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About libbyw

  • Birthday 05/12/1981

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Mandurah is a lovely place. My brother lives in halls head and he seems to love it there. I did look at secret harbour and that was one of our favourite places when we came out to oz a few years ago, we also came out in march and had another look at secret harbour, but never had that feeling of when we first went so decided to look further afield. I'm sure your dog will be fine and will soon be loving running up and down them beaches. Good luck
  2. Skit78 good luck with the move over Christmas....just me being curious what made you choose Boxing Day for the move?
  3. Hi kimmy I'm always thinking if this is the right thing were doing, but I just think of the reasons of why I decided to move and to try and stay focused on that or else I'll go mad..... Hubby has left for perth today and I'm a complete blubbering mess thinking why have I let him go, but deep down I know it's the right thing we have done for our family for him to go before us. God I miss him all ready.... Bloody emotions Anyway were hoping to live down south been looking at halls head/ lakelands/meadow springs but it does all depend on hubby's work to where we finally settle. What about yourself?
  4. Hiya Just a quick question for anyone who can help..... Is there anything we have to do with the washing machine before we ship it, I'm concerned that I cannot clean it thoroughly enough and also has anyone shipped over any shaggy rugs and what they did with them such has cleaning. thanks
  5. Thanks for the replies..... It really does help reading other people's experiences and feelings about the move. I have a feeling that my emotions are gonna be like a roller coaster ride for sometime yet. One thing for sure when it comes to saying good bye I know I'm gonna be a blubbering wreck and that terrifies me, especially for my children. However I've been planning this move for 5 years and believe you me I'm gonna give it my all. best of luck to everyone planning the move
  6. Hellooo Hubby leaves for perth on the 8th October hoping to secure a job and a rental before me and my 3 daughters arrive. Hubby will return bk for Xmas and then as a family set off to perth on the 8th jan. Move cube arrives on the 18th October and then me and the girls will be moving in with the parents. I've just sat down with a cuppa and thought to myself s*** what am I doing. All of a sudden I'm getting nervous. Don't get me wrong I'm excited and have been planning the move for about 5 years. We've been really busy trying to get everything organised such as renting our house, moving into a rental, booking flights, thinking about what furniture we are going to take, if it will fit in a move cube etc etc....and now it's all coming together I'm scared about what I'm leaving behind! My move cube arrives in 6 weeks time so I should be busy packing, but instead I'm sat here thinking how my life is being turned upside down I'm assuming this is a normal reaction.... But just wondering how did you feel?
  7. libbyw


    Yes that helps a lot! Thanks x
  8. libbyw


    Thanks redsquare, I'll have a look. Thanks fifi69, I think I'm gonna have to kick my daughter into her sisters bedroom so I can use her room to measure it out, the only thing is I don't fancy dismantling all the beds to put back up again as still using them. I could take all my mattresses off as these are easy to slip back onto the beds and then measure the bed frames to see if it will fit, so that way it will give me a better idea. Laurahen that's great to hear, be great if I can fit more in as I do have a few boxes that I would like to put in, but not as important as the other things. My sideboard is 122cm in length and 41cm in width, I'm planning on putting shoes and clothes in this so i can make use of the space. Did you use mattress covers to protect them and also do you have any other tips? thanks guys really appreciate it
  9. libbyw


    I'm after some advice on people who have used a move cube who shipped their belonging to Perth. I'm a little unsure on whether my stuff will fit in. I have the dimensions of the move cube but its hard to imagine if it will fit until everything is dismantled. I have a small sideboard, double bed with mattress, bunk beds with 2 single mattresses and a single Metal frame bed with mattress. I also have a tumble dryer and washing machine. All beds can be dismantled. This is based on a large move cube. What do you think or am I mad in thinking this will fit in. thanks
  10. libbyw


    Hi I have 3 girls who are keen gymnasts, currently my older 2 (10&8) are in the acrobatics competition group, and my youngest one (7)is in the competition group for the club. We are heading out to perth hopefully sept/october time. Does anyone know of any good gymnastic/acrobatics clubs south of the river, preferable mandurah way? ​thanks in advance
  11. Hi everyone I've been searching through this site for quite a few months now and thought it was about time that i introduced myself. I am a 30 yr old married women, hubby is 29 and we have 3 girls who are 9, 8 and 6. We are planning to move to perth next year (hopefully July time). My husband is a self employed plumber/ gas engineer and he is the main applicant. We started the visa process in March and was granted the visa on the 12th september. Now all we have to do is sell the damn house
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