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Everything posted by fifi69

  1. fifi69

    60k salary

    I have to agree with the others, life would become a real struggle on that wage..
  2. A great night....lovely seeing you and the family again Porty.
  3. Glad your enjoying and making the most of it. We aren't too far from you, it's a great area to live. Some lovely eateries and cafes nearby. The river is a lovely place to spend time, lots of free to use BBQs on hand too. Just a heads up, look out for the free family concert held at Point Walter at the beginning of March (I think). Its set right on the riverbank, a really nice way to spend the afternoon/evening. If your looking for good quality fresh, tasty fruit n veg head along to the farmers market in Palmyra on a Sunday morning. You can get lots of other goodies there too including eggs, honey, homemade cakes and pies. Def worth a visit. Also, although a bit more hit n miss the car boot sale on a Sunday morning at Melville Plazza, can unearth some good bargains. all the best
  4. Sounds like your settling nicely....lovely post.
  5. Rush hour traffic in Perth is bad. Personally if travelling to the CBD I would say let the train take the strain, but you do need to be at the station early to ensure a parking space. The Mitchell Freeway is especially bad IMO, I do wonder if its because as well as people travelling from the north to the CBD, you also have the people travelling SOR, which is more industrialised?, so maybe many that live NOR would be coming south to their workplace.
  6. OH and I will be at Cottesloe... A totally disgusting, sickening policy..
  7. Wow, thanks for all your feedback guys...not just newbies that need help. Well I think, over the past couple of weeks, we've looked at every area that's been listed. Tbh I don't think I've found my ideal..but def come across a few areas that would be pleasurable enough for a while til we either go further south or head back to metro Perth...it's so difficult cos we are so in love with the area we rent in, but until/unless we sell the UK house, we can't afford this area. Areas are all very much a personal opinion for sure..but it's amazing what the same budget will get you in different areas. Hate all these new eeny weeny tiny blocks that they try and pass off as living spaces....sorry but I want my alfresco and entertainment area...I live outdoors virtually here, and love getting all my friends round, plus we need a pool!! So far our preferences say no to Honeywood, nice but small blocks, no to Wellard and Bertram, loved the look of Wellard Centre but the council housing policy seems to be causing concern, no also to Sunset and Emerald Park, but if I could afford it a semi rural in the Homestead Range would be nice. A major no no to Secret Harbour...that place does look like bogan central. OH working in Port Kennedy which I think looks nice, but apart from down near the jetty which is out of our price range, no modern enough houses for us. Only my opinion but the other suburbs near there..seem a bit Hicksville, and scary!!! So that's the Rockingham area out, apart from Baldivis, which I like. Im a big fan of the Halls Head, Dawesville, Wannaup areas of Mandurah, but on this occasion they are still just that but too far out. So Lakelands and Meadow Springs...not yet clued up to know where one starts and the other ends, but I did like the look and feel of Lakelands, we looked at and are very interested in a block there. It's in a nice spot, perfect for the dogs. Spoke with one of the builders today, a house and land package would be available...but not the double storey that I would have liked...meh. never mind the search continues ....
  8. Our first time at Perths Australia Day Skyworks show and what a brilliant day. Parked at The Convention Centre which had an all day flat fee of $10. We got there at 12noon to meet friends and it was more or less empty but even going back after 2pm to collect our stuff there was still plenty of spaces left. Walked to the Jetty Street Barracks for a coffee as our friends hadn't been there yet and like all first timers they were tickled by the large pub on the waterfront that goes by the name of The Lucky Shag!! Then it was into the CBD for a bite too eat, back to the car for chairs, esky etc arriving at the foreshore and getting a prime spot at 3pm but right upto about 6pm you could still set up camp there. Once set up we went off for a wander round Langley Park, our friends have young children and couldn't get over that apart from food and drinks everything else was free. The kids had a great time on the pony and camel rides, at the circus, in the house of fun, the water park, bouncy inflatables, puppet show, watching the dancers and listening to a band. Us adults enjoyed the horse based shows, the motocross display team, all the different aeroplane flybyes, especially the water bombers and super fast, loud jets. I loved soaking up the atmosphere, seeing families having fun in the sun, plenty of shade and free water too if required. Where Langley Park sits is right in front of the skyscrapers and apartments and it was great watching all the people having parties on their balconies. Time past so quickly and before we knew it, it was time to take our front row seats for the fireworks and laser show....well what can I say....just amazing. Everyone was spellbound by them. A walk back to the car, no major queues just a slight detour from the road we would normally take and back home. Its a day I would recommend even if you only do it once... So last year we did our local one the show in Fremantle, that too although on a smaller scale was very good. Next year if we are living as we think we will be anywhere between Rockingham and Mandurah then we will do one of those areas.... Looking forward to it already...
  9. Looks like we are taking the plunge on owning our own home here. I will be working in Cockburn, OH in Port Kennedy, so makes sense to build somewhere close to access for the Kwinana Freeway. We aren't new to Perth, so do know some of the areas, but wouldn't mind some feedback from people living in or near any of these areas. Honeywood...I know its still pretty new, not sure if block sizes are big enough. Wellard - Emerald Park or Sunrise. Not sure about Emerald Park, all seemed a bit bland. Sunrise, anyone planning to move here? Baldivis....Really like the look of it...which estate would you recommend? Was told to stay away from the Smirk Road area of ??? Secret Harbour...Looked at rentals here when we first arrived....wasnt too impressed with the area...was that judgement right?? Mandurah....have always said since I first visited that I wouldn't mind living there, but up until now it would have been too long a commute. Love the look of Halls Head area, don't know anything about Meadow Springs. We are going to have a look at a large block in Lakelands on Saturday but don't know anything about the area. We don't need to worry about schools. Just trying to get a feel for what areas are like from people that actually live in them. Also for those that do commute on the Kwinana at rush hour, how far down would you live if you Didnt want a journey of more than 45mins to Cockburn. TIA
  10. Really sorry to hear you are finding it tough. TBH the rental market is not as competitive as it was 12/18 months ago so I'm a bit at a loss. I know it sounds weird and not what we are used to, but things like this can take ages, especially if the agents are a bit lax. Sounds like your looking in a v popular area...like a cv, you need to make sure your rental pack stands out from the other applications. I know its a pain but include everything, even photos of the children and your old property. Make sure they know how well you will look after the property in your statement. Could or would you be willing to broaden your search? Not so your somewhere you don't like of course, but you never know what little gem could be waiting in the next suburb. I hope you get sorted soon. Must be very stressful for you .
  11. You should sign up for mobile txt alerts. The authorities will then send you messages if your in danger or you need to evacuate the area.. sorry I'm trying to post the link but Internet is playing up and is on a go slow...
  12. I know we have a few members who live in the affected areas and watching it on the news it looks devasting and already one death. So stay safe all those affected. We are all thinking of you.
  13. Think I must be fully acclimatised....slept like a log
  14. No, but it will cost you more to register them. BTW and I'm not sure all City Councils do this but our one Melville recently brought in a new price band. Its a lifetime registration the cost for our dogs were $100 each. So this option does work out cheaper in the long run. Im not sure if your expected to re-register if you move to another area though.....I certainly won't be
  15. 2.30pm and its showing 42 on the thermometer, which is in a really shady place!! Took dogs out v early this morning and haven't done much else but laze by the pool, enjoying plenty of dips. Now just heading down to the river with the jet ski... I really could live with these temps all year round....just love it
  16. fifi69


