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Everything posted by vixie99

  1. Hi ladies, I move this weekend (mt pleasant) but the brentwood end so near enough to bull creek. If you want to arrange a meet up next week sometime, I can do most days except mon, tue and fri between 1030 and 1 - am on the quarantine run to Byford.
  2. Time for a silly question, Is it the tenants responsibility to notify the relevant utility companies that they are now responsible for the payment? Or does the agent sort this for you? Just been reading the lease which I am about to sign today and it refers to this, buts it's a generic lease so not sure if I need to do this or now? Is it also really one one gas company and one electricity company in Perth? Thanks in anticipation of someone asking my question.
  3. I used to find they'd arrive everyday in 2's, each time I'd get the female, squashed eggs on the floor and the next night another two would appear. They know somehow they're being terminated but too stupid not to send out the search party for the missing roaches,
  4. Just looking a phone Internet and broadband, can you only have fetch tv or foxtel and not both? Or is that just a matter of choice and cost?
  5. Hi, I'm vicki and I'm not a million miles away, moving closer to bull creek next week. No kids but happy to meet up for a coffee and chat.
  6. Hi, I'm vicki and I've been here for about a week And looking for some new friends, am 39 no kids just waiting for the dog to get out of quarantine. Currently located attadale, hubby at work all day so be great to meet up.
  7. Am bringing a bike in next week, it's going in the container with the rest of my stuff. You can apply while you are in the uk, you need to prove ownership for 12 months, meet the 100 points criteria and have the approval before you ship it. It's quite a lot of paperwork, but it's achievable if you have all the documents. I'm not yet clear on the process once it's gets there, but will work that out while its on the ship.
  8. Thanks, I read the regulations which say as long as part of your household goods shipment it's ok to not de-gas, but then read on the stuff the shipping company said....which basically says cars are not classed as personal items and totally condradicts the other info. Now confused, I don't want a fine but neither do I want to pay for regassing in the uk, degassing and the regassing on arrival. Nightmare - since my air con is
  9. Just wondering if anyone has brought in a car in the last couple of months, does the A/C need to be de-gassed? Got my VIA....onto the next stage..
  10. Hi julia We phoned this week, two weeks after submitting just to check, looks like all proceeding ok. Are you planning to ship with your home stuff? Not got my flight or shipping booked, plan to ship with house stuff so holding off til can be sure permit in place. Vicki
  11. I should say also, that what I scanned, was copies that had been certified by my vet. Although when speaking to Canberra they said nothing needs certifying. Sounds like its a bit of a mix on what they will and won't accept. I'll be chasing them up in the next week, so might be able to tell you more then. All I know is, they've taken the application fee and I had an auto email acknowledging they had received the forms.
  12. Hi, Julia. Yes I have just done that, scanned and emailed. There is an email address on the gudiance notes, if younarendoing more than one application they say to send separate emails. Also max email size is 8mb. Just beware you need to pay then by credit card and ensure the credit card company doesn't bounce the payment (if it's uk). Are you still in uk and importing? Any ideas on customs clearance, licence plates etc? I haven't got the import approval yet but trying to get the next stages worked out. Vicki
  13. Hi everyone, thanks so much for your reassurance and the links. Some good info on those and more reading....everything seems to be a mountain of reading. Looks like from the calculator it will be worth bringing it in, just need to sort out the forms and the other bits I need to do to get it there and driveable. Looks like I need a oz driving licence, is this hard to get and can you do it before you arrive?
  14. Hubby left last night and currently enroute to singapore. Meanwhile I am here with dog in uk, trying to hold the tears back and count down the 9 weeks before I get to fly out to oz for 2 weeks. i have so much to do to prepare for leaving and the one thing really worrying me is shipping the car. How do I find out what I need to do to meet oz design regs (ADR) and gain ADR sign off.
  15. Hi sorry this message is for Druid - if you are still reading the post I'm interested to know your experience of trying to find a rental with a Golden Retriever. I'm bringing mine over, she's 5 and will be due to come out of quarantine end of October - if all goes to plan. Is there any particular agents I should perhaps target? Anything additional I can bring to say how quiet and well behaved she is? My plan is to come over August and see what I can start to find - in advance of my actual move in September. Anyother useful help with finding accommodation with a large dog appreciated.
  16. I think I read somewhere on the forum about pet ashes, but wondering if anyone has actually successfully taken pet ashes into Australia? Just not sure I'm ready to leave my cat (ashes) behind...they are in a sealed wood (lacquered) casket. Somewhere I probably have a condolsence card from the crematorium, not sure if I still have the invoice. Has anyone succcessfully taken them in through customs. Was there any issues? I'd hate to try and fail - my option is to take them to the Mother in law this weekend to look after. Thanks
  17. I just wondered if anyone has managed without issue to bring in to Australia, rattan furniture. We have 2 lovely sofas from our conservatory that were part of our wedding gifts, really dont want to sell them or have them destroyed. Does anyone know for sure if we can bring them in? Or how we may contact AQIS to ask? The shipping company suggests leaving them behind, will ask others but experience over their perhaps over cautiousness counts for much more. Thanks
  18. Did I dream this, but if you're thinking of bringing a fridge/Freezer over from the UK then you need it to have a certain code rating? Was that just to do with cooling efficiency? Or was it to do with getting it through customs due to the fact it contains coolant? I'm thinking of bringing one over as its only a year old, and want to know if I will run into customs/quarantine issues and of course if it just wont work. I also have a small ice cream maker - same issue, are there restrictions due to the fact it actually cools? Any ideas gratefully received
  19. vixie99


