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Everything posted by jonleannejack

  1. Hi Gents, I am a site manager who will be making the big move on Tuesday. I will be actively looking for work in any capacity, so I will let you know what its the work situation is like. Jon
  2. Good luck, I will be a few days behind you. We are the same, looking to give it at least a couple of years. Did you manage to get a start in the end.
  3. Good Luck Ian, hope all goes well. I will be a couple of days behind you
  4. It sounds no differnet to the uk. You need tickets for all here. The white card is like our CSCS and again compulsory on most sites.
  5. Hi Ian, we arrive on the 30th. Looking forward to no job and sleeping in a cave, how about you mate
  6. Why do you say February. I arrive at the end of Jan, a few people have said thats a good time as things pick up again then after the holidays. Do you say February for the same reason.
  7. Sorry just pmed you the same message by mistake Have you tried Gumtree, I know there was few advertised on there, also seek. Is he on Linkedin also, it is like a facebook for professionals. I am a site manager and I have used it to make a few contacts in Perth, you can find out the names of different companies also. Good luck, I am over in January, so if I hear of anything I will let you know.
  8. Hi Francine, that does sound easy. Do you mind sending me the name of garage, might have to pay them a visit. Cheers
  9. Hi All, Just a quick question, has anyone out there got a car on finance and what was the process. How long do you need to have been working for and what % deposit do they look for. Unsure how it will work with having no credit history on arrival. Thanks in advance. Jon
  10. Love it Ian, I have been having those thoughts also. First job that came to my mind was a postman also. Think its time to ignore the horror stories and make it work. I have had a few positive responses of late. You only seem to get the negatives on here, hope I am right. Jon
  11. Hi Levi, wondering what you really need. There is a big difference between the quoted $200k and the $75k your sisters family get by on.
  12. You seem to have acheived alot Derham, hope you get sorted eventually. I suspect you will. Apart from work, how you finding Perth
  13. Cheers Bensdad, from what i have read various units need to be completed. Do you know if they take into your UK qualifications.
  14. Thats nuts mate, cant believe they dont even put a bit of Heras up. If you did that in the areas I work you will either be robbed, vandalised or be open to all sorts of claims. Do they have the same claim culture we do out there. A reluctant when in Rome do what the Romans do I suppose.
  15. Sounds like it is going good for you, that is good to hear. Yeh seems like we will all have to start again, I feel like I am taking a massive gamble as I am secure with loads of prospects where I am at. Had to laugh with regards to scaffold. I went on google earth to view my temp accommodation, it had the house getting built. Couldnt believe it, the place looked like a bomb had hit it, joiners were fixing the trusses. No scaffold to perimeter, let alone crash decks internally. All i could make out was an untied ladder for access. They had a toilet in the front garden with one of the name of one of WA biggest house builders on the side. Is that the norm on single storey residential.
  16. Over here I allow 22 weeks for a house, start to finish. A week stagger between additional plots, so if you were building 10 it would be 31 weeks, 20 in 40 weeks. That would be for a standard two storey 3 bed. Obviously you can acclerate and build quicker if required but that is a rough guide to duration. In theory a single storey 4x2 should not take as long. Would be interested to know how long they take in perth though.
  17. You will have no worries Rob. Follow a drawing and managing your contractors, normal days work mate.
  18. Have you ever thought of building one for yourself Rob, you have the skills. I build houses for a living and once i gain rego and get settled its something I dream of doing. Has anyone else out there bought land and managed the build themselves.
  19. Hi John, would love to set up for myself one day. One for the future I think once a little more financially secure. How did you get on with rego, what was the procedure. It is something, amongst other things, that i will be looking to sort upon arrival. Jon
  20. Hope you get your money Gaz, same thing happened to me a couple of years back, lucky enough to fall into work though. What sector, and what value jobs do you look after, is there any worse than others. It does worrie me a little as I will be leaving a very secure and good job at the end of Jan. Out of the many resumes sent I have had a couple of positive responses asking to get in touch upon arrival, I know in this game it means nothing but trying to remain upbeat as possible. My other half as just landed a decent job so worse comes to the worse I can afford to pick up a hammer or brush and shovel and start from the bottom again. Good luck all.
  21. That doesnt sound good. Have heard a bit about the infamous WA experience and never really understand being over qualified. I am a site manager also, coming out at the end of Jan. Cant wait to be jobless and live in a tent . Positive - The sun will be shining. Good luck with it all.
  22. Try Hahn Premium, that was my drink of choice last time in Oz.
  23. Hi, would it not help if he was working on-site, in construction, maybe as a joiner or whatever capacity. This may help gain a few contacts and get to learn how they do things over there as I am sure they will some different methods and procedures.
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