We visited Joondalup when we stayed with friends in Madeley recently. Joondauup was about 10 mins drive from Madeley. Madeley to Perth about 20. Evidently folk in Perth don't drive anywhere further than 20 mins. If it's more, they say it's too far out!!
Our friends were great with areas and letting us know (their opinions) where we should be looking.
Nice areas (their words) are
Dartch (this is nice, just up the road from Madeley my pov)
Woodvale- has an excellent school!
Caramar- very nice. again my pov as we drove around. Great golf course.
Tapping also very nice.
These areas are on the north side of the main road, Wanneroo.
Areas which are more ex pat are
There is a wonderful land package in Corimbia which is just beyond Dartch. This is something we'd like to look in to as they are just releasing further plots.
We also drove up the coast to Alkimos which is a 35 min drive from our base at Madeley. Again, there is a land package building site going on up there. I guess from there to the center of Perth would take approx 50 mins. The freeway doesn't go up that far as yet, but this is all in the pipeline.
We looked at everything when we were there. Timed distances, looked at the rail networks. I have a file!!!
Hope this has helped xx