    Thanks for sharing Elfie, looks amazing. We are heading down there camping next month, never been before so you've really wetted my appetite.. Am I right in thinking you camped with your dog?...tent or van? how was that side of things? Are the campsites mainly dog friendly? Not sure wether to take our dogs...we Didnt when we went camping up north, although most sites would let them even Monkey Mia which surprised me. I was just a bit worried about the heat mainly!! Felt bad not taking them though!! Any other tips on places not to miss. We were thinking of doing coastal on the way down but coming back via inland for some of the way.
  17. It is normal....wether it gets better or not? for some it does but for others those feelings just don't go... You do need to give it more time though just to be sure either way..
  18. Me me me...honestly Lorraine I would be more than happy to take the girls Im only down the road....pop round, meet the boys, check out the rest of the crew and the house. Seriously Hun its a genuine offer .can't say they won't be spoilt rotten though. Only time I'm not available is w/c 17/2.
  19. We flew with them to Perth with a HK stopover. i found them fine to travel with. A lot of people don't like the seats but once mastered they were fine. You need to push with your bum to recline rather than use your back. the staff were attentive, food ok, they also leave out nibbles to help yourself too throughout the flight. Didnt really find any difference with them over emirates or Qatar airlines. didnt upgrade so can't comment on that. Glad ive knocked HK off the list of places to see but def not somewhere I would go back too.
  20. fifi69

    Perth Pet Hates

    Flies only normally for a certain period. Mozzies year round I'm afraid. But truthfully IMO they aren't any worse than what you come across in Europe. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've had to go inside because of them. They tend to be worse at sunset. Very rarely do I even bother with the repellant now, only if I start to feel them. There are areas of Perth that tend to be worse than others though, not whole areas, just pockets due to certain good breeding grounds for them.
  21. Wages are good...if you can make the time.. plenty of panel beaters living on one wage and supporting family, living in nice 4x2s with pools. the single guys are having a ball.. i think you do right ..get the regional under your belt. Then come back and get a 457.
  22. To the OP you will never get a yes or no on this question. Every family is different. IMO take a look round your home, if its in good nick or sentimental include it. Be brutal, if its not in good nick, just kinda comfy or just there, don't bring. We took a movecube...and I was happy with that...even though there was stuff in there that I've not used or needed since being here. the only thing I would stress is the houses here are so so different from UK ones...will your furniture go?
  23. Agree with the others...great post. And just shows what can be done if you set your mind to it. its so difficult to know if your doing the right thing. Like you I had never been. Knew no one here. We had decided we wanted out of the UK but Oz did not feature...then boom, OH came home one day and said " I know you don't fancy Oz but...." the rest is history...I Didnt fancy it, but a few ups and downs and I'm here loving it. and soon you will be too..
  24. Hi Danny, There may well be Fifo jobs going in your trade...but like any other Fifo job it may be difficult to get Into without knowing someone if you get my drift... Also the fact that you are on a WHV visa would prob go against you. Have you done your regional work to qualify for the 2nd year? Tbh if it was Perth you wanted to stay in I know you would have a very good chance of getting sponsored in your trade. If its the quick term money gain (and why not) as in Fifo work then it maybe a bit harder but worth looking into.. saying this as OH is a manager in a paint and panel shop with shops here and in the UK...
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