcore love for Newcastle United too! if you could answer any or all of these questions it would be most appreciated. Thanks a lot! Joe
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