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Everything posted by lozzachino

  1. We flew singapore with our toddler and they were fantastic. Would highly recommend.
  2. Oh no dont think i have seen that one. That jack nicholson guy with his trophy wife needs a slap though! He is so annoying! And as usual it will be months before it starts.
  3. What about the MKR ads on at the moment?? They are showing pretty much the whole of each episode in each ad, dont have to watch it now!
  4. lozzachino


    Stunning! Thanks for sharing! This is definitely on our to do list but might wait til our son is a bit older. Cant imagine an 8 hour drive with him just yet!
  5. Thanks! Will be checking this out on iplayer
  6. Apparently it was a suspicious fire too, in a national park. 100 firefighters were trying to bring it under control and it had burnt over 13000 hectares. Shocking. We went to Yanchep national park and the smoke was all the way up here. We live near the coast but wecouldn't see the sea today where we normally have great views.
  7. There are lots of farmers markets that are not spud shed! Often on the weekends in different areas and well worth looking out for them. Drovers in wanneroo is fantastic though, great quality and well priced. we are definitely better off here. I find everything comparable if not cheaper here as a renter, except for the cost of the rent, which is clearly more expensive than the uk. you don't pay rates as a renter and that is a massive saving. Water usage for two months for our family of three, no pool, was $23. Gas has been around $50 a month, electricity around $60 a month. Our gas bill in the uk was over £80 a month and elec around £50 a month before we left and we were still in debit when we got our final bill. after you start earning dollars it gets a lot easier. Within two months of working we were able to pay off our uk loan, which we would have taken at least a year to save for on our uk earnings, and that would have been without any spare money left over. Here we have started an account for our son, an account for savings, another account for bills, another for general spending, and then we each get our own spending money each month too, something i have not had for years! And we aren't on the super duper fifo salaries either as many seem to be.
  8. Thanks stormy. I have heard the Mandurah ones are amazing.
  9. Sounds great but would parking be an issue. Just looking at a map and thinking maybe to park near the waca and walk down? But given we have a three year old i am not sure he will make it that late, anything past seven is a challenge!
  10. And legally is that a reason to give people notice, the fact that they dont sign a new fixed term lease? Or is it not legal but just common practice here?
  11. Flat pack, do your tenants agree to sign new leases in the uk then? Our current tenants lease ends in march and we cant afford to have it vacant. I just get the feeling they would tell us to shove it if we asked them to sign a new one, doesnt seem the done thing in the uk. i guess i see the point about it being more secure but just feels like we are being blackmailed into it, ie, sign up or f... Off and we will find someone else who will!
  12. From what i understand being on a rolling month to month contract means the landlord has to give us 60 days notice. On a fixed term contract they only have to give us 30 days. i suppose it comes down to the principle really, if i sign another lease, we are tied here until july or january next year. Whereas should we decide to move any any point on a rolling contract we wont have to worry about a break lease situation. we dont hate our house but we dont love it. We took it as we had to rather than we wanted to due to the timing of getting jobs etc. i cant imagine saying this to our tenants in the uk so i guess i am just shocked really that they can do it to us here.
  13. Hi just after some opinions on here. We have been told by our agent if we dont sign up for another 6 or 12 months in our rental then our landlord will more than likely give us notice. this seems tantamount to blackmail. Can they really do this?? i dont really want to move but i dont want to be forced to sign a new lease.
  14. Sammy, did you end up having to move or did you sort smething out? Hope it all worked ok
  15. Also there isnt much point as if they give you a script you have to find a late night pharmacy to fill it. I had a child in bed and husband in severe pain, and the nearest pharmacy open was around a 25 min drive away. great idea but beware misdiagnosis, and trust your instinct. Should have got my son out of bed and gone to hospital. BUt the dial a doctor convinced us it wasnt urgent. When we saw our regular doctor the next morning, he took one look at my OH and said 'its not gallstones, gallstones affect overweight fertile women between 30 and 50. You are none of those things!' luckily he gave very strong anti biotics which did the job but he said if they hadnt started working in 24 hrs we should go straight to a&e and get it removed.
  16. We used it one night and the doctor misdiagnosed my husband will gallstones when he had acute appendicitis and we should have gone straight to hospital. Not sure i would trust the service again but it is a great idea.
  17. Where are you living? Might help get some more replies
  18. Sounds nice but we are going to the 20/20 game at the waca on boxing day! Have fun!
  19. I go to a home hair dresser in clarkson and she is great! I am so fussy with my hair and was so happy with her, and she charges very reasonable prices. Kids under 5 are $5 and under 10s are $10. Her name is Rebecca Thomson and her Facebook page is dolly head home based hair dressing. An an adult wash cut blow dry and straighten for my long hair was $45.
  20. Dont suppose you have any hyundai ix35 being a mitshibushi dealer?
  21. No fees Gaz and no fees for the credit and reference checks either that you have to pay in the uk. when you leave you often have to pay for a professional carpet clean, even if the carpets are spotless, and some also make you get a professional cleaner to clean when you vacate, some even stipulate a minimum of X hours of cleaning!! Ridiculous! and your bond is held securely in a trust, not by the agent or landlord.
  22. If she is turning five next year then in oz she would be going into pre primary next year, and year one the year after, when you have arrived, so there wouldn't be any loss of continuity if i have understood your post, except maybe two months in pre primary next year due to the difference in the start of school years. my son starts kindy next year and he is four next june. I have found a school that is very education focused from their start in kindy and i am very excited about this. If you look hard enough i am sure you can find a school to meet your child's needs. realistically what is the alternative? Wait until she has finished school before you come??
  23. Most pharmacies will do it for a gold coin donation.
  24. There is a reason it is a lot cheaper than its neighbours Carramar and Tapping. I dont like it at all.
  25. then why bother posting at all now? why not wait until whoever has resolved whatever they have to resolve. seems a bit attention seeking.
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