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Everything posted by Adjutant

  1. If you have young kids then Dragons Kingdom is a great place to go. Lots of rides and pools for wee ones. We will be there in a couple of days.
  2. Does anyone know when the Scotland vs Wallabies game is on this weekend and if its being shown on Free to Air TV at all ? Cheers
  3. It is a nice spot and a well planned area with lots of parks around the place. The older parts are a bit nicer as more trees were retained in the planning, whereas a lot of the new areas were bull dozed flatt, so not a tree to be seen - just roof after roof. I work in the city at it take me about 50 minutes door to door, catching the bus to the train station then train in. We also like being south of the city as its much easier for weekend breaks down to the south west towns for weekend breaks, wineries etc. Not too much to go to up north.
  4. We moved from Adelaide to Perth ... however that was going via Scotland for 10 year stay, so probably cant help too much.
  5. Hi all, It seems the congregation of too many British in one place has attracted the rain, so BBQ off for this afternoon but will see who can make either BBQ tomorrow or meet up for a drink. Damn rain gods. Typical....
  6. All, if the rain does come along, who would be able to do the same time Sunday? if we do go to Sunday and it also rains, then we can adjourn to Chasers Bar in Stockland shops for a drink. let me know your thoughts. at this stage it is still on for today, but need to plan ahead. cheers
  7. Lou, I'd expect it will be about 3-7pm ... depends if the Mozzies crash the party and drive us out.
  8. That's a shame Lou. If we plan something else soon I'll let you know.<br><br><br><br> <br><br>
  9. A couple of us in the Baldivis area are planning to meet up for a BBQ this Saturday at Steel Tree Park from 3pm. If any other families in the area would like to join us then feel to come along. Steel Tree park has its own BBQ's, play equipment for the kids to run around on, shaded area and is located on the corner of Brennan Prom and Tranby Drive in Baldivis. There is nothing official about this, we don't have exclusive use of the area, you don't need to RSVP (but if you want to PM me and let me know that's fine), just turn up with your own supplies of BBQ materials, food, wine, beer etc. and hope for the best. Map Here Lets hope for a nice sunny day.
  10. Permanent roles often take longer to get an offer out compared to contract work, for the reasons outlined above. I got offered my role at the end of the interview, but that is quite rare as its a smaller company who can make decisions quicker. Your dealing with a government type organisation who will have lots of bureaucracy to get through (that's what HR departments specialise in) before they make any offers
  11. Looks like it might be the following weekend.
  12. Hi, we might be organising a BBQ at Steel tree park this Sat for people to turn up at leisure and meet a few new faces. it will be no more than a time and place and if people come they come. look out for an update. cheers
  13. We had ours in for the first couple of months in the new place and it was about $145. This was a $30 for water and the rest was for fixed charges ... so water consumption is not the big part of the bill. It doesn't give much of an incentive to save water if the majority of your bill is fixed fees that you cant avoid anyway.
  14. For all those in, or nearby, Baldivis I found an old Group called 'Baldivis Friends' that I thought might be worth re-generating. In particular for people in the area to arrange social activities just as Mums with kids looking for play dates and meetups, BBQ's, sport buddy ... etc I'm not the Group owner, but will look to see how much interest there is in the Group. Cheers
  15. "Against All Odds" - Phil Collins It certainly felt like that sometimes ...
  16. We originally looked at Secret Harbour, but glad we didn't in the end as it is quite isolated and not very good transport links. We have gone for the original part of Baldivis (Settlers Hill) where the blocks are bigger and its much more established with lots of greenery and established trees around. Transport links are great, it takes me 5 minutes on the bus to the train station then about 35 mins to the city. Baldivis now covers a huge area with many of the new houses, although shiny and new, suffering from smaller blocks and the entire landscape has been bulldozed flat without a tree to be seen. @Marie21 - We've just come back to Oz after 10 years in Scotland (just south of Edinburgh)
  17. Try the below link for Rogue Fitness Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/rogue.fitness.wa?hc_location=stream I signed up on the weekend for the next 6 week block starting next week. I get the impression I'll be well 'motivated' with a large boot up my backside to keep going ! (Exactly what I need)
  18. 21st could be possible. The easiest thing would be too meet at the BBQs in Steel Tree park at a certain time. Then it's just who ever turns up on the day, with everyone bringing their own stuff. No need to worry about who going to host it, RSVPs, counting numbers or worrying about people pulling out. there is my contribution to organising it
  19. Spot the Drop Bear in the tree above ... tricky to see but its quite clear. I'm glad I wasn't camping there with that thing about.
  20. Mortien wont keep the big fellas out. It is a relief to find out the snake that slithered into your sleeping back is in fact dead ... except for the fact it was killed by the Scorpions that moved in first. Welcome to camping in Australia !!
  21. We've just moved to the Settlers Hill part of Baldivis ... must be getting time for PP BBQ in Baldivis ??
  22. We have just moved to the Settlers Hill part of Baldivis 2 weeks ago and I'm currently looking at gym options. So far I've found http://www.baldivisfitness.com.au/ Which seems to have really good bootcamp classes and recently built their own assault course, as well as standard gym and personal training. I was going to join this one, but the classes are at 6pm and I wont make it back from work by then. There is also a 24hr Gym chain www.jetts.com.au at the Stocklands shops. I'm probably going to join a new bootcamp style one in Port Kennedy called Rogue Fitness (they have a Facebook page but website not running yet) which is indoor bootcamp style with classes in the morning and from 7pm. I was attracted to their Facebook photo section called the 'Spew Files' with photos of people being sick because they work you so hard . Gotta love a good vomit ! Being new to the area and having a gut to get rid of it would be good to meet up with anyone looking to get fitter and have the obligatory beer from time to time (athletes need their carbs). I'm just about the get back into cycling if anyone wants to head out for a ride. PM if you want. Cheers
  23. The City to Surf is coming up at the end of August, which is very popular. There are regular runs for a variety of organizations throughout the year, with triathlons also very regular if you want to increase your fitness range.
  24. Lions definitely deserved tonight win.... Not sure about the series win though.
  25. Your right it was iffy, which is why it wasn't awarded. It took a few camera angles to see how the elbow touched the line before the ball was grounded. I disagree the outcome would have been different if it was going the other way.
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