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Everything posted by vixie99

  1. Hi Steve, brought in hubbys motorbike 3 years ago. Main thing is the amount of documents you have to produce to send off, evidence of continuous ownership, proof of ownership (yes they are different), plus the long form. All documents have to be verified as originals by someone in uk (again strict list of who can do this), cost wise - we got it in with our car in container, yes there is an import tax but it's not huge. It has to be cleaned within an inch of its life to pass quarantine and any good removalist will crate it for you. pM me if you want more details and I'll try find the paperwork
  2. It's a hard decision, we brought our dog over a couple of years ago but had the benefit of flying her straight to perth.if you want any info or have any questions feel free to PM me.
  3. Quite right, talk to Telstra first. I actually managed to get Telstra to agree to send me hardware and set up but should they then find no ports to wave the cancellation fee. Are iinet not able to give you ADSL and a speed boost? That's what I ended up with, I get around 2.5mb not great but better than nothing. 2km down the road and it's 8MB.
  4. Sounds good, Either there or bad apples.
  5. Thanks everyone, will have a look and see who can fit me in, want to get this moving sooner rather than later. QUOTE=Julesktm1;93607]Hi we used Ross Relocation love them - the very best of luck [TABLE] [TR] [TD]Andy Tasker[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Registered Migration Agent 0956285[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Website: www.rrs.com.au I Email: andy@rrs.com.au[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Tel: +61 (0)8 9301 5345 I Fax: +61 (0)8 9301 5346[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Unit 8, 115 Grand Boulevard, Joondalup WA 6027, Australia[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  6. Hi ladies, I'm in mt pleasant and been here 16 months, still have those wobbles. Would love to expand my small circle of friends, so if you're meeting up please let me know. No kids, and I work...but if you happen to meet evenings.
  7. Hi I'm looking for recommendations on good agents here in perth who can help me with understanding the best route to PR. currently have 457 visa and wish to not be dependant on existing company sponsorship. Im SOR and work in city, so those areas would be good. thanks
  8. Hi Niki Is your dog in quarantine in Byword? I will PM you separately as most of our meet ups are arranged via email rather than through PP. Vicki
  9. Hi I have a 5yr old Golden Retriever so am always up for dog walks. Not sure if you got a message back on your Bull Creek meet up, but I'm also part of that group that meets too. Give me a shout and we can maybe meet for a dog walk as I'm not sure if anything is scheduled with the other ladies. I'm not far from you, over Leach Highway and just into Mt Pleasant. Vicki
  10. Try 'hide my ass' works well for hiding your IP address. Although am finding the Internet speed here is just not quick enough to stream video fast enough to watch it very often.
  11. I brought in my car last October, yes it's a hassle but definitely worth it. Cars seem expensive to buy here, my only concern is about replacement parts for a German car but hoping I won't be needing too many. the process is tricky but PM me if you want more info and I can tell you what to do. cost wise, the additional container room was about £1000 but its the GST, road licence and customs which are paid for her. Again, I can tell you what I paid, GST is baed on the value of the car here....don't panic, not the retail value, but a calculated value.PM me if you want any more info or help...someone helped me Nd it made life so less complicated.
  12. Just brought my days on in, no problems. Took as much of it apart and cleaned it inside and out before it was packed. If you're not sure how to get filter out etc, talk to dysentery. Declare it as we'll, customs will inspect it but with a bit of luck will let it through without insisting its cleaned again. No guarantees, I'd say if you do bring it make sure it's as clean as when you bought it.
  13. I have loads of packing paper if you want it...used but generally good condition. Shout if you want it...it's free!
  14. So, one week after the container landed at the dock, customs have cleared it and the its all been delivered. Must be record timing. anyway, I was obviously very lucky....both my wicker sofas were inspected by AQIS and cleared without additional payment or treatment. I listed both as conservatory wicker sofas and I don't know if that made any difference that they were indoor furniture. So, sorry I can't tell you what you might pay but I'd just say weigh up if they are worth bringing, ours had sentimental and cost value. Although I'm not sure they are the most practical items for outdoors.
