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Everything posted by mammyprincess

  1. 4 bedroom house x 2 bathroom available now in Bull Creek. Only $515 per week. catchment zone for two excellent primary schools, both very sought after. 2 mins walk to local shops, doctors, gym, 5 mins walk to playground/ park 4 mins drive to shopping centre and library good bus, road and rail links older style house in established suburb beautiful big garden pm me if interested for viewing!
  2. Anyone have experience of bateman primary? Have just got a kindy place there, so glad to get one mid year and seemed great except kindy playground open to rest of school and school open to road. Know they are supervised but v concerned. Feel 1 of 20 could easily slip away. Mother in law said I was over protective and have to let go but he is only 4 and used to a very protected little pre school at home. Have seen other kindy playgrounds secured with large fence, anyone have experience of this school or another with unprotected kindy playground? am I just a worrier from another culture and not getting the relaxed Perth vibe? just think his security is my responsibility at the end of the day. Thanks.
  3. finally booked our flights too. It is so mad - DH got job offer 5 weeks ago - we are going 6th of June. So much to do in the next few weeks. Now we have flights it really is real - no going back as thread says. Know I should be excited buy feel really sad. Like comment about other people on the flight emigrating too, and the sense of community with others emigrating on this website. My MIL emigrated in the 60s and said there was a great sense of community on the 6 week boat trip and they made loads of friends to keep in touch with they arrived. So different now!!! Things were pretty awful too when they arrived, now trendy Freemantle looked so bad, they stayed on the ship to Adelaide!!! Hope to meet up with some of you when you arrive - we will be SOR I think.
  4. Thanks for all your comments. Will probably hold off on buying so, but good to know it sounds alot less complicated than getting a rental property. DH does have job to go to, and because we have children who have been moved around rental properties all their lives, it is tempting to buy when we finally seem to have the chance (DH was self employed in Ireland so no hope of a mortage after the collapse). Really appreciate all the advice.
  5. Hi everyone, Moving to Perth in June, DH already there and bank told him we could get a mortage straight away, so we are really tempted. Renting in Perth seems so hard and we have been renting forever in Ireland with no chance of a mortage. Has anyone any advice on pitfalls - I know picking the wrong area is a major one. Also any advice on how the buying process works please or any experiences would be great. Getting so excited about getting our own house, not really thinking straight! Wont have loads of money - so will be limited to area we choose (no million dollar areas for us!!!) Sorry if this has been dealt with here before, had a quick look and most threads seemed to be about renting (brilliant advice by the way).
  6. Hi PollyinOz, would love to meet up when we arrive. Great you got your boys settled in school already. We are staying with family at the beginning, seemed like a good idea but there is no chance we will be settling long term in Mount Pleasant, unless we win the lottery!. So cant get started on schools until we have long term rental property sorted.Trying not to look at houses yet, as know cant really get them from here. Toying with the idea of buying straight away too. Thanks for comments on school thread too, great that your ds can do afterschool activities, starting to feel it might all work out!!!
  7. dont know if this is just me, but when I flew to Oz with 2 year old and baby, it helped me to break the day time part of the flight up into half hours and have different entertainment for every half hour. (made sure one leg was their nighttime as advised above) So it was half hour reading, half hour telly, half hour eating, half hour new toy etc. Made me feel I could cope. Somethings took longer - it was great. This time just buying an ipad!!
  8. Thanks both for your replys. We are also looking at Leeming, although alot is uncertain until I get there. If I ever book flights!! Would love to meet up/ keep in touch. Lease here is up in June so will be gone by then.
  9. thanks for all your comments .(and hijacking thread). Am from Ireland (lived in Brum10 years though) and our school hours are only 4.5hours until aged 7. And everyone believes it is so long for them. Thanks for the encouragement!!
  10. Hi everyone, this looks like a fab website, so glad I found it. Moving to Perth from Ireland with 2 littleies DS 4 and DD 2 in early June. DH already there, he is from there. So terrified - move was a big surprise, as had no visa issues, suddenly DH was offered a job. (had been out of work here for ages). I am stay as home Mum and kids and I love to meet friends in each others houses, playgrounds, soft play etc. Dying to meet others looking for friends. Will probably look to live in Willaton area - DH working in Burswood and doestn want long commute. DS loves boys company (5 in Aug) but finds it hard to make friends. Loves music and dancing. DD loves older girls and babies, will join in and play with anyone, she was dying to start preschool in Sept but I understand she is too young for Oz system, so any suggestions to keep her busy welcome! Really concerned on picking right area, getting school places and length of school days. We would all go mad if DS still at home till primary 1 because he cant get into a pre-primary place. Hoping to meet some of you, who are also looking for friends. Sinead
  11. This is something I just cant get my head around. In Ireland, school is so short. How do the kids cope with such a long day? do they do lots of sports, arts etc, or is it all learning? Are they wrecked when they get home and cant do anything else (play dates, out of school activities)? Do they get home work on top? So worried about this, just feel like it is too long. DS will be starting in pre-primary. Looking for reassurance if possible! Thanks so much
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