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  1. Hi Gwen. thanks for your reply. Would be lovely to have a catch up. I normally only work 4 days a week but unfortunately for the next couple of weeks I am working full time. Perhaps we could arrange a meet up after that. Joondalup sounds like a good place. Thanks. Will be in touch.
  2. Sue12


    hi. sorry to hear you feel like this. sounds so much like my family at the moment. although we both would like to move home but due to various reasons it’s not possible. we’ve been here for 11 years and it’s got harder. if you fancy a catch up anytime just let me know. homesickness is dreadful.
  3. hi. i live NOR as well. all feels a bit hard at the moment. would be good to catch up but probably wouldn’t be very good company!!! at the moment
  4. hi. thanks for replying. missing family and friends and everything that’s home to us. feels like the longer i’ve been here the worse it’s become. thanks for listening
  5. hi. we live NOR. would be happy to meet up on my days off. have been here 11 years now but getting more homesick as time goes by.
  6. hi. we live NOR. would be happy to meet up on my days off. have been here 11 years now but getting more homesick as time goes by.
  7. hi. i’m new to this site but not to perth. been here 11 years but struggling with homesickness at the moment. really missing family and friends. met lots of friends over the years but all seem to have drifted away due to various reasons. looking to make new friends to help make living here a bit better.
  8. we are also from cornwall. what made you return after 4 years. feeling very homesick at the moment. how long were you here for first time. how has your daughter coped. our daughter is 15. be good to hear from you.
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