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Alan Collett

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Alan Collett last won the day on June 5 2020

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About Alan Collett

  • Birthday February 13

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  1. bdh Tax is a friendly firm of tax accountants, helping clients with the preparation of their UK and Aus tax returns. We’re looking for someone to join the team in our Perth office. You will be someone who has past experience preparing UK tax returns – at least 12 months – and have a visa that allows you to live and work in Australia. Job sharing is available, as are working hours that fit around the school run. Please contact me if you are interested. Best regards.
  2. The deadline for appointing a registered tax agent and securing an extension of the 31st October 2023 for filing your personal 2023 Australian tax return is now only 5 weeks away. If you want more time to prepare and submit your 2023 Australian tax return you should be on a registered tax agent's lodgment program by the end of October 2023. Doing this can also push back the due date for paying any tax owing to the Australian Taxation Office - so if you have untaxed income from a source such as a positively geared rental property or a capital gain from the disposal of a property or shares you are likely to benefit from appointing a registered tax agent. https://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Your-tax-return/How-to-lodge-your-tax-return/#Duedatesforyourtaxreturn
  3. bdh Tax is looking for a couple of people to join our tax team, based at our Perth office. Experience of working in a UK tax practice will be desirable, but isn't essential. If you're interested and would like an initial chat please send your CV/resume to me, at acollett@bdhtax.com Best regards.
  4. Just to say that a refusal of an onshore parent visa application doesn't mean an automatic deportation. Aside from the ability to appeal the decision the subclass 602 Medical Treatment visa should be available as a solution that would allow the parent visa applicants to remain in Australia. The restriction on travel attaching to the Bridging Visa A that is the visa granted when the holder of a visitor visa applies for an 804 or 864 visa can be overcome with a Bridging Visa B. Best regards.
  5. A quick reminder - particularly for those who have moved to Australia since the 1st of July 2019 - that those individuals who are required to submit a tax return with the Australian Tax Office have until the 31st of October 2020 to lodge their 2020 income tax return if a registered tax agent is not instructed. You can check whether you are required to submit a 2020 Australian tax return at this web page. To lodge your 2020 tax return you can: Lodge online with myTax through myGov, or Complete a paper tax return form and mail it to the Australian Taxation Office, or Use a registered tax agent If you use a registered tax agent to prepare and lodge your tax return you should be able to submit later than the 31st of October 2020 - quite possibly until mid-May next year. You should though appoint a registered tax agent before the 31st of October 2020 to access the extended 2020 tax return filing deadline. Best regards.
  6. Shouldn't be too long - we tend to see BVAs granted within a week of the 804 visa application being delivered to the PVC. Good luck! Best regards.
  7. You can be in Australia when applying for an 870 visa if you have sought agreement to this when lodging the sponsor application. We've done this recently due to the COVID situation - our client is onshore in Australia with a visitor visa. Approval to apply for the 870 visa onshore was granted. Best regards.
  8. Hi Mike. For the transferring of pensions to Australia from the UK I would consider a firm that specialises in this area of advice - it is relatively niche and many financial planners won't have been involved in this on a regular basis. My recommendation is bdhSterling, who have offices in Perth and the UK. I hasten to add that I am a Principal at bdh Tax. Best regards.
  9. Hello Harry. Please see my signature below. Best regards.
  10. Remember also that only 92% of the UK State Pension is taxable in Australia: https://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Tax-return/2016/Supplementary-tax-return/Deduction-questions-D11-D15/D11-Deductible-amount-of-undeducted-purchase-price-of-a-foreign-pension-or-annuity-2016/ (scroll down to British Pensions) Best regards.
  11. Hi clari. I'm a registered migration agent - so I didn't need to pay anything! Best regards.
  12. Please feel able to send a PM to me with your contact details. We can then tee up a date and a time for me to telephone you. Best regards.
  13. Are you deriving UK source pension income, Patrick? If not, what drives the need to prepare this form? Best regards.
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