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Everything posted by Mummyof2

  1. Oh good idea! Yes job was the easier part in my case!
  2. Thank you, that's really kind of you. We are holding school places at swanborne/Claremont although my work will be north of city. I realise living out of town would reduce the rental costs...
  3. Thanks for that. Yes started the Rabies vaccine and just had the blood test so the clock can start ticking! I'm in touch with PetAir and vet seems to knee them well and thinks they are good. PetAir are getting the quote for Melbourne to Perth flight so I an work out the total.. Scary amounts!! I agree about dogs left outside. I just wasn't sure if it gets hot inside and better if he can roam the garden to find himself a cooler spot. I love the idea of a pet door. Are landlords really this easy-going to allow one to be out in on a rental accommodation?? Wow. He's generally an indoor dog so would be great. Can you recall how easy and costs for fitting one, roughly? Thank you!
  4. Hi everyone! I'm new here and am so glad to find you all! Jotting down all your wise words! I'm in the process of emigration and wondered if anyone can help me. Firstly, emigrating with the 4 legged family member. Our dog is coming but I'm wondering about the timing, and if this will restrict my rental options too severely. I can leave him for a few months in the UK if needed. Any advice? Do dog walkers cost a lot, and can dogs live outside when you are working so I wouldn't need to get a dog walker? He's a house dog as he doesn't like getting wet or cold! Secondly, childcare. I need morning drop off and probably some pick ups. Did you find there were other mums eager to help out for some pocket money or go on official childminder sites to find yours?? The school one seems quite expensive to me... Thirdly, anyone recommend a good ballet school in north side of CPD, please? She's doing multiple dance classes so need some options to fit around everything else! She's doing RAD exams at the moment. Sorry to ask so many questions in one go! Any advice much appreciated!
  5. Did you have any luck? I wanted to ask the same question, only I need it for kids...
  6. Interested, please let me know any details!
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