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Everything posted by AussiMel

  1. It is easier to get them redone, our doctors here accepted the red book as proof, but one of my daughter's mmr jabs had not been listed correctly in her book by our uk doctors and it was easier to get the mmr done again and she had to have the hepatitis b vaccination.
  2. I found it more of a chat than an interview, we did the interview in person a few days after we arrived in September 2012, but I had completed the application in the UK and sent it to my sister and she handed it in to the office. The principal asked my daughter a few questions, basically what she enjoyed at her old school and asked me about our church attendance, they already had a copy of our previous parish priests reference. This was for a year 4 place and we got offered a place for her on the spot and she started the next day.
  3. AussiMel


    Glad it was good, daughter went there last year with school and loved it, although as she has seafood allergies at the last minute the school nearly decided that she couldn't go on the trip.
  4. I would definitely say stick to recharge, I always had recharge until my phone got an internal crack insurance didn't cover and I wasn't working at the time, so could not afford to pay $150 to get it fixed nor to get a new phone to replace. I decided to see if I could get a contract and surprisingly I was accepted and was told I was accept for a maximum of 2 contracts. My contract runs out in May, but I will be moving back to recharge as although my texts are free. I have to be careful with my calls and data and never really had to be with recharge. I always use to call a friend in the UK on the mobile to use the credit up.
  5. With the PBS there is the safety net where once you reach the threshold currently its $360 for concession card holders and $1421.20 for others. After reaching the safety threshold the PBS prescriptions are dispensed at no further charge for that particular year. It is done as a family unit, in order to access it you need to maintain records of your PBS expenditure, but if you go to the same chemist, they will automatically do it for you. Once you reach it a card is given for it.
  6. Hi Nollie - when I applied for newstart, I went along to Centrelink in Vic Park and asked for an appointment to claim, I belief they gave me some forms to complete and informed me of the items I needed to bring to the appointment. It was pretty straight forward. I know they needed proof of the date, we entered Australia and I used the airline ticket itinerary as I had not got my passport stamped.
  7. Hi - not yet found work in the Finance Industry, but what I did was a very niche area. It has taken a lot longer than I had hoped to get anywhere, but I am getting interviews. I need to get a RG416, then I think it will be easier. Luckily I am able to get help from centrelink, as I am an Australian Citizen, other wise I would be struggling a lot.
  8. I had that in 2010, when my mum paid for my daughter and I to visit family in Perth as my ex had lied about buying tickets for our holiday. We flew with Thai, and when we got to LHR the airline did want to see the credit card, but we had only booked it up less than 48 hours prior. The airline was great, all they needed was for me call my mum and to for her to confirm and they were happy with it. I think they need the last 4 digits of the credit card.
  9. We were staying with my sister at the time of enrollment and had no long term lease, but I did enrol her in the same catholic primary school as her cousin and I didn't have to show a rental agreement.
  10. I enrolled my daughter at her school 7 days before the end of Term 3. Originally she was going to start at the beginning of term 4, but was desperate to start school. We had the interview with the principal on the Tuesday afternoon and she started on the Wednesday morning.
  11. That will be good. Do you know when you will be coming to Perth?
  12. I applied for maintenance via the csa here in Australia, daughter's dad not happy that I went via csa, but he is not good at paying maintenance. I have yet to receive a payment, but hopefully will do in the next few months. If you are entitled to claim family tax benefit and you don't apply for child support, then you will just get the base rate for part A of just $54.32 a fortnight instead of the maximum of upto $169.68, as a single parent, if able to claim you should also get family tax part B. What visa are you coming over on? Or are you an Aussie Citizen?
  13. I would think it is possible, but would depend on what job you do. Are you coming over on a PR Visa or as an Australian Citizen? As you would be able to claim family tax benefit part A and B, and if you are an Aussie Citizen you should be able to apply for Parenting Payment as well. I am a single parent, but my daughter is 10, so I get newstart, you would have to apply for child support from your son's father, otherwise family tax part A goes down to the basic rate unless there is a good reason why it cannot be paid.
  14. I have over 15 years experience working in the Finance Sector, and have been looking for any office work since arriving in September. Like yourself, I am an Australian Citizen, so have been able to claim newstart and family tax benefit to tie me over until I do manage to find a job, that has been a godsend. I did apply for a few before, I arrived, but it is probably better to apply when you arrive in Perth.
  15. My priorities were Oz mobile sim card, tax file number, bank, medicare, school for daughter and centrelink. I found most pretty straight forward.
  16. Very much looking forward to seeing them again, it will also be the first time that I will meet my nephew, who will be a year in October. Thanks for the email address, mine is mwarren131@sky.com
  17. Would be great to meet up, we are going to be staying with my sister in Carlisle to start with. What time does your plane arrive in Perth, we arrive on Friday 14th at 00:55.
  18. Once I made the decision, that moving back to Australia was the right thing to do for both myself and my daughter, I have had no regrets, not looking forward to the goodbyes at the airport though. Obviously, that may change, when we arrive and I have no job to go to straightaway.
  19. Not shipping anything, as my furniture was, so old that probably wouldn't have survived the journey, we are just about all packed. We have been staying with my mum since the end of July to save money. We are also flying with Emirates, but from Gatwick, we have an evening flight. I am hoping, that I won't have too much problem getting work, luckily both myself and my daughter have Aussie Passports. Planning on living Belmont, Cloverdale as hoping my daughter will go to the same Catholic Primary as her cousin and those areas are fairly near to the school.
  20. My daughter and I are also flying out to Perth on September 12th, not got any work yet, but hopefully won't take to long to find work.
  21. Can help with the school year your daughter will be in, she will be in year 4 for a term before moving up to year 5 in 2013. I am not 100% sure with your sons, but think your 12 yr old will do a term of year 7 and move to year 8 in 2013 (government high schools currently start in year 8 from 2015 they will start in year 7) depending on the school your son may do a term back in primary. I believe your 15 yr old will do a term of year 10 and move up to year 11 in 2013.
  22. I am a single parent, have a 9 year old daughter we are moving to Perth in September. I am originally from Australia and my daughter has Australian Citizenship by descent, we are going to be near to family and my daughter will have lots of cousins nearby. I can't wait until we fly out on the 12th Sept.
  23. How exciting, we fly out in 7 weeks, but have move in with my mum and step father in Kent.
  24. We are going to be staying with my sister in Carlisle to start with as I hope my daughter will go to the same school as my niece. I will look at renting and eventually buying around the surrounding suburbs.
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