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  1. we have just got back from 3 weeks there,yeah a job and acommodation is not a problem they are sorted. i guess 18months from now. we will take some savings but we wont be able to startsaving properly muntill we hand back our house and move in with some family, which will helpus out massively. i do know things are no cheaper than the uk but will be in a better position in oz ben
  2. no my wife is an ozzy
  3. no just cant see the light at the end of the tunnel yet agibb83
  4. the visa i intend to get is a partner visa.the plan is to stay with friends when we get there, once there i have got a job lined up witch payes excellent money. its just here running the home and all the other things that go with it. i dont intend to bring much probly just pictures and things that mean a lot to us.
  5. yeah i know. its just difficult to run a home and save with a family, once we get out there it will be fine got work lined up and a place to stay, just getting there
  6. Help I need money, i am finding it very dificult to get all the money i need to get me visa(£1800 + medical) i hate it just when i am getting there somthing always pops up. i am getting fed up with it. i just want to lodge my application SOME ONE HELP ME PLEASE
  7. hi, is there any one out there who can point me in the right direction or offer advice, My wife and I are currently living in the uk and off to perth for a holiday and me a for a look around. i am currently looking for jobs in the fire and security sector but struggle abit to find anything and even when i do and ping them off a C.V I dont even get a reply. any one who could offer advice i would be very greatfull Ben
  8. how much did it cost, what are they looking for in these meds
  9. hi jak, i have been told iam eligible for a visa i just dont know what to do next.
  10. Hi. I have been looking in to moving to oz but do t know where to start and what to do first. Do I try and find a job first, visa's I just don't know. Help
  11. Can some one tell me what's involved with medical ad police checks thanks
  12. Hi guys am girls, I have been looking for jobs and emailing c.vs to people but no joy and not many people get back to you either. Any tip on how to find a job and your own experience with this ThanKs
  13. Hi guys Need help and advice. My family and I are trying so hard to get out to oz. we are finding its a lot of money to find when you have bills an children to support. How did every one do it Iam beginning to think at this rate we will never get out there. I have worked its gonna cost us at least £10k
  14. Hi, this has probly been asked befor but need some advice. Ehat taxes and ni do you have to pay in oz
  15. Hi dan yeah Iam in the uk looking for work in Perth but find it very hard. I have been looking through job sites but nothing. Perth is a lovely place I have a few friends over there And they love it over there Ben
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