  15. How quickly do you need to decide? i have two reasonably large wicker sofas coming in, infant here and waiting on customs.....so in a couple of weeks I can probably tell you exactly. I'm working on around $500 for both, but might be mistaken. I hope not, I brought them as they were a wedding present and about £1000. With hindsight, I'm wondering where exactly I will put them and if it is worth it. But they are here now.
  16. Can anyone recommend any dog kennels south of the river?
  17. Dog is due out of quarantine this week and I'm thinking we might go to Margaret river or dunsborough for a few days. I've been on a couple of 'dog friendly' where to stay web sites, but quite hard to know if they all really are or not. was wondering does anyone know or can recommend a dog friendly place to stay? We're just the two of us plus dog.
  18. So in went with Iinet, $99 a month for 200gb data, home phone (local and national calls inc), fetch tv starter pack and some virus protection thing. It's there combo deal. You can switch tv for mobile. It all took about a week, hardware arrived (still waiting for tv) but I think that's pretty good going. I also liked the way they email you and give you access to an online tool which shows you progress of order. What they don't tell you is once the line is connected you need to phone and ask them to progress the Internet order. Optus had been my first choice, as was cheaper for the same but they basically said no ports so no service! Hope that helps your hunting for Internet...
  19. Thanks for all your advice, its then agent that worries me, I've met the landlord and we've been in touch direct about many things, I just the agent make be less easy going at the end of the tenancy. As for dirty window tracks and frames...I have a few of those,,filled with rubble and cobwebs. But whats the best way to clean the metal, it looks so discoloured, can it be cleaned back to its original colour with anything? I sounds like the owners dont always see these reports? Is that right?
  20. I have moved into my new long term rental, all is good and I am hoping it stays that way. Just one question though: ive received the property condition report from the agent, but every item just says...intact. Nothing more, no comments on anything, although in fairness there isn't much to say. But do I correct it, to say things like weeds on drive, light not working etc? Just worried that in time, intact leaves it very open to interpretation and doesn't say anything about condition. I'm lucky it's all quite new but still can't help wondering...
  21. I am amazed....one week later and I have Internet, modem and phone line. Just having a few conversations to get my fetch tv hardware and the billing sorted so that I'm not paying for everything separately (which works out more expensive by far). There is hope, I was so worried it wasn't going to happen and was going to take forever, so far so good with Iinet!
  22. Can anyone recommend a good pet insurance for a dog? Is it worth it here. we used to have kennel club insurance in uk and wondering where to go and if it's worth it versus cost of vets bills. Thanks
  23. Ok, will hold on and see what iinet do, if nothing in one to to weeks will see if I can be out of using them. Telstra also seemed to not to be sure until they connected the phone line, seems they all want to try but no one is sure. All they know is I am surrounded by houses which do have adsl, Great help. will look into vivid, I've been lucky that all my rentals have had Internet...or is it unlucky as means I've sat back and not done it in time.
  24. So, I am trying to get broadband set up in mt pleasant. Optus, tell me they have service but no ports. telstra say they can only give me telephone iinet, say yeah ok you can have broadband and telephone. Am I to be worried, that optics and telstra have said no but iinet, yes? Don't Telstra own the lines, and therefore if they can't give me adsl broadband no one can? Have I just walked into weeks of waiting to be told its not possible and then to be hit with cancellation, disconnection or reconnection fees? Is there a way to find out what is really available? The whole wireless dongle just doesn't work for me.
  25. Thanks everyone, now set up with synergy and Alinta, glad of the connection fee warning as they both charge. How many more hidden fees can I find..today was Internet fees. Anyway, on meter readings am I supposed to give these now to the utilities people or wait. They didn't ask and I'm not sure how or when they get recorded. Otherwise how do they know what it is at the point you move in?
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