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Everything posted by DyLeB

  1. Next step would be to see if you can get a positive skills assessment. production manager is assessed by VETASSESS and is group B occupation which will require degree qualification. http://www.vetassess.com.au/Portals/0/Downloads/qualification_assessment/VETASSESS-General-Occupation-List.pdf?vid=100 aeronautical engineer assessed by Engineers Australia, and will also need engineering degree. Aeronautical engineer on SOL therefore 189 would be better option to 190, would only look at the 489 as last resort but family sponsorship needs occupation on SOL, and this is only a provisional visa, with a family I would try for PR first. Production manager manufacturing on CSOL therefore only state nomination or employer sponsorship and option for this occupation.
  2. what is the nominating occupation? Has you OH completed a skills assessment?
  3. To meet the age exemption you need to earn the high earning threshold around $126-130,000 for 4 years while on 457 for employer sponsored 186.
  4. http://www.doctorconnect.gov.au/internet/otd/publishing.nsf/Content/medicareProviderNumberLegislation Prob the reason why you can only go for 457. Def get professional advice
  5. The nomination agreement is a moral obligation as no condition on visa to remain or even visit the state. But applying for sponsorship when you never have any intention of living in the state when applying for the visa could be seen as giving false or misleading information on your application. Never seen that happen, majority of people who decide to go to different state happens after the visa has been granted. Also the 489 does have a condition to live and work in regional Australia, it also does not specify the state which must be lived in, to meet the requirements of 887, so can also change States as long as stay within the postcodes allowed.
  6. Ours took the whole 16 wks as stated but that was years ago, non Washington accord. We sent in the sept and got back near end jan. It's their school summer hols just now and with xmas everything slows down until end jan.
  7. Would say a statement from both partners. https://www.immi.gov.au/media/fact-sheets/35relationship.htm When submitting evidence of a de facto relationship, applicants must be able to demonstrate that their relationship has existed for at least one year before the application is made. Evidence may include but is not limited to: The history of the relationship through a signed statement regarding: how, when and where the couple first met how the relationship developed the couple's domestic arrangements, that is, how they support each other financially, physically and emotionally and when this level of commitment began any periods of separation, when and why the separation occurred, for how long and how the couple maintained their relationship during the period of separation the couple's future plans. Financial aspects of the relationship, such as: joint ownership of the house or joint names on a lease correspondence addressed to the couple at the same address details of financial commitments including bank statements, and any joint liabilities. (Joint liabilities such as house insurance/car insurance/loans) wills The nature of the household, such as: any joint responsibility for the care and support of any children the couple's living arrangements including sharing responsibilities within the home. Social context, such as: evidence that the couple is generally accepted and recognised as a couple socially such as joint invitations evidence of common friends assessments by the couple's friends and family of the relationship joint travel or joint participation in sporting, social or cultural activities. The couple's commitment to each other, such as: the duration of the relationship including knowledge of each other intention to have a long term relationship, for example, through terms of their wills correspondence and telephone accounts to show that the couple maintained contact during any periods of separation.
  8. Would defiantly take professional advice, George Lombard is an agent frequently recommended for cases involving medical issues. Unless there is an issue with your other kidney, I would say it won't likely stop you getting the visa granted. But at the medical would be advised to take along documentation from your consultant regarding your op etc. This way your medical can be assessed quicker as this will be sent to the medical officer of the commonwelth. Medicals look at potential future costs, if there is no foreseen future costs can't see there being an issue, but the medical will be referred, all medicals that have anything in the medical history are refered.
  9. They would require new Medicals but if they failed it then the waiver could be used, as passed previously.
  10. You getting a job will not help towards your wife's visa which is 5 points short. partner points are only given if the partner holds a positive skills assessment and occupation on same list as main applicant, so CSOL in this case. If if your wife if 5 points short, state nomination either 190 or 489 to make up the point, if already included these points. Only option would be employer sponsorship.
  11. The reason that non-migrating dependednts require a medical is due to the waiver scheme if a child sponsored by PR parent who didn't pass the medical would still get in to Australia. This was abused in the past that children who would not pass the medical were listed as non-migrating dependents, then after parents visas granted a child visa was applied for using the medical waiver. To stop people doing this all non-migrating dependents require medicals.
  12. Dependents must be listed on the WHV application which must be applied for as paper copy can't apply online if you have dependents. So DIBP will already know about dependent unless lied on application and then put all furtre applications at risk for cancellation. I heard of someone ,giving having a baby on a whv and the visa was cancelled straight away, was giving bridging visa e to sort the child's passport out and leave the country. DIBP frown upon people entering australia on visitors visas waiting for 457 visas to be granted as can say you are not a genuine tourist.
  13. Hopefully it will be granted before you go. You cannot include a dependent child on your application for a Working Holiday visa (subclass 417). A dependent child cannot accompany you at any time while you are in Australia. Your partner can accompany you to Australia, but they will need to apply for their own visa.http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/417.aspx
  14. It's not a subject access request you need it's a police certificate. I would wait for your agent to request the police certificate, as you only have 12 months from earliest date of medicals and police checks to validate your visas. but worth printing out the form to be organised as you need passport photo signed by certain profession. http://www.acro.police.uk/police_certificates.aspx
  15. I had a Clydesdale account - I found them really backwards in many things so bank with someone else. Maybe open another UK account to do transfer to moneycorp.
  16. This is the form which is requested by DIBP, the police check when returned has your photo printed on it, so no denying it you.
  17. I wouldn't apply for the police check until you have at least lodged your visa application, as you only have 12 months from earliest date of medicals or police checks to validate your visa. To give yourself plenty of time to get organised to move and so you have CO contact details it is best to wait until requested for medicals and police certificates.
  18. http://www.acro.police.uk/police_certificates.aspx Tick the box that states have you ever lived in Scotland on page 5.
  19. Problem is that you require engineering degree to get positive skills assessment as full Engineer from Engineers Australia. You prob going to need to look at engineer technologist or Engineer technician with the level of your qualifications. I understand that you will probably be doing the job of a full engineer, it is just the way the skills assessments work. Depending what occupation best fits skills and qualifications this will determine if you are eligible for 189 if occupation is still on SOL list. Best to get you case fully reviewed by a registered migration agent.
  20. Prob best to start your own threads, as OP questions were related to tourist visas and provisional visas.
  21. Best way to get PR would be SKilled Migration, bricklayer is on SOL so could go for independent 189 visa. You will need a positive skills assessment and possibly the IELTS test to make up points. If you can get your application lodged before your 2nd WHV expires you will be granted a bridging visa with full work rights to remain in Australia until a decision is made on your visa. SKills assessments can take a few months so would start soon to get it done if you want to stay. Trades generally find it hard to get employer sponsored positions.
  22. Just declare what you have at immigration and there wont be a problem. We had some ready made cartons and unopened powder and other bits of baby food. We just showed everything we had and got it all through. As we had stuff to declare we were sent to the declare benches and didnt have to line up and get all our bags scanned. We did buy more powder when we were there even though it was karicare Aprimal brand, use aptimal at home it was quite different. SO even if they have SMA it might taste very different.
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