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Everything posted by linda@no9

  1. I've just downloaded Perth time clock on my desk top! Why is the UK getting on my nerves? When can I start packing? Is there actually any blue sky above all this grey? Waaaaaaa!!!!!
  2. linda@no9


    WA isn't that wait a while? To be honest, I can't wait to get over there and adapt the laid back a bit attitude. It'll come in the end I'm sure. xx
  3. linda@no9


    Hi Leeds2. I like wine too!! Hope news come soon for you! x
  4. Congrats on the offer!!! We can't wait either. xx
  5. While on a fact finding mission, I found out some interesting things. Fuel is cheaper on a Wednesday! Coles and Woolworths are like Asda. You can't buy alcohol in a supermarket. You have to go to a liquor store. Most places are free parking, even at the beach! It's better to take out Medicare insurance. If you don't the government will fine you, to the value of the medicare insurance each year! Every thing is tax deductable. Mortgage interest rates are about 6. 3% If you park on the wrong side of the road in the opposite direction (ie facing on comming traffic) you get fined. The council provide free dog poo bags! During holidays, if you get caught for a traffic violation, you get double fined. ie 6 points instead of 3!
  6. We've just come back from validating the visas. House on the market as I speak. We don't have much in the way of family that will affect us emotionally (long story) but I do have a 22 year old son at Plymouth uni. He has his visa so has 5 years. We keep telling him (as he is studying a Geology masters) that it'll be better in Perth/Oz than here in Uk. He'll be my biggest wrench and I'm already struggling. However, at 22 he has his life and is 100% behind us. I think well just go when the time comes, although hubs has the possibility of a job starting in March. If house isn't sold, and with a 16 year old sitting her GCSE's, he'll be over there and we'll be here. That DOES make me sad! Always happy to offer wine too! xx
  7. This is something I am defo looking into when we arrive. I have a fab studio here in uk and worried that I couldn't bring my business over with the same kind of studio space. However, with the size of the houses I'm going to set up from home. You need a licence to run a business from home, but simply apply to your Shire (local council) pay a fee and voila. I can have a study area for meeting clients and fittings and then a bedroom to use as a work room. This is me. http://www.no9bridalcouture.com
  8. Hi SJT. We visited Joondalup when we stayed with friends in Madeley recently. Joondauup was about 10 mins drive from Madeley. Madeley to Perth about 20. Evidently folk in Perth don't drive anywhere further than 20 mins. If it's more, they say it's too far out!! Our friends were great with areas and letting us know (their opinions) where we should be looking. Nice areas (their words) are Lansdale Dartch (this is nice, just up the road from Madeley my pov) Woodvale- has an excellent school! Caramar- very nice. again my pov as we drove around. Great golf course. Tapping also very nice. These areas are on the north side of the main road, Wanneroo. Areas which are more ex pat are Clarkson Butler. There is a wonderful land package in Corimbia which is just beyond Dartch. This is something we'd like to look in to as they are just releasing further plots. We also drove up the coast to Alkimos which is a 35 min drive from our base at Madeley. Again, there is a land package building site going on up there. I guess from there to the center of Perth would take approx 50 mins. The freeway doesn't go up that far as yet, but this is all in the pipeline. We looked at everything when we were there. Timed distances, looked at the rail networks. I have a file!!! Hope this has helped xx
  9. We stayed with friends in Madeley. Looked at lots of areas. Haven't heard of any listed above except Carramar. Golf course looked lovely! We actually drove up the coast to Alkimos which will be a new suberb beachfront. Did a lot of driving around. I guess it depends if you want to live english inhabited or more Australian inhabited.
  10. We stayed with friends in Madeley. Have a list of areas to go and not to go if you need some!
  11. Blimey, 1 way, that's brave. We stayed with friends. Hubs applied 18 months ago but I just wasn't in to it at all. Had a mealt down on the 2nd night we were there thinking it was just too much of a culture change. But after I got my head around things and embraced everything, I was all set to go. Loved it! Only time I never wanted to come home!
  12. Hi guys. As the title says, just returned and now cannot wait to go back to live! Stayed with friends so didn't do the holiday thing, more of a fact finding excercise. Intend to relocate what has become a very sucessful wedding gown business (just won 2012 wedding industry award for dress designer for the uk) to the suburbs of Perth. So, any of you in need of a posh frock i'm your gal.
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