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About chogger

  • Birthday 30/03/1984

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  1. Hi all Moving from Perth to Melbourne at the end of the year and i have been getting quotes from shipping companies. Budget self pack containers gave me a great quote! but i was hoping someone may have had experience with them , as i am worried the quote they have gave me may end up with extra costs! Thank you in advance J
  2. Thank you Will have a look at all of the suggested options, just wondered does anyone know if seven seas move cube go from Perth to Melbourne? as this might be an option. Thanks again
  3. Hi All We are living in Perth at the moment and are planning to move to Melbourne at the end of the year. Just hoping someone has some info on our best/cheapest options for transporting toys etc. We dont have to take furniture as out stuff is not worth much but would like to take toys/bikes and our tv etc. Also thinking about sending car on train any info would be much appreciated. We just want to organise/plan things early so we know costs etc. Thanks J
  4. Hi Janine Hows things going? Thats great that yous know when yous will be coming over!! Shame u wont be over earlier i may need you, lol having a slight issue. Christine xxxx
  5. Hi Marie21 Thanks for your message, yes your right he loved following our old neighbours son he was 11. I am free on thurs mornng for a few hours could maybe meet at the mall for a coffee, or think i saw a nice cafe next to the Mullaloo IGA. If you are free? If not we always have some spare time at the wknds just pm me. Christine
  6. Hi All We have not long moved to Kallaroo and are hoping to meet some new friends. I am 29, hubby 31 and our son is 5 and daughter 3. They both start Springfield school next week. We moved from the UK in July, but have previously been here on temporary basis a few years ago. Our son is still really missing all of his friends and would love to make some new ones. If any one lives locally we could maybe catch up during the week, our daughter will only be at Kindy a few days or we can meet as a family at the wknd. Thanks Christine
  7. Thank u Chrissysp and poppops for the info on the area, its making me very excited!! we lived in Waikiki when we were in Perth before but keep being drawn bk to Halls Head, glad primary schools are good. Chrissysp how old are your children mine will be 3 and 5. Do you or your partner work in CBD? or local? Thanks Christine
  8. Hi all Been looking into Halls Head only issue i can see is i High schools is there a good one near Halls Head? Thanks
  9. Hi all We head to Perth in few weeks and have been looking at house and land packages. We will be renting for a while, but as we still have our home in the UK wont have a deposit or much of one. Looking at some of these house and land packages they say only need small deposit, we just wanted some first hand info on what extra costs will we need on top of the house and land package? whats not included? extra costs etc? Has anyone else bought a package with low deposit etc ? Or is it better to just save for the nxt few years to get a larger deposit? Any info would be very much appreciated.
  10. http://bettereducation.com.au/school/Primary/wa/wa_primary_school_rating.aspx just type in suburb.
  11. Hi not sure what to suggest if you have not left her before, we are moving over in a few weeks and i was thinking about having another baby. I would prob try make friends quick and ask one of those if Casey is shy if not im sure one of the daycare centres may take her for a day if you explain your situation, there as always new people arriving. Christine
  12. Thanks Rachbaby84, thats great to know the area is so nice !! We will def be up fro meeting once we arrive . Christine x
  13. Thank you Jill, we may contact you in a few weeks when we arrive as we will be looking for a long term rental property. Christine
  14. Hi Thank you so much everyone for all of the great info! We are going to be focusing on Halls Head today and hopefully will know for sure soon. We were initially hoping to head to Duncraig but dont want to start my children at school in an area we later cant afford to buy in. Thanks again Christine
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