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  1. And possible yes, however it was from the immediate quote, my resume and the visa I was after so the agent doesn't know of all my circumstances. I'll keep at it though as I am keen.
  2. Cafe and restaurant manager which is on the CSOL list. I don't have any qualifications in it, I went a different route at university but I've got 10 years of experience in the industry and at a management level for some of those years. I have refences for those.
  3. So i'm halfway through my second working holiday visa and i'm looking into state nomination - either permanent or temporary. I have an employer who can potentially give me a working contract for at least 1 year which is one of the requirements and it's in a rural area. Is it easier for me to apply for state nomination because i'm on a working holiday visa or does it make no difference? I've also got an older sister who lives in Western Australia and is a permanent residence but she's due for her citizenship soon. How long generally does the state nomination process take? I contacted go mathilda 2 weeks ago but i've not received any helpful response. They suggested I apply for a 457 visa with the employer but as it's in hospitality, my employer has already told me it would be difficult for them to sponsor me - mostly because they can't prove that they can't employ Australians to fill the position. Thanks
  4. What's the average wait time? My working holiday visa is up in 7 months and i'd like to get the ball rolling now in regards to state sponsorship. i've already got a potential contract for 1 year in a rural area - would that speed up the process?
  5. Can you recommend any agents to get an initial assessment?
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