    Thanks to you all. I had eventually found the ADR and then nearly had a heart attack at the size of it, a nice summary document would have been great! I know the car has Isofix so good on that. The KPH speedo - if the dial is MPH but the digitial display can change to KPH, do you know if that is sufficient? I'm guessing not, as I can change the digital display so I cant see speed but Temp. Air Con - my car is 2005, and I think I maybe need to get it regassed or something anyway - its making a real noise...where can I find out what certificate I need and what gas?
  20. thanks guys, I will certainly ask the vet for something on her temperament. She certainly isn't a destroyer, digger or chewer..
  21. Been looking at the normal real estate sites to get an idea on property to rent and areas - but I'm finding that there is very limited options if you need somewhere with a pet. I'm ticking the box 'pets allowed' on the Realestate.com.au site and getting 1-5 properties max and in some areas nothing. Is there a better website for properties with pets, or is it a case of just finding one you like/visiting and seeing if the landlord is willing? Just sounds like quite a long process to determine if someone will or won't allow a dog. Any help appreciated - I have a few months yet to find somewhere, so not desperate. My 5 yrd old retriever wont fly over until October. Thanks
  22. vixie99


    Hi Jeff Wondering about taking a car too, interesting response on the insurers attitude. Anyway, was wondering have you managed to find out if you need to make any modifications to your car before you can drive it in Aus? I was told perhaps some changes would be needed, but cant find out what these are - web sites are not much help....
  23. Hi, I'm wondering if anyone can help with my question. I am contemplating bringing over a car but am unsure if I need to have any modifications done inorder for it to meet Australian requirements? I've heard all sorts from tyre treads, to speedo changes to child seat bolts....I'm not able to find anywhere a list which tells me what I may need to have checked. Ideally I'd like to get things sorted before i come and also, understand what the mods will cost before committing to bring it over. Appreciate it if anyone can either let me know what they had to do or point me to a web link which might tell me. I'm contemplating a 5yr old Mercedes. Thanks Vicki
  24. Thanks guys, I will take a look on the real estate web sites now to get a feel for properties and price. Ideally wanted to be near the ocean, but I think thats maybe just an English dream and maybe not realistic in terms of price.
  25. We're moving in a couple of months time - well mu husband is and I will follow. We were over in February and had a quick drive around to see what different areas were like. I was told that North of the river was much newer generally and more expats live there and South was older and more locals....in fact (sorry if this is incorrect) but the South wasn't so nice to live in? Apart from Freo, but after two trips I don't think I could handle the traffic, I want to move away from that. Trouble is, my husband will be working in Murdoch and I will find something when I arrive. He seems to want to look south and me to the north. But I'm not sure what are the nice areas in the South, or what are the advantages/disadvantages of north or south. Appreciate any help anyone can give to resolve our ongoing N/S divide conversation.....
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