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Everything posted by jonleannejack

  1. Ha Ha I did the same in 1999. Had about $ 200 after a messy weekend in Hong Kong on the way. No issues, got a job labouring on a big site within two days and was soon earning a very healthy wage. Visa overstayed, of course. I would not worry too much Aussiebird. If you can work over here you will get something over there. It may not be what you want initially but it will see you right. I have no job offer either, going in January. Probably going to take a few backwards steps. I will get sorted eventually, you just need to be positive. Things will be easier once you arrive, at the end of the day if a CV landed on my desk from someone who was not even in town, I would not be that interested either.
  2. Hi all, by all accounts you wont even get through the gate without the card, regardless of position. It is cheap, and will be simple enough no doubt. Probably like obtaining a cscs over here, stupid questions like what colour is a 110v lead.
  3. Hi, Had no joy from the UK. I am not going till January though so I can understand the lack of responses. Have you tried going on Linkedin, you can network with a few heads on there, alot of agency who are often positive. I am a Site Manager and from what I have been told things will be alot easier upon arrival. Probably end up taking a few backwards though. A friend of friend is a QS for Mirvac, may be need to get on his case. Good luck, when are you going
  4. Cheers Greg. No I should be cool for money for a couple of months. My partner will be working also so we should be ok. Looking at doing whatever comes along initially. My tools have long been sold, so even if I end up labouring I wont be too disheartened. I should still get a wage, particularly on a union site. In my first couple couple of weeks I intend to blitz a load of tickets, gives me a few more options. Just going with an open mind to be honest, think thats all we can do. I have a friend who is a QS for Mirvac, he is is making a few enquiries. Now I have a definate date he may be able to help. It took him two years of working for a few rogue traders to get where he wanted to be. How long have you been there ? How do you find it all ?
  5. Probably a daft question, if taking my laptop from the uk will i use a standard uk to Oz adaptor for charging. Are they any voltage issues ? I too will require a dongle. Can anyone recommend anywhere, i will be staying in temporary accommodation for a couple of months in Ridgewood.
  6. Cheers for putting me on to the AIB Greg. I have just emailed a list of querys, may prove useful.
  7. Thanks for your gents, much appreciated. I am under illusions its going to be hard work, just got to give it a go. Just hoping to get a foothold somewhere and work my way up again. All whilst gaining the infamous "WA experience" of course. What did you find the best method of gaining employment, letter/email, phone calls, door knocking. To date I have sent resumes etc and made a few contacts with agencies etc. Also got a QS I know on the case. I am finding unless there i wont stand much of a chance, which is understandable. Well prepared for the hard work, may even pick up the tools or even a brush and shovel if needs must. All about keeping the wolves from the door.
  8. Cheers Greg,thanks for your response. I have already sorted white card online and audit. Will obvioulsy sort senior first aid and scaffold once i arrive. I noticed a short course called certIV OHS is that of any use do you know. I already have HNC / NVQ 4 site management / ICIOB etc, does anyone recognise or accept these.
  9. Any Site Managers ( construction ) out there. Moving to Perth next Feb and wondering if anyone knows of any standard safety certs that will need to be taken. For example here on top top of tertiary quals you have smsts, cscs,first aid, scaffold inspection etc. Apart from first aid i cant really find anything applicable. Keep hearing about becoming a registered builder also, does anyone know what that is about. In a nutshell i think I am asking what are the standard requirments to work in a supervisory capacity on building sites. Hope somebody can help. Cheers
  10. ......................................................................................
  11. I have only been looking two days and i get that impression. Got a few mates out there on the case. I will see what comes of that. I think once your get out there things will be much easier, bit of door knocking perhaps. May have to get the tools out for a couple of months or even the brush and shovel, got to start somewhere.
  12. Hi Jenny B, your husbands email would be great, even just for some advice.
  13. Hi Did you ever get sorted. I'am a site manager also. Just received residency and looking at the options. Probably looking to go early next year.
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