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About bianca87

  • Birthday 03/03/1987

bianca87's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. thanks for you replies... Adelaide just seems really small. After 16 months we feel as though we have done/seen everything. I feel it's best suited for 50+ And retirement. It's very laid back (which I don't mind at times) but we've started to get bored. Were a young family and looking for a young suburb, we like to do family activities but also socialise with friends for drinks ect. Didyou use a removal company?
  2. Hi all, We moved to Adelaide September 2013 on 190 visa. Not been the top of our list we always said we would give it ago but it is just not living up to our dreams. After much deliberation we have decided to pack up the family and go..... AGAIN!! So my question is, have any of you moved interstate and do you have any advice? We're hoping to make the move May(ish) We have 2 children Louie 6 & Lottie 4 thanks in advance, Bianca ?
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