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Everything posted by linda@no9

  1. linda@no9


    Yes, I seem to have acquired rather a lot for storage/decorative purposes. Should they stay or should they go? No, in all seriousness, I have more. It's like the cushion thing. There is a need. I like my baskets, but can I ship them? Thank you.
  2. linda@no9


    The hubster has a rental. Just when we thought it was all going horribly wrong, got a rental in an area I know and ate in regularly. Very, very excited. Glad hubs has something rather splendid to live in until we arrive. These few weeks are miserable without him. Anyone else have a partner there while you are here?
  3. Thanks, Phil. He's got a rental in Hillary's and fortunate to have a parking space in the city so I'm going to assume it'll be a relatively painless trip to drive in (or train whichever) The rental is only for 6 months so we then will be looking for unfurnished so we can house the furniture when it arrives.
  4. Hubs was sorted today in Hillary's. Fabulous 2 bed 2 story fully furnished home. He's delighted. It kind of makes you wonder what folk will put up with doesn't it? Gumtree personals looked to be more eventful than the agents until this home came up. Hubs was lucky to be the first off the mark.
  5. Think I posted this in the wrong bit, but, My hubs has been to view 6 properties today. Looked great on agents website. 2 he just drove away from because they were disgusting (clever photography) and 3 the agents didn't even bother turning up to show the (at least) 12 people wanting to view! What is wrong with these folk? Hubs (architect) is after a nice, clean, 1 or 2 bed apartment (or anything furnished) to rent til at least October. Is Gumtree better?
  6. I had the opportunity to get David Camerons mobile number at no. 10 and didn't take it!!
  7. I'm sure it'll be fine Richiec.
  8. I know, as I said, in me dreams xx
  9. My hubs applied for a 176 and has found that applying for things now in Perth is easier having permanent residency x
  10. Hubs is doing this through work. We visited in Jan and stayed with friends in Madeley. Visited other friends in Dartch. (?) I guess a lot would say don't like the area I live in here, but I love it. Personal taste and what folk are looking for! We're looking for this on a budget of $600-$700 per week. Yep, in me dreams!
  11. linda@no9


    Yep, we have a 176 but to be honest will put as much down from the sale of our uk home as we can.
  12. We've been looking at Aubin Grove, Atwell, Coogee. Would love Secret Harbour but too far out. Cottesloe is a fav but price depending. Can I ask what your take on Aubin Grove is? x
  13. linda@no9


    And if you pay fortnightly opposed to monthly, you pay the loan off quicker!! Bank told us we could reduce the term as much as 7 years!
  14. Thanks Druid. We were told that shipping a car can be costly, not for import duty, but for Oz regulations, how clean it is etc etc etc. Instead of paying the fee at the end (which is how we have the car) we're just going to give it back in August. Hubs has now bought a vehicle in Perth, so we shall have transport when we arrive. We were told that unless you have a classic car, it's probably not worth the hassle. x
  15. Cant take cones in so de cone!!! xx
  16. We're shipping everything! Considered the car but have been told that customs will really look into everything and we could end up having to pay loads. Dog is costing around £3,000. He shipped his push bike over and even though he'd thoroughly cleaned it, they kept it for over a week in quarantine. Things like pillows I'm going to lob this end but buy new to ship as I am a vacuum cleaner. I need a new one anyway. I'm currently clearing my loft and it's surprising the junk we've accumulated over the years! Christmas decs took a hammering and I've yet to get the artificial tree out and de 'cone' it.
  17. Hi Ali. Hubs drove down to Secret Harbour yesterday. Looks idyllic!!! I think it's going to be too far out for us as he'll be working in Midland. He went out on to the beach and saw a baby turtle making it's way to the sea! xx
  18. Hi LadyJo. Cant offer advice re job situations but wanted to say hi and good luck on the move x
  19. I know no one will care but I'm currently sorting through the attic. Oh my days where has all this accumulated junk come from. Do we really need to hold on to video films?
  20. Thanks so much!! I've heard so much about FIFO situations. I will be taking a small break from my work but hopefully re launching to bring in a bit extra. Will be lovely to meet up and will defo do this once we land Perth side. Am currently in my attic sorting all the stuff we have. Oh my days didn't realize we had so much stuff!!
  21. Ooo don't tell me that!!!! My daughter keeps pointing Australian wine in Asda!!! will look forward to it V xx
  22. Hi guys. Well, we are crossing the days off for our arrival in Perth August 28. (We leave 27th) I think it's really important to have something to look forward to, knowing you aren't going to be alone and that there are some great folk who can make you feel a little welcome even if it doesn't turn in to long term friendships. Support circles are wonderful for us 'blow ins' So would love to meet up with anyone who's going to be in the same boat. Of course, we haven't decided on where we want to be quite yet, but once we have would love to arrange an afternoon.
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