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  1. Wow, really shocked to hear how difficult it is over there. I'm a nurse so don't expect the job market to be quite so bad, and I'd make sure I had an offer before arriving, but this concerns me more for my teenage children who will be starting work in the next few years. I had my heart set on Perth but may have to keep an open mind around possibly going elsewhere in Oz!
  2. Thanks again for all your comments, it's given me lots to think about. I guess I need to get over there and form my own opinion on areas but hearing all your varied opinions and experiences definitely gives me a starting point of understanding Perth a bit more and which areas to take a closer look at/avoid. Im surprised to hear about the job market dipping a little, I thought mining was going to be strong for a long time and keep Perth economically strong. Is it possible that house prices might start coming down and times getting a little difficult over the next few years - increased unemployment etc do you think, or is it nothing to worry about?
  3. Really useful info - thanks! what is Mandurah like as a town to live in then? I've read good and bad things...
  4. Thanks for all your advice. Staying close to the train line sounds sensible. Is it a nightmare driving around central Perth, even if you're not going to the CBD, going to the main hospitals for example? Never actually been before so no idea how busy it actually is! Unless I go into London in the UK I tend to drive everywhere, never really thought about having to use trains to get to work
  5. Im a nurse so one of the hospitals - no idea which yet. I saw some nice houses in Banksia Grove that looked affordable - the new bit which according to some research is nicer than the old part and is an up and coming area? Also Mandyrah - quite a way out but very affordable houses if you're careful of which part you select? In these places I could afford a reasonable 3 bed detached it seems. Any thoughts? I'm only going by bits I've read. I've come to realise I can't afford to be in Perth and need to be outside to some degree. Boo! Thanks
  6. Hi, hope you don't mind me gate-crashing your thread, but I too am looking at which areas would be best to emigrate to so thought I'd join in as you may well benefit from any answers I get! I don't know Perth at all yet and am trying to work out which areas are within my budget and where I should focus my research on. As much as I'd love to live on the beach in one of the best areas, (Freemantle?) that isn't going to happen unless I win the lottery. Equally I don't want to live in a tin hut in an area I'll likely be shot dead within a month of emigrating! I'm looking on property websites and finding some bargains but assuming they are likely in awful areas. I'll be looking at getting a 3 bedroom property in the suburbs and hopefully get something for around $375k (the value of my UK house). I expect that I'll have to go inland a little, or to the north or south of the city to achieve this, or am I being unrealistic and will need more to get a 3 bed house in a reasonable area? I have teenage children so not overly worried about school catchment as they will be at college/working by the time we get over. It does mean that I don't want to be a million miles from civilisation, transport routes and social life though otherwise they'll hate it, but we currently live in a village on the outskirts of town which works for us so they're not expecting to be in Perth city itself. If someone could list a few areas that might be worth us researching I'd really appreciate it. Also what is the difference between the suburbs north and south, I seem to be reading a bit of rivalry! From what I can gather, the northern suburbs are newer? I did look at Clarkson - any opinions on it? How much of a commute is that into Perth centre? Thanks in advance
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