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Everything posted by Monkey2645

  1. We're moving to Mandurah in November. Reverse situation - the kids and I are Aussie and hubby needs to wait for visa, so I'm going on ahead so our oldest can start school from the beginning. Can't say whether we'll like it for sure but it definitely ticks plenty of boxes on paper - very excited for it.
  2. Cool, I'll be in touch :-) we arrive in November x
  3. Hey bouncy assuming I can get a rental in the catchment my son will be starting pre primary at SHH in February too! Maybe they'll be in the same class :-)
  4. We're staying at the Ritz-Carlton in November - can't wait!
  5. Tbh that really upsets me. As someone who is not great at social situations the thought of all those 'settled' adults just leaving a 6 year old to their own devices ... And then to essentially blame him for it not going smoothly. I'd be very concerned about that teacher not having very much empathy (perhaps phoning her job in) and would certainly check that she won't be his teacher next year if she covers 2 grades. But I'd also be concerned about the head teacher blaming a child for a breakdown in communication?! Maybe a bit more time will be all he needs and when he's settled you'll wonder what you were worried about. But monitor it closely. Good luck to your boy :-)
  6. If you want me to email you the catchment list of streets pm me your email address - quite a lot of the catchment is in erskine and falcon
  7. I know it's a long shot that anyone's been in this situation, but wondering if anyone knows what the requirements are for being agreed for a mortgage. My husband has a good job in the Middle East - he's waiting for his visa so is staying here for the time being and possibly a bit longer dependent on getting a job in Perth etc. I'm coming in November to get the kids sorted for school etc. If (only if) I decide I want to buy is there any chance of getting a mortgage based on his earnings? He won't be resident and I'm guessing that could be a deal breaker but any thoughts on whether it's feasible would be welcome. Thanks.
  8. We're also going to mandurah in November. I like the look of South halls head primary so will be basing the initial search on that area.
  9. I guess your insurance is a lot more than $40 per week? That's the settled cover for single parents. General dental is covered to $500 pa. I'll have to look at the higher levels they offer for family cover - see if it seems more valuable. Edit: ahah found it - the extras only cover. Yes that seems much better value. does extra only cover mean you avoid the loading issue of not being covered by private health over a certain age?
  10. Hi all. Are there any soft play centres around mandurah? Don't mind a bit of a drive so any SOR really. Also is there anything like little gym or my first gym in the same kind of area? thanks
  11. I'm really confused by the health insurance options. Looking at medibank's website, they'll pay a maximum of $400 pa (at 55%) towards major dental, such as root canal and crowns. I've read on one of these forums that root canal can cost about $2000 in Australia. On this basis I'm not seeing any value in paying $40+ per week as the amount they cover is negligible. If and when the cover is required we might as well simply pay the full amount as we'd have saved more than the $400 anyway (assuming my teeth don't cave in straight away). Then there's orthodontics - they cover a lifetime limit of $1200. What if the kids need braces? I'm guessing the cost is way more than that, probably per visit? Never mind in a lifetime. Or am I being a doofus - does percentage back for children 100% mean children aren't restricted to limits?? At the moment full health insurance isn't seeming like very good value. Is there an insurer who offers cover for only ambulance and only for dental so these things can be covered separately for better total limits? Thanks
  12. Have you used http://www.myschool.edu.au? You can search by area on that
  13. http://www.paycalculator.com.au very handy website for seeing your net salary http://www.realestate.com.au/rent to check out rental in your chosen suburb/s https://www.coles.com.au i did a pretend shop on here (using 6100 postcode iirc) and the final figure worked out pretty comparable to what we spend now - similar items to now and of course some feel cheap and some expensive so it does depend what kind of things you're buying if you've chosen a school don't forget to factor in costs as even if not private there are more costs than in uk. If you haven't chosen http://www.myschool.edu.au has been invaluable to us. And don't forget to factor in extra curric costs - someone else might be able to give a clue as to what these may be if your kids have specific hobbies.
  14. that's great news - we've got 11 years and a couple of kids so should walk that. Yeah work's the kicker all the way down there, but the way I figure it anywhere SOR would be a nightmare for working NOR and vice versa. Might be some commuting going on. Congrats btw that must be a load off.
  15. We're going to mandurah - no other reason than I get a good vibe ;-) it's good to know you've actually been there and like it! Plus found a good school that, novelty of novelties, is in an area we can afford to rent and buy in. Are they still doing instant pr on partner if you've done the time? I know they used to but when we put our application in in may all the wording was for temp for 2 years and there didn't seem to be any wording for those circumstances
  16. Im looking at South Halls Head for primary, but had considered MCC (they have 3 feeder primaries but I'm sure one of them is their own MCC one) - either way it's picking somewhere in the relevant catchment, though I presume MCC also has the church requirements. Think we'll def go MCC for secondary as the state secondaries seem underwhelming - it's good to get other people confirming that I wasn't delusional in thinking it was a good school!! Thanks
  17. Lou do you mind me asking which school? And is it primary or secondary? Thanks
  18. Jason, what paperwork did you need to secure your rental? (Did you need references or anything?)
  19. I'm going with the kids at the beginning of November as we wait for hubby's spouse visa to come through. I'm really excited for it. We were separated for almost a year when he came to the UAE and I stayed in the uk cos I was pregnant and it was ok. He sorted housing car etc while I sorted selling up and giving birth. It'll be the other way round this time (except for the birth obvs) hoping it it will be worth it - sorting son into school so he can start at the beginning of the year, and me into uni.
  20. So the additional Medicare payment is only if you're a very high earner (I presume it's individual income not household?) the premium loading is on your private medical premiums not Medicare? Or do you mean Medicare premiums? (so if your income always stays below the threshold your Medicare % won't go up?)
  21. lol loving this. Think I'm going to avoid taking choc it might break me of some bad habits! (I think I know just the taste you mean - it's like cooking chocolate)
  22. Thanks guys good info on ambulance cover too I would have forgotten that. With private health - do people generally bother with it or just rely on Medicare? Am I wrong in thinking state healthcare is a bit like NHS but you have to pay a bit at point of service too - like an excess? if not can anyone recommend a provider for family cover - preferably including dental if that's a thing. Generally pleased i seemed to have most things covered but it's weird - it's such a big deal to make the move I feel like the to-do list should be more complicated and longer!!
  23. Hi all Does anyone have a checklist of things to do/cover in the first week or two of arrival? I've got: Find long term rental (!) and go shopping Register with Medicare Register for Centrelink (?) Get a TFN (Do I only need this if I'm working or is it like an NI number?) Get a PAYG SIM for my phone Pick up cards for bank account Register son for school in February (but thinking I'll need the rental sorting first) and find a nursery for daughter I'm sure I've missed some obvious stuff so any extras would be much appreciated. Thanks
  24. UWA and Notre Dame def do teaching. I'm planning on commencing my post grad course feb next year with UND and I'm 99% sure they both had 4 year BEds as well. I'm certain a levels can be used to get into Aus uni but not sure if you might have to do some kind of official comparison document. Go on their websites and contact their admission teams - they've both been helpful to me - if you can, get the details of the people who run your selected course - they are the people I got the best info off.
  25. Our two will be nearly 4.5 and 2 when we arrive in November and it would be great to meet up with others so the kids can play. I'm also hoping/relying on flexibility but sure I'll have to 'do the time' first - it makes it so much harder knowing there'll be no family to call on but I guess people end up managing.
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