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Everything posted by Sal

  1. For car theft https://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/wa/a/30798975/top-ten-worst-perth-suburbs-for-car-theft/ For home burglary https://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/wa/a/30798976/top-ten-worst-perth-suburbs-for-burglaries/ For assault https://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/wa/a/30798978/top-ten-worst-perth-suburbs-for-assault/#pause Check out a suburb here - https://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/wa/a/30802107/perths-crime-hotspots-revealed/
  2. I would make secondary schooling be a big factor in your search as the high schools in Mandurah aren't great and the private schools will have waiting lists.
  3. You are not actually moving to Perth, but to a city 70km away, bit like saying I am moving to Leicester but living in Birmingham. Keep that in mind when thinking about the commute to the city for work or social events - theatre, sports events or just a night out. Schools - go on here - type in Mandurah and you can check out the schools. Click on Naplan, results in numbers - green means above average, red means below. http://www.myschool.edu.au/ A few of the primaries are very poor so choose your suburb carefully - and the state high schools also perform badly, lots of folk on here who live in Mandurah opt to go private.
  4. I prefer West....the CBD is nine k's inland and I believe the hills and East of the city is well liked.
  5. High schools in Mandurah are poor unless you go private.
  6. Interesting first post B52, this is thread is a year and a half old so I think they may be sorted by now.
  7. Duncraig has one of the top ten State high schools. High schools in Rokingham are some of the worst. Depends how old your kids are and if that's a factor.
  8. Sal

    Kids in oz

    if you're not a hands-on parent now and allow your 6 and 7 year old to play Xbox all the time then I doubt things will change in another country. Kids generally don't play out on the street here. Most have after school activities at least once or twice a week. Most Aussie kids do swimming lessons and then may be a sport which means training during the week and a match at the weekend. There are fantastic opportunities for this from a young age - soccer, footie, tee ball (mini baseball), basketball, hockey to name a few. Or it could be drama/music whatever. Otherwise parents tend to arrange going to a child's house for an after school play or take them to a play ground or park. In the summer many people have pools or are near the river or beach so go there.
  9. If you've been through NAPLAN results did you see that every primary school and the high school has results that are substantially below the national average! Still, nice beach and shopping.
  10. If good schools are your priority then look in the catchment areas of the best government high schools - Western suburbs - Shenton College NOR Churchlands, Duncraig, SOR Rossmoyne, Leeming, Willeton. However no point living in e.g Leeming and finding work in Two Rocks! Work has really got to be your guide.
  11. You'd think they'd be able to spell Fremantle correctly!
  12. or may be it should be West of city, East of city
  13. sorry, just flagging the two other directions you can go in!
  14. Flies - arrive in late October, usually gone by Christmas unless you go down south then it is later.
  15. Best k-12 Catholic school in western Australia is John XXIII College in Mount Claremont. Problem is you have to be married to the Pope to get in - as is the same for many of the other good catholic schools that are K-12. Next best Catholic high school - Sacred heart in Hilarys followed by Chisholm, Mount Lawley. your best bet is try and get into a Catholic primary that feeds into a high school and get the kids names down as soon as poss for high school in Year 7.
  16. re flights $2000 would get you a nice hotel in Singapore for the night. Get a day flight to Singapore in economy. Stop there for two nights to help the jet lag then do a day flight economy to Perth. Best way of spending the money.
  17. If you have got kids then let good schools lead your decision.
  18. The city centre (CBD) is central Perth and there is not much property there other than apartments. The CBD is actually inland by about 9k's so from the sea to the CBD is called the Western Suburbs and this is where you will struggle to get something with three beds for under $800. They do exist, but tend to be older, run down properties or ones that are blocks that have been divided. Wembley is probably just in the western suburbs and then anything further north would be called North of the River NOR. Cannington is south east of the CBD. You said you wanted to be in the city centre - depends how close you want to get. Living east of the CBD is a lot cheaper than living west. Perhaps start looking at suburbs along the train lines as you head out in different direction from the city - north, south east and west.
  19. Sal

    A Quick Question

    Sorry, you're right, I found this one in Nedlands for $575. If you don't mind the orange tiles then it'd be a good area to live. http://reiwa.com.au/Buy/Pages/More-info.aspx?SearchType=RESRENT&prop_no=1&listingid=10332146&listingno=3333859&puid=0
  20. Sal

    A Quick Question

    Have a look at this - http://www.paycalculator.com.au/ $100,000 gives you a take home of around $1,400 a week. A three bed near the city will cost you around $800 minimum. food shopping for a family of four - about $200 a week. Then you have all the other things!
  21. Only possible area might be Kwinana or Armadale - have some of the worst schools in WA and high crime rate. If you want to go country then you'd be OK. Cheap house and good school don't go together.
  22. I'd let this be your rough guide - anything under $400,000 could be a bit dodgy in terms of schools, and definitely under $300,000 http://reiwa.com.au/Research/Pages/Price-growth-by-suburb.aspx though there will be exceptions.
  23. Your message should read - I have sat (sit in) the IELTS exam several times but I am unable to get more than 5.5 in the reading part. I (did) have done the exam several times but the result is the same.I am tired now and I am looking for any other (alternate) alternative solution to get the required marks or any other way to again sit (for) the IELTS exam and try again. There are several difficulties with grammar and tense. I think your best option is to have some English language tutoring from an English as a second language teacher.
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