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Everything posted by poppops

  1. I see from the WA.gov.au critera, the IELTS states that a 7 will get you 10 points. Is this the overall score or the score for each element that needs to completed? Thanks
  2. Hi Can I ask, how long did your WA state sponsor take to come through? thanks
  3. Wow.. so cant wait to be writing the same... have a wonderful adventure. I have only just found this site and it has so much info and places to rant.... have a good one
  4. Does anyone know on the processing times for a 176 state sponsor... we are so close to the july change over... hope we dont miss it!
  5. Ok .. I am waiting for the visa company to go through my SS application then this will be sent of. Hopefully this will be done this week as there is a 2wk deadline and you need to start again. I hope they will put in the application before July.. Shall ask. Do you know if they can put the applcation in before we have heard from the SS? Thanks
  6. Whats the best way to look for work, did many of you email from here in the uk and find work that way or is it best to be there in Perth. I am a college teacher teaching early years, if any one has any adivce, would be really welcome thanks
  7. Have just found this webstie and its been great reading up on all the info.. so much to take in. We are in the throws of going for a 176 and waiting for the most slowest visa company to go through the state application before we can apply. It is a bit disheartning as we have paid so much money and we still have another wait, but I guess we will get there. On the plus side my skills have been assessed and they were fine, so one box has been ticked I have read that the visa needs to be validated, is this for all visas and how long do you get to do this? For those that have gone down the 176 route, whats the time frame for saying yes and health checks etc. thanks
  8. Oh NO!! we are with them... how is your visa going? taking too long? I am waiting for them to verify my 176 form, they are so slow
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