It looks like we will be moving to Perth in about November. Our son is 16 and has just completed his GCSEs. I am looking into his schooling, as we will be arriving at the end of Year 11, with Year 12 starting in February. I was wondering if anyone had any knowledge of whether he would be able to complete his WACE within one year? Whether schools let children move back a year? and therefore do two full years at school. I am also looking at colleges where he would be able to do the Year 11/12 program and have found Canning College and Tuart College, are there any more within Perth? I've seen the fees as 100 dollars per course/subject chosen are these the only fees at a college? I also understand that within a state high school you pay for each course/subject are the fees similar?
It would be great to hear from anyone who has been through a similar situation with their child. Many thanks :smile2: