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Steve and Paula

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Everything posted by Steve and Paula

  1. Hi there, i don't know NOR at all and currently live in Port Kennedy. We love Secret Harbour as well and will be moving there once our lease is up here. We like the look and what we've heard about the high school there although our kids are a number of years away from going. We have a 5 and 2.5 year old. We love all the trees around and obviously the ocean, golf course for my hubby, etc. your husband could drive to Warnbro train station to avoid the drive on the freeway. Lots to weigh up I know. Good luck with your decision. Paula
  2. Hi Kelly, i could meet next Monday or Tuesday morning. I'll send you a PM so we can arrange something. Loving it so far! We have a 5 year old son and 2.5 year old daughter. Look forward to meeting. Paula
  3. Hi Kelly and Karen, I'm in Port Kennedy with my husband and two kids. We moved over from Canada last August (hubby is an Aussie) and would love to meet some new friends. Send me a message if you're interested. take care. Paula
  4. Hi there, We live one street off of Grand Ocean and it isn't as busy as we thought it would be. It is on a bus route and not sure how often the buses travel but probably not more than once every half a hour I would think. The houses are really nice on the street and you have a dedicated lane way to access the houses off of the street except for the ones on corners. So if you have kids they could really play on the street in front of your house and still not be on the main street. Hope this helps. Paula
  5. Hi Sueloo, Would love to meet up and get the kids playing. I'll send you a private message to set something up. Paula
  6. Hi Stacey, how long have you been here and how are you finding it? We've been here since mid August (in Port Kennedy since mid October) and love it down here. We have a 5 year old son and 2 year old daughter and would be up for getting together for a Playdate. Maybe meet at a local park? Send me a PM if you're interested. Paula
  7. Happy New Year to you as well! I remember waiting for the big move to Perth to happen. We arrived mid August and love it! We are in Port Kennedy near Rockingham and love it down here. So close to the beach and the rentals are more affordable than in Perth. Feel free to ask any questions. Are you still waiting for your visas? We have a 5 year old son and 2 year old daughter. Take care. Paula
  8. Hi JAK, i just saw this on the home page and not sure if this is just for Mum's or if the kids can come too. I'm 40 with a 5 year old son and 2 year old daughter. We've been in Port Kennedy since October which is only 15 minutes from Baldivis. I'd love to meet some new people. Let me know if you're interested. Thanks, Paula
  9. Hi Ruth, chipmunks sounds like a great idea! I'll send you a PM here with my email so we can sort out a day to meet. How are you finding the heat wave this week? Yikes! talk soon. Paula
  10. Hi jodi25noodles, i'm in Port Kennedy with my husband and 2 young kids. We came from Canada midAugust. If you're interested in getting together let me know. I'd love to meet some people. take care. Paula
  11. Hi Ruth, i have only gone to St Bernadette's once before the Christmas/school holidays started and quite enjoyed it. Would you like to meet up with myself, my 5 year old son and 2 year old daughter? We'd love to meet new people. We've been here a few months and am trying to meet new people as well. let me know. Paula
  12. Hi Kelly, hope you had a great Christmas! The Playgroup was great and I've since gotten together with a woman I met there and her two young boys. Seems like a nice group of women with kids ranging from only a few months to school age. Definitely stay in touch. Have you found a rental or will you wait until arriving? I assume it would be much easier to do once you're here. looking forward to meeting in the new year. Paula
  13. I recently joined The Club on Warnbro Sound Ave in the complex where the IGA, Westpac, And other shops are. It's big, clean, lots of machines, etc. they also have childcare which is why I went there. I only paid for a 3 month membership because I didn't want to be stuck in a long term contract in case I didn't end up going too much. Any other questions just let me know. Paula
  14. Hi Jen, I'm Paula and have a 5 year old son and 2 year old daughter. We live in Port Kennedy which is 5 to 10 minutes away from Rockingham. I'm from Canada and my husband is Aussie. We have been here since August. Feel free to send me a message and we can get the kids together. Enjoy your cold Christmas, it's supposed to be 40C here on Christmas Day! Yikes. talk soon. Paula
