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  1. I visited that establishment back in 2009 when visiting Mandurah, and I forgot myself and asked for cod & chips. The girl behind the counter looked at me 'gone out', I think she thought I was being clever Anyway I tried what I think now was Hoke or Hoki or something like that, it wasn't bad, but you can't beat any North Atlantic cold water fish. I have near me in Shipston-On-Stour a great chippy, large portions too.
  2. Thanks for that, it has really made my day (not).
  3. Hi All, It is nearly a year since my last post and nothing has changed. Still negative agents, and also the lack of any sponsorship coming my way. I have telephoned a lot of glass companies and have had no success and also emailed a stack of times, but unfortunately most of those I never received any reply. I am attending yet another seminar this weekend as a 'last resort' and if that is not successful, then I will have to throw the towel in, and then have to realise that the move will never happen. If anyone has any more advice, I would love to hear back from you. Hoping all is well with you all who are already there. Cheers.
  4. Thanks for that, will look into it, well my partner will as she has care assistant experience in the past. I see you are in Mandurah, I visited there three years ago this week, I thought it was a great place to be, and enjoyed a stroll along the foreshore
  5. Hi Levi, I have spoke to another agent and all the points they could stratch up for me was 25 maximum. Age group 45-49 you get zero points and when I stated that was age discrimination the agent replied 'Because they can'. That is Australia can be discrimanate but this country wouldn't get away with that.
  6. Congratulations, you must be so pleased, but don't gloat too much cause' there are a lot of people who want to emigrate but won't ever get a visa because of the strict criteria. Instead we will all have to stay put here and watch the population massively increase with more foreigners over the coming years, and won't be able to do a single thing about it. Sorry to be negative and all doom and gloom, but at present I am seriously hacked off by it all.
  7. As I sit here and type this tonight, I'm getting more and more depressed. I have found out today that some scum low-life has broken into my car, damaged the door frame and lock and then stolen my steering wheel. What with my emigration dream quickly disappearing and am resigning to giving up, I really don't know where I go from here, as nothing in life is going right at the moment. Surely someone up there will pray for a miracle for me and a complete turn around will take place with any luck, I do hope so.
  8. We have been down that route with the migration agents that we have tried, and they have all said that my partners previous training and work experience would not be good enough to warrant any more points and one agent said that care assistant work would not be sort after/required.
  9. Hi pinkpopy123, My partner doesn't do anything, I am the bread winner, but she has a certificate for care assistant work which she did at college 20 years a go. But apparently that isn't good enough, so you can count that one out. Moving on, I have made contact with a migration agent who is recommended on this site, and guess what..... negative negative negative and more negative, and bolshie as well. Just had it confirmed again that it will be impossible to get a visa, 5 points short, but the only slim chance is a 457. To be honest I'm getting sick of it all now and I might call it a day, and while foreigners are pouring into this country with ease,I will feel more resentful. Almostgivenup.
  10. Thanks for that Levi, I don't think it would make much difference if I had the cash or not, meeting the criteria and getting a job offer makes it all the more difficult, unless you mean there is an option somewhere of 'buying yourself in'. What visa did your brother-in-law obtain and what trade or profession is he in? I forgot to mention that I was thinking of going over to Perth this October to visit some glass companies to meet them face to face and try a last chance of trying to secure some offer of employment. Unfortunately all of the flights are booked up now (surprisingly) so I might have to go in November or December. Anyway I was talking to someone the other day who has just come back from Perth after a 12 month Working Holiday and he said that I would probably be wasting my time and money in going over to try and secure a job, as he said my age and trade would make it near impossible. He said I might be in a better position just to keep telephoning and emailing, and he also thought that there is a downturn in Perth for job vacancies. So now I don't know what to do, just keep plugging away I guess. Cheers for now, Almostgivenup.
  11. Hello All, Haven't posted on here since April, though I have been a frequent visitor and viewer of these forums, and wanted to share an update. No luck on a sponsorship with a company, and have spent a lot of time and money telephoning businesses to put my case across, have sent emails as well. I am a time served Leaded Light Maker and Glazier and all the glass companies I've approached have said the same, and that there are no vacancies available for a job let alone a 457 sponsorship. I have just turned the dreaded (45) and time is running out, and I really need to do this emigration thing with my family while there is a burning desire, but am finding it almost impossible. Have spoke to a few more migration agents, but they have all been negative in there (probably honest) answers. I do not know where I go from here, any help or answers would be appreciated, or if any of you know anybody from a glass company in the Perth area who might be in a position to help, as I am really at the crossroads. Regards, Almostgivenup.
  12. Hello All, This is my first thread on this forum having just joined and have a couple of concerns which I am hoping in getting some advice from you good folks on here. I have visited Oz for a holiday twice now, the first time back in 89' and again in 09' mainly in Perth. Since the last visit, I have along with my partner been chewing over a possible move over to Perth sometime soon in the near future. We are now on a weekly basis more keener and determined to change our lives and go for it, but I have started recently to get a bit concerned if it will ever happen, due to the following problems that are arising. The first concern is my age, as I will be 45 this coming August, as this seems to be an age cut-off. I have recently attended an emigration seminar and spoken to a couple of agents on the phone, but they have left me feeling negative and disappointed, as they have all stated that my occupation will make it difficult and I only have one option and that is to get an employer to sponsor me first and then only have the 457 visa option. I have now over the last 3 weeks started phoning companies in the Perth area to introduce myself and test the water for possible employment, but so far all have said that there are no vacancies, and have enough staff to cater for the work that is out there. About me, I am nearly 45 as stated earlier and have been a leaded light maker and glazier by trade which I have been doing now for the last 29 years, doing so straight from school, and have run a small business for the last 25 of those years. Now in this country in years gone by, you gained experience in your place of work (time served work experience) and there were no exams, qualifications, certificates, nvq's, diploma's etc etc. But the migration agents keep specifying the need to show papers, but alas there ain't none. So you can see, I have one or two or more dialema's, and am getting quite worried about it all now, and wonder if the dream is slipping away. My partner and I have 4 boys aged between 5 and 17 who would love the change of a new lifestyle, and am wondering where I go from here. The only problem I have if a miracle happens with a job offer etc, is the time aspect in winding down my business and selling/renting out my house, it's all a massive workload. Any advice I welcome and look forward to your thoughts, thanks.
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