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  1. Hi, Hope someone can help, we are looking to live in the Tapping area and need advice on the local secondary schools. I have read various posts on Kinross and Wanneroo and I am not sure what to think. Can anyone give me some advice on these schools or other schools that anyone in these areas sends their kids to. My kids are at really good schools in the uk and I really don't want their education to suffer. I would really appreciate any advice or experience anyone has on this. Thank you very much.
  2. Hi, Can anyone please give some advice on Secondary Schools in the Tapping area? I have read various reviews on all the schools, Kinross, Wannerroo. What secondary schools are other members sending their kids to that live in this area or surrounding areas? I really do not want the kids education to suffer by sending them to a bad school. I would be really grateful for any advice and experience other people have. Thank you very much.
  3. Great news!! Here's hoping we will all be out end of June/beginning of July 2012. Carolanne x
  4. Thanks Rodney. We will look into this further. Would certainly speed things up, if we can do this. Carolanne
  5. Hi, sorry to bother you. I have been looking back at previous threads about 457 visa's (health insurance). Were the migrations agents happy with the travel policy your son took out? My husband is being transferred through work on a 457 visa, the migration agent has come back and said he has to have health insurance. We do not want to delay the process with having to look about for health insurance. Thanks
  6. Hi Clarebear, Thank you very much for replying. My son is in first year at the moment (he has only just turned 12 in January) so he would have to go back to primary school for a few months. As you said it would be easier for him to make friends and would not do him any harm. Woodvale sounds like the place we are looking to live. Thanks for all your help. Carolanne
  7. Hi, we are hoping to move to the Woodvale area later this year. How are your children finding the schools? My daughter will be nearly 9 when we arrive and my son is 12. Would you recommend the Woodvale area to live? Sorry for asking lots of questions. It would be good to get some advice. Thank you. Carolanne
  8. Hi, Once he signs the contact, it will be 12 weeks from then. Yes we are lucky that he has a job to go to, his work colleague is out there, so at least he will have somewhere to stay. Hope all goes well with our house sale. Hopefully we will both be lucky and get them sold quick. Take care xx
  9. Hi Helenaoz2b, OH's job can only be postponed for a few weeks, they will not keep the job open. I think he will get away with 12 weeks. If he goes out alone there is not much we can do about it. Our house is going on the market next week hopefully. Just hoping someone buys it very soon. Had any luck with your house so far? Keep in touch xx
  10. Hi, We are going to be moving out to Perth April/May too. We live in Aberdeen at the moment but are originally from Ayrshire. Where are you from? Sorry for being nosey. Our families are in still in Ayrshire. We have been looking for places to live, it is really hard deciding. We have been looking at Woodvale and surrounding areas. We have got two kids 11 & 8, so finding good schools is really important. This site has been really helpful with finding out about Perth. Take Care
  11. Helenaoz2b, It seems a bit to fast!!! Hopefully things will work out ok. We don't really want to move without selling the house. It is all a bit mad at the moment. Take care x
  12. Hi Lesley, It would be good to meet up once we get over there. We do not have a definate date yet, my husband came home from work yesterday after speaking to his new boss in oz. He would like Martin over there in 8 weeks!!!! :wacko:We have still to sell our house, cars and everything else. We would really all like to go out together, I can't see us having the house sold. Hopefully things would all work out. Keep in touch x
  13. Hi, there seems to be loads of scottish people moving to Perth. The family across the road from us emigrated to Perth at the end of December and a few people my husband knows are making the move out there. I know what you mean about schools, it is really important that the kids get a good one. How old are your kids? My son is 12 and my daughter is 8, they are really looking forward to moving. It is also important to find the right area to live in. Do you think Phil will help us out ?? lol!!! It is good speaking to other people who are going though the same thing. Hope we can keep in touch, it would be good to have some new friends out in Perth. Carolanne x
  14. Hi Lesley, thanks for replying. It would be good to meet up when we both get over there. As you said, I think you would settle a bit better knowing you had friends going through the same thing. I can't believe we are actually going to be emigrating, it does not seem real just now. I think once we have sold the house and started to pack things away it will seem a bit more real. Hope to hear from you soon. Carolanne x
  15. Hi, we are in the same boat. It is really hard deciding where to move to. We are hoping to be over in Perth May/June 2012. My husband has a job to go to as he is transferring through his current employers. We have two kids so it's finding the right schools. We have not been to Perth like yourselves which makes it hard. There is so much to organise here it is knowing where to start:wacko:
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