  15. Hi there, so nice to hear from another Canuck! My family and I just moved from Cambridge, ON in August and are loving it here! My husband is from WA but was inCanada with me for 10 years. My family was and is not happy with our decision so I know about not being able to talk to them about how excited you are to do this. If you have any questions feel free to PM me. Best of luck on Getting your visa. Talk soon. Paula
  16. Hi there, my family and I are in Port Kennedy so not far away at all. We have a 5 year old son and 2 year old daughter. We've been here since October. Would love to meet up. Send me a PM if you're interested. Paula
  17. How old are your kids? I'm checking out a Playgroup this Thurs for the first time and there's another I'm going to go to next week as well. That sucks you couldn't find one there. I'll try to PM you as well. Paula
  18. Hi Kelly,We have been in Port kennedy for 6 weeks now I guess and we love it! It's quiet, not so crazy busy like in Perth, gorgeous beaches, great parks, school, etc. Is there anything specific you would like to know about? Send me a pm and we can chat. Has your husband accepted the job offer and if so, when are you coming over? Congrats on the upcoming special arrival!Hope to hear from you soon.Paula
  19. Hi The Waltons, Kate and Heidi, Thanks for your replies! Glad to know we're not the only ones looking for friends. The kids and I could drive down one morning next week (not Tuesday) for a playdate in a park somewhere. We're coming from South Perth so since most of you are in Baldivis can you recommend a park there? Obviously we'll have to pick a day the weather looks good for this. Send me a private message with your email or mobile #'s and then I'll send you mine. Talk soon. paula
  20. Hi Tony and Helen, My husband (41) and I (40) arrived Aug 12th and have a 5 year old son and 2 year old daughter. Yes I know how hard this is and would love to get the kids together for a playdate. We have just secured a rental in Port Kennedy but our sea container is still another 2 - 3 weeks away so we are currently in South Perth with my inlaws (did I mention the last month has been hard?!). Let me know if you'd like to meet up and we'll get on it. Thanks, Paula
  21. Hi there, We have been in Perth since Aug 12th and have just secured a rental in Port Kennedy. What a process that was!! Our sea container was supposed to arrive yesterday but was re-routed to Melbourne so we're looking at another 2 - 3 weeks before finally settling in our own place with our own furniture again. Just wanted to see if there were any families in the Port Kennedy area looking to meet up and get the kids together? We have a 5 year old son and two year old daughter. Unfortunately there is a waiting list for kindy so it looks like my son has to wait until Feb to start pre-primary. I am hoping to find someone with kids similar age to help keep him from going completely bored! Hope to hear from someone so I can start meeting people and get to feeling like this just isn't a long vacation we're on. Thanks, Paula
  22. Hi Sarah, That sounds great! Our son would love a friend his age to play with and I would love to meet some newbies as well! I will definitely get in touch once we're there and settling in. Talk soon. Paula
  23. Hi Sally, Yes very near, in fact we are currently in New Zealand for a 2 week holiday before heading to Perth on the 12th so the big flights are already behind us! Just a 7 hour flight to Perth which should be a piece of cake! The kids did brilliantly on the way over here and slept 7.5 hours of the 12 hour flight from LA to Auckland and hardly no signs of jetlag. It really couldn't have gone any better than it did. So glad to hear that you are loving it. I will definietly get in touch when we're there and hook up to compare being newbies for sure. My husband has lived there for a few years and all his family is there so I've got some inside scoop if you ever have any questions about life in Perth. Talk to you soon. Paula
  24. Hi Emma, Thanks for that, we did make it to New Zealand yesterday and am so impressed with how well the kids did on the flights! Obviously we're tired but we all slept through our first night in NZ so am pleased with that too! Now we just relax and wait to arrive in Perth on Aug 12th. It has been a very busy and stressful last few weeks so relaxing is a must. Still can't believe we're here and so close to being in Oz. The dream is pretty much a reality! Too exciting! Chat soon and would love to meet up on Angelo Street. Paula
  25. Hi Yorktoperth, I'll be staying in South Perth from Aug 12th with my husband, almost 5 year old son and 2 year old daughter. Would love to get together while the hubby's are working. How are you enjoying things so far? Keep in touch. Paula
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