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Everything posted by DyLeB

  1. As above you need to work in regional Australia until the grant of the 887 visa as you are bound by the conditions of the 489. Breaching the conditions of the 489 could lead to a refusal of the 887 visa.
  2. Either you apply for a child 101 visa offshore - processing times around 6-12 months, or apply onshore for child 802 visa processing times longer and it is more expensive, plus run risk of being turned away at immigration as youngest traveling on visitors visa.
  3. The Partner visa you will require that amount of information, only other things to add could be Wills and joint travel, holidays etc. To show nature of your commitment to each other and social aspect of relationship.
  4. Discussing your options with a registered migration agent would be the best way forward. What are you hoping to do in Australia, long term? Get sponsorship. There are specific visas if you just want the kids to go to school but it's the international fees of around $11,000 per year and the student guardians are not allowed to work.
  5. these fees apply to children that hold a 571 student visa
  6. Yes can only study for a max of 3 months on a visitor visa in limited circumstances. for up,to 10 weeks of study you would be looking at nearly $3000. http://www.eti.wa.edu.au/Pages/Your%20study%20options/Study%20at%20school/Short-term-study-programs.aspx What at visa will the adults be on? There may be better options than visitor visas.
  7. We didn't have to write on but the break down on what they are looking for is below, would just answer each section like a question. You and your partner must each provide a statement or statutory declaration regarding the history of your relationship, including: how, when and where you first met how your relationship developed when you decided to marry or to start a de facto relationship your domestic arrangements (how you support each other financially, physically and emotionally and when this level of commitment began) any periods of separation (when and why the separation occurred, for how long and how you maintained your relationship during the period of separation) your future plans. The statements written by you and your partner can be on ordinary writing paper or a statutory declaration form. Each statement or statutory declaration must be signed and dated by the person who wrote it.
  8. He would not likely be eligible for LRR as his wife's family are also included in the eligible family living in Australia.
  9. Even if state nomination was available you couldn't change your application - so you would need to re-apply with a new application fee. But you could re-use Medicals and police checks if still within the 12 months.
  10. It's expensive, but it is now $880 for a child to be included in a PR application.
  11. The 189 and 190 are basically the same visa once granted they have the same conditions, only difference is that you have a 2 year obligation to live and work in WA, but this is not a visa condition, but moral obligation to the state. 190 requires state nomination, and will get extra 5 points, but your occupation needs to be on the WA state occupation list. 189 requires occupation on SOL. Personally, having had a 457 after a WHV, I wouldn't entertain going on a 457 if eligible for PR now. It took us 71/2 months to get out PR to get skills assessment, IELTS to grant - it's not taking that much longer now. If if going to go over in 457 I would also be working towards PR at the same time, especially going with children.
  12. No RRV can be applied for onshore or offshore, but they are a lot more difficult to get if offshore, if don't meet the 2 years out of last 5 requirement.
  13. I wouldn't apply for holiday visa as this can cancel out the PR, but if you are living in Australia, and they have stayed in UK to finish education etc, having substantial ties to Australia and reason why they have not made the move could be seen as exceptional circumstances to grant a RRV, but they may only get 3 months or 1 year, but may be above to get a 5 year RRV when you would be eligible after you have lived for 2 out of 5 years in Australia. Our 176 also run out near end of nxt year...not made the move yet either.
  14. Not sure how many points you are claiming for english ability, but there are now new test that you can do instead of IELTS. May be worth looking in to these than sitting waiting for an invite which may never happen. http://www.immi.gov.au/News/Pages/aelt.aspx
  15. http://www.immi.gov.au/Work/Pages/general-skilled-migration/estimated-allocation-times.aspx
  16. You can apply from anywhere, but won't get a bridging visa if you apply in New Zealand. But nothing stopping you applying from NZ. Good luck with next exam, I read that there are some you tube tutorials called IELTS ryan, not sure if they are any good.
  17. I would get professional advice before before proceeding. Engineers Australia I have seen in the past if they assess you for one thing and it doesn't match but fits something else they will give assessment under that code. My oh went down the CDR route, his masters not Washington accord, he did the CDR alongside getting chartered with iMechI (his degree not accredited with them either). A lot of his work ex was offshore and degree in material and something... Not sure as its in French, I was worried he wouldn't get the assessment as mech eng but he did. Hope you get it sorted and all works out for you.
  18. Non-migrating dependents still require medicals, and require to pass the medicals too, as its a 1 fail all fail policy. From what I have seen on the forums, for the UK going down the court route to get permission is always granted, even when parent going on temp visas, different the other way round from Australia, permission a lot harder to get.
  19. It will be advisable to include your oldest child on the application so he will also get a visa, so he would also be validating before returning home to live with his father. unless he is not able to be included as a migrating dependent. How old is he.
  20. Looking at the last few rounds of invitation results, you are going to need 65 points to be invited for 489 family sponsored. Next step would be to be to look at state nomination 489 if you require 10 points.
  21. we have had our visas for couple of years but the processing is still the same, we didn't front load anything, but had a CO 2 wks after lodging the application. We started filling in form 80 incase we were asked but wasn't.
  22. If this occupation is now on SOL, you can apply for either 189 or 190. But will still need state nomination if go for 190, but if you can meet the points test without the 5 points from state nomination, then 189 can lodge EOI and get invitation in one of the 2 rounds of invitations per month.
  23. We weren't asked for form 80, not everyone is. put UK as that's where you were when applied and granted.
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