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Everything posted by fifi69

  1. Not been but sounds great... Still Finding our feet last year when I read about it...but since been to Margaret river and is beautiful . this year...like last, just cursed...so many good things on, you don't know where to turn... such a full diary...but this one def next year...
  2. The salary you quote would be fine for 2 people IMO. Wow I would imagine thousands would love to be in your position. You have the opportunity to come to Perth for a 2 year adventure without any financial outlay, your job being kept open for you back in the UK. I really can't see any negative points at all. you haven't given your ages but if it was me I would treat it as a long holiday and put the baby making on the back burner until you returned to the UK. Only for the reasons your wife mentions...having a baby is tough, even tougher if you have no support. i would treat Perth as your last fling so to speak before the sleepless nights and nappy mountains appear.. Good luck on it all..
  3. If you feel happier bring coats...stick them in your shipping. ive done two Perth winters now and managed with just cardis and fleeces.. IMO ...it's not winter that's the problem...cold first thing and night, lovely during the day.. sping though...meh... doesnt know if its Arthur or Martha ...worse then winter IMO ...lots of rain and wind...bring Wellies if you think you may be doing any walking.. for winter...a pair of uggs and some fleece pj,s should keep you going ..or bring onsies...
  4. Aw..have a super time We Didnt know our last UK Xmas was to be our last... Not sure if it had made a difference....I had always fancied a Xmas in the sun.....and now we've had one and we all say it was the best Xmas ever... even tonight I've been out to our local shopping centre Garden City...and yes it's festive... but no stupid crowds....not in your face pressure.. Then I called at Coles on the way home....was only in for a few mins...but the song playing was Oasis Wonderwall.. I love it...I hope it never gets to the stupid commercialism of the UK .. Here its a holiday...firms close...spend time with your friends or family if your lucky.. a end of the year time to recharge your batteries...
  5. Haha Loz looks like we posted that at same time.... would just add that Northbridge on NYE outside of the nightclub scene is a real family affair....all ages are there, a nice atmosphere.. not sure what its like after 12 though...
  6. You may get lucky and be able to join some of your fellow backpackers if they have anything planned.... or you may be jet lagged and just want to sleep!! Your best bet would be to head to Northbridge, that's where most of the nightclubs are and they also have a street festival, live bands, dj's etc going on. You can get the train to the underground station and walk from there or take a bus to Wellington street and again a walk across the bridge will bring you here. Public transport will be running thru the night on a limited service. A lot of younger people also head to Scarborough beach...not sure what goes on there and technically your not meant consume alcohol on the beach but don't know if this is adhered too...
  7. You can only work for the same company for 6 months on a WHV, although I'm not sure what happens when/if you do your regional work and then get your 2nd visa if then you have a bit more flexibility ....rules change all the time.. Its daft that they have taken bricklayers off the list...my eldest daughter works for a house builder and they are crying out for brickies...
  8. Yes great news for those coming after that date.....it's been on the cards for a while but nobody knew how long the ins and out would take. For my boys its a year too late....most animals sail thru it. One of mine though has never been quite the same since going thru it.
  9. Never been to Oz before we moved. No problems in settling. Did as much research as possible so there wasnt any real surprises. I'm glad I didn't overthink about it too much and just got on with it. Perth is a great place....but I suppose if you don't make an effort, or things don't fall into place that could taint how you would feel about the place, ie If you can't find work, don't make friends etc. The other people who won't like it are the ones who get carried away with the notion of moving but in reality aren't really cut out to make the move a success....as they say its not The UK with sunshine ..
  10. I know what you mean, truely awesome.. the sun rises at this time of year are brill too. Watching it rise up behind a palm tree, so beautiful, just makes you want to head out and enjoy it.
  11. Brilliant post. I'm sure it will help plenty of people. it all just shows what can be done if your prepared to put he effort in. Subi is a great place and def a place for people who like a bit of action to look at. all the best for the future
  12. Haha...don't worry Ali, your not alone. im reading this thread thinking...what freeway, loads of freeways.. All I know is I'm SOR and in between two Highways...
  13. Haha just part of living in Perth....never seen so many stupid accidents as I've done here. the amount of people that have their head pie in the sky and rear end others is atrocious. best not complain too much its what keeps OH n I going
  14. Really pleased to hear its worked out for you plus great news about the magazine. I remember reading your posts while I was researching before coming over in July last year. We were coming from same part of the UK. So its been nice reading your updates. like most of us I know you had your ups and downs...doggy problems with quarantine, rental issues, down days etc but its true stick at it and it all falls Into place. yes spring so far has been a bit of a let down but now its turned its time for us to pinch ourselves and say "we are lucky, we live here". we did dinner on the beach last night too....to be able to decide at last minute that's what your going to do is great isn't it. All the best for the future x
  15. Really surprised at this...if you've got a decent rental pack you should stand a great chance of getting a rental. we managed to get a long term rental while still in the UK and that was when it was really cut throat, plus we have two large dogs. Its got nothing to do with visas I'm sure
  16. We went on the first Sat it opened. the taste can only be described as divine.. i had a white pudding...tbh it was a lot smaller than you would get it Scotland but tasted like heaven. The chips were to die for.. please please start a chain bringing this chip shop to every suburb..
  17. Before we moved OH left it up to me to decide on where to come to in Oz. I got it down to Brizzy or Perth. Perth for us won on the weather. We moved to Perth and totally loved it. Went to Brissy for a holiday in March, loved it too and can def see why it suits a lot of folk, but while it was great for a holiday for us it wasnt a patch on Perth and what it offers. No big city feel here, so very easy to make friends, Perth equals for us a very chilled put place, with everything we need and want on our doorstep. i hope it all works put for you xx
  18. Didnt go to the festival...but we all watched the fireworks from the from of our house.....they could be seen for miles
  19. No a pool IMO makes no difference. We have a pool but don't see any difference in quantity of mozzies to non pool friends. What I have found is some suburbs are def worse than others....I know anyone can get Ross River Disease, but there has been and still is estates being built in areas known for being bad for it. Ross River Disease is on the up this year (according to news reports) partly due to the unusual weather we have had this spring. In all honesty, I don't find the mozzies where we live that bad...not as bad as some of the European holiday places I've been. Last year there was only one night during the hot weather that we couldn't sit out because of them.
  20. fifi69

    Our reccie

    Sounds like your having a lovely time Lou. now the weather picking up even better for you xx
  21. Ali..I know what you mean...but if you get a good one, local to your area, with jokes about that area, it can be fun. already in my head I've got a few jokes about certain areas and the people that reside there...and I'm not talking about the typical bad areas, I've seen plenty a funny thing happen in Perths so called upper class areas. and if nothing else else us poms are good at taking the piss out of our situation xx
  22. Like Port, I Didnt see anything about pantos last Xmas, but there again I Didnt look for anything. Its def a British thing I think...isn't that why so many American and Oz stars take part. what a great idea for a business here though....I'm sure lots of poms who used to have it as part of there Xmas routine would come...I would for sure. if you do decide to venture down that avenue and are looking for staff.....I'm free xx
  23. Congrats and well done on doing it yourself....you can now spend some of the money you saved on celebrating xx
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