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  1. We have never stayed NOR, so it's hard to compare but I would say it is good for young families. The golf club has stuff for juniors, State Swim for lessons and there is Larkhill sports ground and of course Life Saving Club for Nippers or learn to surf. Playgroup at the Community Centre. I would go so far as to say we think it's the nicest spot between Mandurah and Rockingham. But we're biased. We have been here for 4.5 years and been quite comfortable with it as a suburb. We even have a house for sale for you! With a pool. (Moving to UK coz hubby has good job offer and his mum back there all on her own.) Also only neighbours either side & behind and not across from us as there is reserve opposite, so not got nosey Jones' here! Home Open this Sunday. Come have a nosey. http://www.realestate.com.au/property-house-wa-secret+harbour-113800471
  2. Hi Sue, Editing my older post to say we are having a Home Open this Sunday. Time to be confirmed. Cheers, Sally.
  3. Hi Sue, No Home Open scheduled as we thought we had sold and only found out today it was not going through anymore. Did you confuse ours with another? Anyway, it's back on the market! But give our agent a call tomorrow and arrange a time when she can bring you through. She may have other Home Opens on but see when she's free. Best I get it tidy again. Thanks!
  4. Scratch that. The buyers sale has fallen through so they are not buying ours. back on the market.
  5. Hi, We are heading to the UK (Glasgow) for Scottish born husband to take up a job. Have been here from South Africa for 5 years and in our Secret Harbour house for 4.5 years. It's been well looked after and we will miss it! It is in the catchment for the Secret Harbour Primary School and 2 mins from Larkhill Sports Fields which have 2 playparks for kids and lovely big fields for dog walking where we have spotted 'roo's at sunset in the fenced off bush area alongside it. 2 mins by car to the beach. Shops nearby etc. Pool a godsend in the hot, hot, hot Perth Summers. Been on the market 3 weeks. I thought it wouldn't hurt to put the link on here for any newcomers or not so new but looking to buy. The link is: http://www.realestate.com.au/property-house-wa-secret+harbour-113800471 Lisa the agent is also originally from the UK!
  6. Salmart


    Has anyone in the Rockingham Council region applied for citizenship lately. I am curious to know how long it took to get a ceremony date once you received the letter to say they had approved the application (after passing the test). And then how long after the ceremony to get the passport. Thanks, Sally
  7. The Butchers in the Secret Harbour Shopping Centre, Smithfields, are quite good.
  8. Hi, Small Friends Preschool in Singleton is fantastic. They do have a waiting list but I would make contact and put your name down now as a lot of kids will be moving on to Kindy. My son goes there and they are wonderful. Contact them on (08) 9537 3606. Good Luck
  9. Hello, Just wondering if anyone knows of a good dog groomer who can go 'round to our dog sitter lady (in Cooloongup) to trim our 2 Scotties nails while we are away in UK for a month. Thanks, Sally M.
  10. Hi, You could try Pantryman in Rockingham City Shopping Centre. Down near the Coles end of the centre in on of the entrance Alleyways. (http://www.pantryman.com.au/) Sally.
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