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Mrs Love

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Everything posted by Mrs Love

  1. Sorry cant make it today, but definatly up for the next one x
  2. Hi we've got 2 boys age 9 and 6 also starting Carramar primary in Feb, meeting up with Lorna at Kings Park tomorrow so hopefully you can make it. What year will your 10 year old be starting? Tracey x
  3. Can we join please :-) we've got 2 boys age 6 and 9, live in Banksia Grove and keen to make new friends after arriving here last night...! Hoping to make the most of this lovely weather after leaving a wet Wales... Lol Tracey and Paul
  4. Hi Lorna, I've not seen the rental yet but apparently it's not far from the new build estate Wildwood. The other half has been there since May. Are you far away from there?
  5. Hi we arrive 1st Jan ( husband with 2 boys age 6 and 9) we've got a rental in Banksia Grove so would be nice to make some new friends for me and the boys. Don't intend working until the boys are settled in school so will have plenty of free time. Tracey
  6. No one questioned me about the ones I had in my luggage :-) and I'm so glad I brought them I've not seen any Yankee candle suppliers in Perth yet.... I need my fix :-) Tracey x Just a quick one if you like Bodyshop stock up before you come it can be 3 times the price over here.....
  7. Hi I've managed a few long haul flights with my 2 energetic boys and I've always kept them awake as long as possible prior to flying, spent a couple of hours reading/playing/ watching TV then brush their teeth and put some pj's on them to prepare them for sleep ( then they've always slept for a good 6-9hrs ). The stop over will break up your flight and she may even have a power nap on the short stint of your flight.... Good luck :-)
  8. Hi Vix, being a Yankee candle fanatic I was also concerned but decided to ship over 6 large candles in the container and put 2 in my hand luggage (just in case) and all arrived safe :-). I did leave behind a hand made bees wax candle my son had made though....
  9. I know how your feeling :-( Mr Love flew 3 weeks yesterday, was really hard waving him off and had to keep the tears behind sunglasses so the boys (6 and 8) would'nt see me upset....but be strong and positive, it's the beginning of your new life and the start of a new adventure after all the worry, stress and planning. Take care x
  10. Keep in touch and maybe we can catch up for a few beers when we're over. Will be staying with family when we first arrive but need to start looking at areas to live and get the boys settled in schools.
  11. Hey lorna, we're from Pontypool, I've been a secret stalker of this site for a while but thought I really need to come out :-). Looking forward to starting our new lives in Perth and on a bit of a high at the moment. How are you enjoying life in Oz?
  12. Hi from sunny South Wales, currently watching the six nations, Mr Love arriving in Perth the end of April and me and the boys (age 9 and 6) shortly after. We would welcome a six nation get together next year to support our boys :-) x
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