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  1. My husband and I are having a scouting visit at the end of January and wondering if there is anything that should make our priority on on 2 week stay. We have a secured a rental in sorrento for our time as NOR is where we intend to move and near to his company office in North Beach. My husband works in the oil field on the north coast of WA and we have a 3yr old daughter. if anyone who has already done the big move wants to let us know a bit more about life in perth, with either a coffee or something stronger let me know! debbie:jiggy:
  2. Northern Ireland is cod or haddock but better than fish is a pastie supper slathered in salt and vinegar-curry sauce and fish??
  3. Hi guys, thanks for your responses, I think we have talked ourselves into taking them over mainly due to the value they would be worth over there and also the convenience of not having to hunt out a second hand car when we get out there. We know that we can't take them out until we have owned them a year (both are only within 6 months old to us) so should hopefully saved the costs by the time shipping comes around. have asked for a quote from Iron Lady direct but that was for the range rover in single container so might try and see if they will double it up debz
  4. Hi all, can anybody shed any light on transporting your vehicle. My husband and I are wanting to take our cars over later on in the year as we have to wait until we have owned them for a year. I have a mini and he has a range rover and in an ideal world we would love to take them both over but are quite daunted by the calculations to work out importation tax etc? What classes as a luxury car for luxury car tax and is the value of your cars based from red book? Both of these vehicles are second hand and we have looked at their value in aud in redbook. TYIA debbie
  5. Thanks everyone! Taking a bit of everything onboard! Still trying to get my head around everything really. I think once we have confirmed everything with his company I will more of the requirements of the visa application process. I know about the reciprocal health care as we are in the uk but wasn't sure how much it all covered. I'm under no illusions of expected anything for nothing and not after a free run like some folk here in uk. as for an agent nothing has been confirmed yet but plenty of his colleagues have offered to help us mich as they can. will lcheck out the companies that you have all listed above
  6. Hi guys, just trying to weigh up the difference between shipping a container from Aberdeen to Fremantle, I've gotten a few quotes but not sure about the import tax on items. Is it just as well buying new when we get out, as essentially we are going to have to get some items until the container turns up? If we were shipping we would filling a 10 or 20ft with just general household items, living and bedroom furniture and himself would have to bring his beloved tools!if I'm getting one I'm filling it up basically! TYIA
  7. Hi guys, my daughters dob is 31/01/2010 and we are planing on the bug move early next yr. I know she will be starting the preprimary come 2015 but what are the cut off dates for birthdays and yr to to yr? Ie Scotland if your bday is in feb determines which yr you go in to TYIA
  8. After many months of being unsure what our plans our my husband has come home from an offshore trip telling me his company has offered him a permanent position and want to put us all through a 457 visa-there is us two and our nearly 3 yr old. So a few questions, we are looking in the hillarys/north beach area if anyone has any advise or knows the area I need any info going!schooling in these areas as well. im so excited, I'm coming out for a scout in the new year so I can do all ground working! Oh and Medicare and if anyone here in on repeat prescriptions-what are charges and healthcare like as I'm on steroid replacement medication for life. thanks in advance! debbie
  9. Do it! My OH is offshore and we are trying to make the move, we are waiting till he gets a sponsor first before we progress with visas etc. I did notice that a lot offshore trades are on the state sponsorship list online and after 1st July the points goes down from 65 to 60 point required although you do need financial backing. Best of luck!
  10. Whats AIPIC?cant find anything for that online?
  11. Thanks guys,iv given him the email address,he has been trying to get with appulus here in the uk so he can transfer to oz,and he's never heard of veolia so that's a new one to look into,cheers!
  12. Hi,we are hoping to relocate in the next 6 months with my husband being accepted with a sponsor. We are planning on moving to Perth with our 2 year old (3 in jan 2013) and I'm wondering if anybody can pass on any information about the better areas to live and schooling. Obviously we are going to go where better education is and reasonable rent. Also with him getting accepted in with a sponsor will this put any restrictions on my employment? I'm a travel agent and also run a pub on the side also I have a medical condition where I am on medication for the rest of my days and in the uk I have an exemption certificate and also a specialist where I see annually, so also information on hospital and medical systems is also grateful I'm completely stumped on where to start on all this so I think that's about it for now
  13. Hiya, Me and and my husband are hoping to relocate to oz and my husband currently works in the north sea sector and I was wondering if anybody had any contacts for any companies. He is traing as an NDT inspector and rope access, any help can be greatly appreciated. I'm a travel agent and a bar supervisor. Thanks
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