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Nigel Abery

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Everything posted by Nigel Abery

  1. Opening a bank account whilst on a 457 visa will be no problem. The best you can hope for is an initial rate of about 3.5?% for a few months before dropping back to 2.??% after that. Some will have minimum monthly deposit amount and most will have maximum deposit amounts (the max is usually quite high - several hundred thousand anyway). Other banking options (including home loans) are available to 457 visa holders from some lenders.
  2. If you can assure the landlord that you are able to pay the rent on time you should be fine. Some real estate agents require you to provide evidence of your income (payslips) but if you are self employed then you could just show them bank credits instead.
  3. I would not worry about having a "good credit rating" in Australia. Firstly you will not bring any credit rating good or bad with you from overseas. Secondly, you only need to worry if you have bad credit (unpaid debts) on your file.
  4. Hi, Australian banks and lenders do not check your credit file overseas. You will be fine if they don't ask no need to tell.
  5. Hi, to answer your question, yes, some lenders will consider overseas income provided that you meet their documentary evidence requirements. Cheers!
  6. Australian banks and lenders do not (or cannot) check your credit history overseas. However, they may require you to declare that you have not been bankrupt. There are serious consequences for making false declarations, if you are caught. Good luck!
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