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Everything posted by missp

  1. Thank you both for your advise it really is appreciated! I haven't started to look at any schools in particular. I have however registered with a teaching agency who recruits for secondary school teachers and they have also offered the same advice I am going to spend the year whilst applying for the visa refreshing my knowledge on the year 12 math needed xx
  2. Hi all! I have currently been teaching for 5 years in the UK and moving to Perth next September (Fingers crossed!!) I currently teach maths to pupils aged 11-16. I know schools in Oz go up to Year 12 which is currently our A-level. However I have no experience of teaching 16-18 and I am not sure I would feel confident teaching with out some retraining. Is it possible to apply / secure a post just teaching Year 7-10? Or am I really reducing my chances by not having this experience? Any advice on this please or general advice on teaching in WA would be massively appreciated. Kirsty
  3. My partner, 2 year old daughter and I are looking into moving to Perth in September 2016 and are really excited by the idea and the adventure! The only downside is that parents are making us feel guilty for leaving and them missing out on our daughter growing up, which I appreciate. Has as any body else been in the same situation?
  4. I am currently living in West Yorkshire, England. Any advice would be massively appreciated.
  5. Hi all, I am new to this forum. Myself and my partner and 2 year old daughter have just started the process of applying for our visas to hopefully come out in September 2016. I currently teach Maths to GCSE level. Does anybody know what the need is for maths teachers currently in Perth? Is it possible to get a maths teachings job teaching to Year 10 only? Any advice on teaching in Perth would be greatly appreciated! Many thanks. Kirsty
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