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Everything posted by lozzachino

  1. I think i had ten, to some degree, like i have been to wimbledon but didnt see a Brit play on our court. Also been to stonehenge but not at midsummer sunrise. We got our tickets in the ballot and managed to get tickets allocated on a Saturday! It was my birthday as well so I always wonder if the ticket person did it on purpose
  2. According to the newspaper of integrity and hard hitting journalism, the Daily Mail, this is the top 50 things to do in Britain! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/article-2607636/The-50-things-Britain-lifetime.html how many have you ticked off? And whats on your bucket list before you come out to Australia?
  3. Great time to come as the rental prices are winter rates! http://www.holidaylettings.co.uk is where we found our rental. trip advisor also has holiday lets now too.
  4. Ladies and things? What other things would you hold the door open for stormy?
  5. Subiaco would be great if you are looking for somewhere vibey. Walking to work is the best option here as traffic is mental! Subi has nice cafes, bars, quirky shops, close to the city and the beaches. You could do far worse!
  6. I would say as a couple you can easily live on 80k. I would jump at the chance of emigrating with a job lined up! I dont think the cost of living is too much more than the uk except for rent, and maybe not even that if you are used to london prices. Dont know much about architect jobs except that a friends husband is one and they had a lot of redundancies last year and were considering going to 4 days a week to save money, and this was a big company in the city. Generally you cant get a look in here without wa experience but all it takes is one chance and you are in. Thousands do it every year and manage to get work, yes its hard going but if you are committed it can be done. good luck!
  7. This time last year we had two weeks until we left for Perth, I was staying at my mum having a holiday and OH was staying with his mum working right up until we left! Celebrating our one year with a mini holiday down south next week. Cant wait!
  8. Hi all, My son started his first year of school at Hillarys Community Kindy in February after a really rushed move to the area. After a big stress about the last minute change to schooling I could not be happier with the kindy he is attending. As a community kindy, its linked to the local primary school, Hillarys Primary, but its run off site in a purpose built building with a fully enclosed playground area. The teacher and assistants are wonderful and have helped my son settle in after a hectic period of change. A community kindy provides a great transition for young children that doesn't involve them being thrust into a primary school environment, which some may find daunting. As a new migrant, I am so glad we found this kindy as it it small enough to be personal and I really feel the teachers know each child really well. As a community kindy, there are no boundary restrictions, something I did not know until now. So your children can attend one even if you are not in the catchment area for their linked school. Hillarys Community Kindy is having an open day on Saturday 17 May from 1-3pm with free kids activities like a bouncy castle and facepainting, sausage sizzle, etc, and offers a chance for parents to view the kindy and speak to the teachers. If you are considering a kindy for your child and are around the area, come on down and say hi! The website for HCK is http://www.hillaryscommunitykindergarten.wa.edu.au if you want to check it out. any questions, feel free to ask, I am the secretary of the parents committee and am happy to help
  9. if your English is not perfect you may struggle to find work as employers will find any excuse not to hire, especially if you don't have the all important 'WA Experience'! sorry if that offends, just wanted to warn you.
  10. lifetime limit means the most you can claim for each person for that category, in this case orthodontics, is $1300. usually there is an annual limit too, around $500. so once you have claimed $1300 you can never claim orthodontics again. would love to know which provider she was with that paid out completely for orthodontics. but i guess at $308 a month she will be paying $8k eventually - $308 over a year is almost $3700. i would rather save that and if i ever needed it i could use it, otherwise if you dont need it, all that money is in your pocket instead of tied up in a policy that you wont ever get back. but thats the way insurance works, plays on your fears of 'what if'! only you can decide what you are prepared to cover in your policy, or what you would pay for privately should the need arise.
  11. Only driven past that one. I go to the new one in woodvale now, its awesome and they have a cafe serving yummy stuff like milk tart and peppermint crisp tart! So awesome! Plus they have a uk section too so its the best of both worlds, i get my biltong and a caramac!
  12. I think medicare will cover it but you will have to wait if its not an emergency. If its an emergency go straight to a and e. still confused though, do you have private cover or not? Even on private cover you will generally have a gap. So if its not an emergency, and you have medicare, just get on the list for whatever treatment you need.
  13. Perhaps jaw surgery is covered and as the braces were part of that it was covered? When we looked at extras cover, all funds had a waiting period of 1 year before you could claim on orthodontics and then had a lifetime limit of $1300!! Hardly worth it.
  14. If you dont have pr are you on a temp visa? On a temp visa are you not required to have private health care? If you have medicare and have been going to the doctor, i would be kicking off and asking for a referral to a specialist instead of painkillers.
  15. Hi GMAC, when we decided to make the move, people told me Perth was like Durban 30 years ago. So I thought, if I can give my child the childhood I had, why wouldn't I do it! We are loving it here, dont get me wrong its hard, especially in the beginning, and you work much harder here, but the weekends are just fab! Good luck with your test next time
  16. Hi paul! Sounds like me! Moved to england when i was 20, spent almost ten years there, been in perth almost a year now. having lived in the uk i think there may be a few more saffas on here than you think ali! Most people might not count a lot of us as saffas anymore. Most people have no idea where i am from as my accent is so mixed now
  17. Look up your local child health nurse, they will be able to advise you.
  18. Depends on your funds and how soon you need to find work. We took three months to find jobs and had three months in a rental, by which stage we were low on funds. If you can afford to get a rental without jobs lined up, or without jobs for a few months, then get one asap. But it does take time to work out where you want to live, many days were spent driving around and just looking at areas. After ruling out an area in the first week, its where our first rental ended up being, and after six months i was glad to leave!
  19. Cerebus, do you have to have an appt with a specialist to get an epipen? How long did that take to get the appt? I have been meaning to get one since we arrives but never got round to it. Just assumed my gp could do it!
  20. Hi, just wondering how many south africans use this page?
  21. lozzachino

    Mrs brown

    We went last night and loved it, was in stitches all evening. Got to go backstage after too and meet some of the cast. Was pretty awesome!
  22. Ps rent at $1700 a month works out to $392 a week. Which is very cheap and on the lower end of the scale. You would get a small cottage block right on top of other houses, in butler, alkimos etc for this price. Dont expect a four bed with a pool on that budget!
  23. i would say some are overbudget and some under, but every family is different! We are a family of two adults and an almost four year old. ours are elec $60 gas $50 water $20 (only usage if you rent and its cheap!!) contract phones - $80 for two iphone 4 with virgin contents insurance - paid annually i think it was $150 for the year? Not sure where he got $120 a month! Does he have a mansion and a boat??? internet and phone $60 (iinet, telstra is a rip off, we were paying $115!) foxtel $99 (luxury purely for sport and uktv channel!) health insurance $51 a month (medicare is free, we only have extras cover, not hospital) petrol - oh drives more and spends around $150-$200 a month, i spend $100 or less a month car insurance - for one car $60 a month, my cheapy car was around $400 for the annual premium i think. food - we spend between $130 and $180 a week. depending if we have lots of things to get, buy meat or not etc, again this is so personal you wont really know til you try it, and it will take a while to suss out whats good or not, and whats cheap or not. Our first shop was well over $200 and i was freaking out but now i know my shops and my brands its much more manageable.
  24. Just started bucketing down! Hopefully it stops before the twilight lantern parade!
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