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Everything posted by Chico

  1. Hi Paula, we've been here since the end of August, and move into our rental next week. I have a daughter who is 8 and a son his is 4 and I am also looking to meet up with similar aged kids, we are in Baldivis. Hope to meet up soon Kate
  2. Chico

    Baldivis area

    Thanks Michelle, but in the last couple of days we have managed to secure a rental over in baldivis north.
  3. Hi me and my family arrived in Baldivis on the 31st August and are looking at securing a long term rental in the area. So are now looking at the primary schools, can anyone give us any help on them, especially Baldivis Primary and Makybe Rise Primary as nearly all the rentals we have looked at have been in the catchment area for one of these schools. There don't seem to be any rentals in the catchment area for Settlers. Also is it worth having a look at Tranby? What are the fees like? My daughter is 8 and my son is 4 so we are looking for other families to meet up with and make friends, i am 35 and will be a stay at home mum and my OH 39 will be working in Bentley for Western Power. Thanks Kate
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